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Re: Self updating worms?

From: Gadi Evron <ge () linuxbox org>
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 17:27:04 +0200

VX-ers have been trying to get a good grip on updating their creations for a while now.

Some attempts were made, as you mentioned, using IRC, web pages and network scanning.

Let us examine these techniques for a second.

1. IRC.
It is growing increasingly difficult to locate the echo channels, learn the interface commands and discover the right commands as well as gain privileges to kill them. And these drone armies are HUGE. Most of them are not considered worms at all but Trojan horses.

To do all this you must first find them, and once found. "making like a drone" or infiltrating is becoming increasingly difficult over time.

Once one Trojan horse was successfully installed, another soon follows through the same vulnerability - "door", or using the successful Trojan horse which got in to install yet another. I.e. using a backdoor rather than, possibly, the original exploit.

Although this is old and at times not very easy to work out, IRC controlled drone armies are huge, about, and successful.

Usually, they are unrelated to "worms", though. As such, much wider spread and a lot slower to spread.

2. Web pages.
Once you see the web page in the code or on the network, you can block it. You can also try and take the page down with different percentages of success - depending heavily on the hosting company and their care of their abuse inbox. Still, a very successful technique for worms over short periods of time.

History shows that even if updates come weeks later and these pages were empty (thus innocent), they will then most than likely still be on the air to be used for the update.

3. Network scans.
I.e. find the open backdoor installed by the worm and use it to update/install a new one, much like specified above under "IRC".

There are other ways. One recent "trick" was to use the hostile email messages an infected host sends out, to send IP lists of infected machines in that particular seeding attempt history.

There have been some P2P attempts and the kiddies keep getting better.

Personally? I look at the numbers.

This is no longer a world open only to l33t asm coders. This is what I call "open source malware". Not to be confused with the open source initiatives and communities of the Internet. It only means that the source is freely available.

Many VX-ers over the years released their source. From groups such as 29A through the good old DMSETUP at version 5, and others. Nowadays however kiddies can find the source for many of the big names out there, freely available, with updates AND support web forums. In contract to the closed communities of VX-ers.

See the numbers. See how many of them are SDbots, Agobots and so on and so forth.. all originating from the one before them.. but let us not go into biological models.

Over a thousand reported malware samples every month. There are a lot more. Most of these when they arrive at our doorstep (not known worms we all get flooded by, Trojan horses) are identified as something generic by heuristics.

It's only going to get worse. Why bother with updating a worm, which is a dead end as far as traceability - they want to remain anonymous - when they can simply release 30 new ones with minor modifications?

There is more to this, naturally, but I'm trying to make a point.

Worm controlling and drone army creation is going to keep becoming a bigger and bigger issue now that organized crime and spammers are involved - i.e. the people who see the return on their investment. And they do invest.

Point is.. keeping a _trail_ in order to update a network, without throwing rocks blindly and hoping for success - leaves a _trail_. It doesn't have to be a legal trail, but it can sure lead back to them, ruining their infrastructure online and at the end not meet the simple test of cost vs. benefit.

There are some promising technologies out there which may be the answer for their hopes and our fears... but that's not something I'd like to discuss here. They discuss it among themselves and have more resources than most security researchers as it is - when it comes to sharing information and finding samples.

That's about it in a few lines...

        Gadi Evron.

Email: ge () linuxbox org. Backup: ge () warp mx dk.
Phone: +972-50-428610 (Cell).

Jonathan Wilkins wrote:

It occured to me at CanSec this year that tools such as Core's Impact,
Immunity's Canvas and the open source Metasploit Framework (not to
mention the various worm development languages that Tom Ptacek, Joae
Nazario and Dave Aitel have been discussing) open up a new possibility
for worm automation.  By using standardized payloads, they allow for
extraction of injector code.  This opens the possibility of worms
learning of new exploits in a totally automated fashion.

I know this is no trivial task, but it would allow a stealthy worm to
continue to exploit new hosts long after it's initial release.  One
major disadvantage for a slow spreading worms has been that the longer
it takes to spread, the more hosts will be patched when it finally
attempts an attack.  If a slow spreading worm was able to get new
information on current exploits techniques long after initial release
this disadvantage would disappear.  Previously, worm authors have
attempted to provide updates through web sites, IRC channels, Usenet,
and the like, but the communication channels were easily disrupted.  By
building code into the worm that can identify payloads and extract
delivery code, the slow spreading worm could compromise thousands of
hosts without becoming such a obvious presence on the network that it is
discovered.  Further, since it's already examining network traffic, the
addition of a cryptographically secure update and control mechanism adds
obvious value (worm updates via spam?).
Imagine a worm that starts off by scanning 10000 hosts, in the next
generation, each instance would only scan 1000, then 100, then 10, then
1, then only scan with a 10% probability and so on.  Depending on the
wait between generations, the vulnerability used could be quite
different between different instances.

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