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MDKSA-2005:204 - Updated wget packages fix vulnerability

From: Mandriva Security Team <security () mandriva com>
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 16:23:10 -0700

Hash: SHA1

 Mandriva Linux Security Advisory                         MDKSA-2005:204
 Package : wget
 Date    : November 1, 2005
 Affected: 10.1, 10.2, Corporate 3.0, Multi Network Firewall 2.0
 Problem Description:
 Hugo Vazquez Carames discovered a race condition when writing output
 files in wget.  After wget determined the output file name, but before
 the file was actually opened, a local attacker with write permissions
 to the download directory could create a symbolic link with the name
 of the output file.  This could be exploited to overwrite arbitrary
 files with the permissions of the user invoking wget.  The time window
 of opportunity for the attacker is determined solely by the delay of
 the first received data packet.
 The updated packages have been patched to correct this issue.

 Updated Packages:
 Mandriva Linux 10.1:
 28b67f788c7ed5f28ca7e752b15a9eb8  10.1/RPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.101mdk.i586.rpm
 b0b856e5eeb63f608476877942f6a216  10.1/SRPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.101mdk.src.rpm

 Mandriva Linux 10.1/X86_64:
 d2fc09595e4bf4267c7cc7d9d5def8ee  x86_64/10.1/RPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.101mdk.x86_64.rpm
 b0b856e5eeb63f608476877942f6a216  x86_64/10.1/SRPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.101mdk.src.rpm

 Corporate 3.0:
 91f8d363d41afb43943f3f5569e2e83c  corporate/3.0/RPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.C30mdk.i586.rpm
 8ce78a19c89331fdb7527e6a4674376c  corporate/3.0/SRPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.C30mdk.src.rpm

 Corporate 3.0/X86_64:
 e3796c54a067d9ef54d08f779fe3ec9d  x86_64/corporate/3.0/RPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.C30mdk.x86_64.rpm
 8ce78a19c89331fdb7527e6a4674376c  x86_64/corporate/3.0/SRPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.C30mdk.src.rpm

 Multi Network Firewall 2.0:
 f834aa6b814014c20b6d97fd7a893ea6  mnf/2.0/RPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.M20mdk.i586.rpm
 00f1b8920df39e3f4fc35eea07879168  mnf/2.0/SRPMS/wget-1.9.1-4.3.M20mdk.src.rpm

 Mandriva Linux 10.2:
 36dfb01a50fcdec20d379001f2054ba4  10.2/RPMS/wget-1.9.1-5.2.102mdk.i586.rpm
 82584cb410bcb5104f44d3429675e7e5  10.2/SRPMS/wget-1.9.1-5.2.102mdk.src.rpm

 Mandriva Linux 10.2/X86_64:
 36dfb01a50fcdec20d379001f2054ba4  x86_64/10.2/RPMS/wget-1.9.1-5.2.102mdk.i586.rpm
 82584cb410bcb5104f44d3429675e7e5  x86_64/10.2/SRPMS/wget-1.9.1-5.2.102mdk.src.rpm

 To upgrade automatically use MandrivaUpdate or urpmi.  The verification
 of md5 checksums and GPG signatures is performed automatically for you.

 All packages are signed by Mandriva for security.  You can obtain the
 GPG public key of the Mandriva Security Team by executing:

  gpg --recv-keys --keyserver pgp.mit.edu 0x22458A98

 You can view other update advisories for Mandriva Linux at:


 If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact


 Type Bits/KeyID     Date       User ID
 pub  1024D/22458A98 2000-07-10 Mandriva Security Team
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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