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Re: Windows MS-DOS Device Name DoS vulnerabilities

From: ByteRage <byterage () yahoo com>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 04:17:19 -0700 (PDT)

--- 3APA3A <3APA3A () SECURITY NNOV RU> wrote:
Hello ByteRage,

I completely disagree with your paper. It puts
software developers and users into false sense of

Users should indeed be aware that the OS patch
introduces new possibilities for attackers
(accessibility of devices instead of a crash), but I
still see it as a first step in more security.

Right now SECURITY.NNOV is working out  few  MS-DOS
Device Name issues with vendors (not only in Windows
95/98/ME  but  also  in  NT/2000),  and  the problem
is definitely in software,  not  in  operation
system, because operation system behaves exactly
as  expected  and  documented.  Later  we will 
publish  our advisory.

The 'blue screen' problem of win95/98/ME is not the
behaviour that is expected and I really doubt whether
it would be documented :) The crash problem was
definitely within the operating system. Off course,
when applying the patch, the problem arises that these
special devices won't crash the OS but that they will
be accessible. As I said in my post : "the OS patch is
better because it fixes *ALL* problems, and if it
wouldn't then that's where this discussion should be
about" with *ALL* problems I meant : the crashing
using whatever devices. And now that this has been
fixed, we can start the discussion about what
applications should do with these accessible devices.

Software  MUST check type of file it tries to access
BEFORE it  access  it,  if  this  can cause access
special device. Special devices  under  Windows
allow raw access to ports, drives, tapes, etc
and  impact  of  such access can be same with impact
of accessing /dev under unix.

Unfortunately, most software doesn't do this type of
checking, they just see if the device names match with
the well known ones, which either results in a crash
or an accessible device. Most posts to bugtraq deal
with the DoS possibility though.

MS  patched one hole, which causes Windows 95/98/ME
to crash then some API call refer to any special
device. This patch doesn't solve problem of
special devices, because _successful_ access to
such devices under Windows can lead to much greater

Also, enumeration of special device names is bad

Enumeration is a very bad idea, the reason why I gave
some of the devices is because I wanted to show that
they cannot be enumerated at all. Unfortunately, this
type of filtering is used alot in applications (simply
checking whether the device names match a certain

New versions of
Windows     can     introduce     new     devices.  
Eugene    Roshal (http://www.rarsoft.com),
developer  of  well-known utilities Far and
Rar,  recommends  use  of GetFileType() API. In MS
source examples you can find a lot of:

if( GetFileType(hFile) != FILE_TYPE_DISK ) {
     lstrcpy( lpszPath, TEXT("Invalid File Type") );
     return( 0 );

According  to  Mr.  Roshal  FILE_TYPE_CHAR and
FILE_TYPE_PIPE probably refer to special device

Checks  like  this  must be in "best coding
practice", because even if security  is  not  in
question user can specify special device name by

devices should indeed not be accessible via some
applications, but neither should they crash the
operating system
Below is quote from message of Eli Zaretskii
<eliz () is elta co il>, one of  GNU  developers  (it
was addressed to few developers, so I hope he
will not be against quoting):

Also,  `prn'  and  `lpt1'  are just a sample of the
special names. Any device driver which can be 
reached by opening a special file name will
cause  such  problems;  thus the list of the
offending names cannot be known  in advance, since
additional device drivers can be installed on
the target system.

In  addition,  the  file-name  extension  is ignored
when the basename matches.  So  `aux.lst', `prn.c',
`con.foo', and an infinite number of other  similar
names--all  of them are prone to this problem. Some
of the  devices  will actually wedge the DOS box ...
kids, don't try that
at home!

--Thursday, July 05, 2001, 1:34:28 PM, you wrote to
bugtraq () securityfocus com:

B> of.  Because  the  flaw is within the operating
system I think it's
B> obvious  that  the *operating system* itself is
patched, instead of
B> rewriting  the  applications  running under it to
have filtering...

I was wrong about this : certain applications should
have filtering, but via bulletproof techniques that
filter *ALL* devices (using calls to the OS that make
it possible to identify if it is a device) and making
these devices unaccessible, because they can be used
malicously when accessible.
Furthermore, the win95/98/SE operating system should
be patched as well so that it doesn't crash when
devices are accessed which was the main item of my
previous post.

etc... etc...

B> (I'm pretty sure that you can find a shitload
more by
B> typing MEM /DEBUG |MORE in a DOS window or doing
B> research)


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