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CFP: RAID 2000 (3rd workshop - Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection)

From: deb () ZURICH IBM COM (Herve DEBAR)
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 14:17:12 +0100

<for the moderator>

I would appreciate if you could post this information to bugtraq, if
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Thank you

</for the moderator>

Call For Papers - RAID 2000

Third International Workshop on the
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection

Dates: October 2-4, 2000
       Toulouse, France
       in conjunction with ESORICS 2000

An html version of this CFP is available at


Deadline for full paper submission              March 30th, 2000
Deadline for extended abstract submission       April 28th, 2000
Deadline for panel submission                   April 28th, 2000
Notification of acceptance or rejection         May 31st, 2000
             (papers, abstracts and panels)
Final full paper camera ready copy due          June 30th, 2000
Final panel description with participants       June 30th, 2000
Registration required for presenters and
             panel participants before          September 1st, 2000
RAID dates                                      October 2-4, 2000

Thank you


Herve Debar                     | Tel. : +41-1-724-84-99
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory  | Fax  : +41-1-724-89-53
Saumerstrasse 4                 | Email: deb () zurich ibm com
CH-8803 Rueschlikon/Switzerland | Notes: Herve Debar/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH
                                |        deb () notes zurich ibm com

                Call For Papers - RAID 2000 

                Third International Workshop on the 
                Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection 

                Dates: October 2-4, 2000
                Toulouse, France
                in conjunction with ESORICS 2000

                an html version of this CFP is available at 

This  workshop, the  third in  an  ongoing annual  series, will  bring
together leading  figures from  academia, government, and  industry to
discuss state-of-the-art  intrusion detection technologies  and issues
from the research and commercial perspectives.  RAID 2000 will welcome
full papers in addition to extended abstracts and panel proposals, and
has organized peer review to publish hardcopy proceedings.

The RAID International Workshop series is intended to further progress
in intrusion detection  by promoting the exchange of  ideas in a broad
range   of   topics   among   researchers,   system   developers   and
users. RAID'98,  held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, was  hosted by the
Université Catholique  de Louvain and welcomed  130 participants, with
nearly 50% from outside Europe, reflecting the international nature of
the meeting.  RAID'99,  held in Purdue, Indiana, was  hosted by CERIAS
and welcomed more than  180 participants from academia, government and

RAID 2000 is being locally organized  by ONERA in Toulouse, France, in
conjunction with  Esorics'2000 (http://www.cert.fr/esorics2000/).  The
program  committee invites  submission of  both technical  and general
interest  papers   and  panels  from  those   interested  in  formally
presenting   their  ideas  during   the  workshop.    Regarding  paper
submissions,  submissions to  RAID 2000  can be  either a  full-length
paper  or an  extended abstract.   Full  papers are  intended for  the
presentation of mature research  results, while extended abstracts are
intended for work-in-progress presentations.  It is expected that more
time will be allocated  to full paper presentations. Panel submissions
are also sought in the same  areas.  This year, we are emphasizing the
following topic areas:

   Assessing, measuring and classifying intrusion-detection systems:
        Accuracy and reliability measurements, requirements, and technologies 
        Benchmarking techniques and technologies 
        Relations to Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plans 
        Quantitative assessment of IDSes and IDS combinations
        Suitability of IDSes as a countermeasure to insider misuse

    IDS in High Performance and Real-Time Environments:
        Large-scale/enterprise IDS 
        High-Speed networks 
        Managing high-volume data 
        Highly distributed and heterogeneous environments
        Deployment/cooperation of IDSes in multiple-organisation environments 
        Mission-critical intrusion-detection systems

    Vulnerabilities and Attacks 
        New vulnerability or attack databases 
        Vulnerability or attack taxonomies 
        Using vulnerability databases 
        IDS Security issues and solutions

    IDS Integration 
        IDS interoperability Standards and Standardization 
        Integration with the system/network management framework 
        Combining different "styles" of IDS 

    Innovative Approaches 
        Adaptive IDS solutions 
        Survivability and Dependability 
        Data mining, intelligent agents 
        New IDS methodologies and technologies 
        Automated responses 
        Combining IDS and system/network management 
        Intrusion-detection using application logs 

    Practical Considerations 
        Case studies 
        IDS in heterogeneous environments 
        Unique/emerging IDS operating environments
        Legal issues (IDS reports as "evidence") 
        Commercial intrusion detection systems and their directions 
        Real-time versus Post-mortem IDS 
        IDS integration with business process 

Program Committee 

RAID Executive Committee chair: Marc Dacier (IBM Research, Switzerland)

Local organization co-chair: Frédéric Cuppens (Onera, France)
Local organization co-chair: Claire Saurel (Onera, France)

Publication chair: Ludovic Mé (Supelec, France)

Program co-chair: Hervé Debar (IBM Research, Switzerland)
Program co-chair: S.Felix Wu (NC State University, USA)

Program committee:

