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AW: Analysis/decompilation of main() of the msblast worm

From: "Dennis" <Dennis () backtrace de>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 05:26:48 +0200


Someone pointed this out already and I updated the paper.
You can grab it here:




-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Tim van Erven [mailto:tve () vormig net] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. August 2003 18:18
An: bugtraq () securityfocus com
Betreff: Re: Analysis/decompilation of main() of the msblast worm

On Thu, 14/08/2003 22:44 +0200, Dennis wrote:
Here's a little analysis of the msblast worm.


Every year starting on August the 16th to December the 31st the
payload() routine will be started.

Judging from the disassembly quoted below this is not correct.

get_date:                             ; CODE XREF: main+26Ej
              push    3               ; cchDate
              lea     eax, [ebp+day_of_month]
              push    eax             ; lpDateStr
              push    offset dateformat_d ; Day of month as digits
with no leading zero for single-digit days
              push    0               ; lpDate
              push    0               ; dwFlags
              push    409h            ; Locale
              call    GetDateFormatA  ; get day of month
              push    3               ; cchDate
              lea     eax, [ebp+month]
              push    eax             ; lpDateStr
              push    offset dateformat_M ; Month as digits with no
leading zero for single-digit months.
              push    0               ; lpDate
              push    0               ; dwFlags
              push    409h            ; Locale
              call    GetDateFormatA
              lea     eax, [ebp+day_of_month]
              push    eax
              call    atoi            ; convert daystring to integer
              pop     ecx
              cmp     eax, 15
              jg      short payload   ; if it is the 16th day of a
                                      ; or above, start payload
              lea     edi, [ebp+month]
              push    edi
              call    atoi            ; convert monthstring to integer
              pop     ecx
              cmp     eax, 8          ; else if month = September,
October, November,      December,
                                      ; start payload
              jle     short loc_401562

payload:                              ; CODE XREF: main+2EBj
              lea     eax, [ebp+ThreadId]
              push    eax             ; lpThreadId
              push    0               ; dwCreationFlags
              push    0               ; lpParameter
              push    offset payload? ; lpStartAddress
              push    0               ; dwStackSize
              push    0               ; lpThreadAttributes
              call    CreateThread

loc_401562:                           ; CODE XREF: main+2FAj

If I read this correctly, the payload code will run either if the

* current system day of the month > 15
* the current system month is one of September, October, November,

So it will also run in the last half of each month from Januari through

      // get date
      GetDateFormatA(0x409, 0, 0, &"d", &day_of_month, 3);
      GetDateFormatA(0x409, 0, 0, &"M", &month, 3);

      // start payload on 16th august until 31st december
      if ( (atoi(& day_of_month) > 15) || (atoi(& month) >= 8) )
              CreateThread(0, 0, payload, 0, 0, &ThreadId);

      // start spreading the worm all over the windoze-world
      while (1) spreadworm();

There is also a minor error in the translation to C quoted above:

if ( (atoi(& day_of_month) > 15) || (atoi(& month) >= 8) )

should be

if ( (atoi(& day_of_month) > 15) || (atoi(& month) > 8) )

(>= should be >.)


Tim van Erven <tve () vormig net>          Fingerprint: F6C9 61EE 242C C012
OpenPGP Key ID: 712CB811                   36D5 BBF8 6310 D557 712C B811

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