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Re: Does size matter?

From: Michael Silk <michaelslists () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 16:41:25 +1100

Why buy a book when you have:
http://board.win32asmcommunity.net/viewforum.php?f=5. Common sense
would suggest it's best to get something for free than pay for it :)

-- Michael

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 00:33:12 -0500, Bas Alberts
<bas.alberts () immunitysec com> wrote:
Sure, whatever gets you off. I tend to get into trouble for having
a really broad definition of 'common sense', so I'm a bit jaded when it
comes to things people think are 'art' or 'special', including payload
cuteness. However, on the subject of cute little hacks..if you're into that
kind of fun I'd recommend getting 'hackers delight'


Which is an awesome little book full of fun little algo hacks, and not
some bullshit bingo infosec rip off as the title would have you suspect.


On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 09:12:34PM -0800, vlad902 wrote:
On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 21:15:35 -0500, Bas Alberts
<bas.alberts () immunitysec com> wrote:
Hrmm..personally I'm more of a functionalist, as long as it A) fits
B) is reliable C) when in a bruting situation, does not foul up
a sensible brute step..I really don't care about 100 bytes more or
less. Ofcourse I'm of the school that thinks all this 'programming
is art' nonsense is umm..nonsense. As a journalism grad I got
into CS to get away from the hippies...oh how foolish I was.. :/

While programming may or may not be an "art" I don't think many people
can deny the fact that optimizing shellcode is very interesting. Being
able to do more in less is interesting if only to see just what odd
hacks you'll get that will actually execute to save a single byte. :>
Some of the slightly interesting stuff I've found:

1. Saving a byte when determining the position of the shellcode
(without NULLs) by not doing:

jmp foo
__foo: jmp start
foo: call __foo

But instead if the case allows (and it does in the case of my windows
bind/reverse shells) instead using a one-byte instruction instead of
jmp foo that takes a one byte argument and the offset from __foo to
foo in the encoded jmp instruction execute as an instruction. For

./msfpayload win32_bind R | ndisasm -u - | head -n 5
00000000  FC                cld
00000001  6AEB              push byte -0x15
00000003  4F                dec edi
00000004  E8F9FFFFFF        call 0x2
00000009  60                pusha
./msfpayload win32_bind R | ndisasm -u -e 2 - | head -n 3
00000000  EB4F              jmp short 0x51
00000002  E8F9FFFFFF        call 0x0
00000007  60                pusha

2. Self chaining function finding. In a windows shellcode that just
called 2 functions (WinExec() and
(ExitProcess|ExitThread|SetUnhandledExceptionFilter)) I decided to
have the exit function just take a bogus argument (specifically the
first argument to WinExec()) and have find_function chain itself. The
way I did this was I set-up a stack frame to something like this:
[ Arguments to WinExec() ]
[ Hash for exit function ]
[ Hash for WinExec() ]
[ &find_function ]
[ &find_function ]
then you can just ret and it magically works. find_function would
replace the hash for the function it found with the pointer to it so
you can develop payloads that chain themselves. Saved a couple of
bytes so I'm satisfied. :)

3. There are tons of different hacks about proper register usage/stack
usage depending on the case. A very simple example is doing:

o16 push      byte 0x64
push  word 0x6d63

to push cmd\0 on the stack in 7 bytes rather then clearing other regs
and pushing a null value, or putting a string in null reg and doing
lots of useless modifications. Or if the situation allows, set-up your
registers properly so that a pusha can save some space, etc, etc, etc.
I can go on forever with lots of little hacks, but I just wanted to
share some of the more interesting ones.

And if you're guessing on a single shot, you need to rethink your
approach ;) Ofcouse when it's a single shot in the sense where you
can't repeat your bug primitive at _all_ (even in 'crash once and it's
gone' scenerios you can often come up with a sensible approach that
rules out guessing to a fair extent), a smaller payload does have
significant advantages.

Now having said that, in practice it's always a game of adaptation,
so if your 600 byte super fancy overengineered socket recycling rc4
shellcode doesn't make the cut..you stage it..if the generic first
is too big, you special case it abusing specific quirks in your target
software that allow for smaller code (knowing a certain fd is always
your socket, being able to assume there's only 1 active connection..etc.

As far as platforms go, traditionally Win32 payloads have always
been a bit of a pain in the ass size wise, requiring hashing routines
etc. to be portable. Now there's a whole bunch of people who've done
some neat research into making that less of an issue, most notably
Oded's (I believe he was the first to go 'public', correct me if
I'm wrong) ordinal work. Also the metasploit folk have done some
cute work with regards to optimised win32 payloads.

Ok my mailinglist quota for 2005 is almost full \o/


On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 01:07:27AM +0100, Gigi Sullivan wrote:

   it's not my intention to send spam, despite the email's subject :)

   What I'm referring to is related to shellcode (or call it whatever you
   want) size; it's common knowledge -- or at least it used to be so, IMHO --
   that it may be possible to experience size constraints while trying to
   overflow a buffer (just think about plain stack-based overflows without any
   kind of protection/mitigation techniques) so that one is unable to find
   enough space to store his fancy executable stuff... directly into the
   overflowable buffer.

   So I was just curious: does size really still matters nowadays or we have
   enough space to do whatever we want in order to execute our shellcode [1]?

   Are there any difference between OSes? (i.e. usually Windows apps offer (as
   a feature? :)) just enough space to do our job)

TIA, bye

[1] yes, syscall proxying and other cool methods could help us developing more
    complex shellcode without worring too much about size, but I was thinking
    about old shellcode contests where the winner was who had it more
    little (always shellcode buddies, always shellcode :))

Lorenzo Cavallaro `Gigi Sullivan' <sullivan () sikurezza org>

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I did not know I lived until I had loved. (Theodor Korner)

See the reality in your eyes, when the hate makes you blind. (A.H.X)

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