Matt Bishop (University of California at Davis, USA) 
Dick Brackney (National Security Agency, USA) 
Rowena Chester (University of Tennessee, USA) 
Yves Deswarte (LAAS-CNRS, France) 
Terry Escamilla (IBM, USA) 
Deborah Frincke (University of Idaho, USA)
Tim Grance (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA) 
Ming-Yuh Huang (The Boeing Company, USA)
Erland Jonsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Sokratis Katsikas (University of the Aegean, Greece)
Baudouin Le Charlier (Universite de Namur, Belgium) 
Abdelaziz Mounji (Swift, Belgium) 
Jean-Jacques Quisquater (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) 
Vern Paxson (ACIRI/LBNL, USA)
Mark Schneider (National Security Agency, USA) 
Steve Smaha (Free Agent, USA) 
Peter Sommer (London School of Economics & Political Science, England) 
Stuart Staniford-Chen (Silicon Defense, USA) 
Kevin Ziese (Cisco Systems, USA) 


Full papers, extended  abstracts and panels which fall  into the topic
areas outlined above  are particularly welcome, although contributions
outside those topics may also be of interest.

Full papers must be original contributions, not published or submitted
to other conferences. Full papers  must be limited to 6000 words, full
page figures  being counted as 300  words.  Each paper  must include a
short abstract and a list  of keywords.  Authors are invited to submit
full   papers  electronically   in   postscript  or   PDF,  as   email
attachements. The  email (in  ASCII) should contain  the title  of the
paper,  author  name(s),   affiliations,  mailing  address  and  topic
category  addressed  in  the   paper  (if  appropriate).   Full  paper
submissions will  be published in the RAID  proceedings.  Deadline for
submitting full papers is March 30, 2000.

Extended  abstracts  must  be  original contributions.  They  must  be
limited to  1200 words  in length and  be submitted  electronically as
ASCII (preferred) or PDF as  email attachements.  The email (in ASCII)
should contain  the title of the paper,  author name(s), affiliations,
mailing  address and  topic  category addressed  in  the abstract  (if
appropriate). Both  the extended  abstract and the  slide presentation
will  be  published online  on  the  RAID'2000  website. Deadline  for
submitting extended abstracts is April 28, 2000.

Panel  proposals  must  be limited  to  400  words  in length  and  be
submitted electronically in ASCII (preferred) or PDF.  Panel proposals
must include  the name(s) of  the panel chair and  possible panelists,
with their  organizational affiliation(s), telephone  and FAX numbers,
postal address, and Internet  electronic mail address. The description
should include both an outline of  the format of the panel and a short
rationale for  the panel. The  program committee will allocate  one to
two-hour time  slots to each  panel, depending on the  proposed topic,
the number of panelists, and the wishes of the panel chair.  The panel
chair will be informed of the slot length when notified of acceptance.
Panels that include time  for general discussion and questions/answers
between the  panelists and the attendees are  preferred. Panel members
are  expected to register  to the  workshop.  Deadline  for submitting
panel proposals is April 28, 2000.

All  proposals  must  be in  English.  Plan  to  give all  panels  and
presentations in English.

We      strongly       prefer      electronic      submissions      to
raid2000-submissions () zurich ibm com.   If necessary,  hardcopy  may be
sent  to  the  nearest   of  the  following  locations  (please  allow
sufficient time for arrival by March 30th or April 28):

    European Collection Site 

    Herve Debar 
    Global Security Analysis Lab 
    IBM Zurich Research Laboratory 
    Saeumerstrasse 4 CH-8803 
    Rueschlikon Switzerland 

    North/South American Collection Site 

    S. Felix Wu
    Computer Science Department
    North Carolina State University
    Raleigh, NC 27695-7550

Each submission  will be acknowledged by e-mail.  If acknowledgment is
not received  within seven days, please  contact deb () zurich ibm com. A
preliminary  program   will  be  available  at  the   RAID  web  site,
http://www.raid-symposium.org/Raid2000/, by July 21, 1999. Last year's
proceedings are available online as well.


We solicit interested organizations  to become sponsors for RAID 2000,
particularly in  sponsorship of student travel and  other expenses for
RAID. Please  contact S.Felix  Wu for information  regarding corporate
sponsorship of RAID.


Detailed registration  information (including fees,  suggested hotels,
and travel directions)  will be provided at the RAID  2000 web site as
well as the ESORICS 2000 web site.


Full papers submitted to RAID 2000  will be published in hardcopy. The
publisher will be  announced at a later date.  Extended abstracts (and
their  accompanying  papers if  available),  slides presentations  and
panel summaries will be made available on the workshop's web site.


Deadline for full paper submission              March 30th, 2000 
Deadline for extended abstract submission       April 28th, 2000
Deadline for panel submission                   April 28th, 2000
Notification of acceptance or rejection         May 31st, 2000
             (papers, abstracts and panels)
Final full paper camera ready copy due          June 30th, 2000
Final panel description with participants       June 30th, 2000
Registration required for presenters and
             panel participants before          September 1st, 2000
RAID dates                                      October 2-4, 2000 


    On-site arrangements: 
        contact Frederic Cuppens (cuppens () cert fr) 
             or Claire Saurel    (saurel () cert fr)

    General program information or corporate sponsorship: 
        contact S.Felix Wu (wu () csc ncsu edu) 

    Paper, extended abstract and panel submission: 
        contact raid2000-submissions () zurich ibm com 

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