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Re: Is /tmp still appropriate?

From: Peter W <peterw () USA NET>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 23:16:39 -0500

At 4:30am Dec 17, 2000, DeRobertis wrote:

I'm not sure how easy it'd be to implement (3), but how about:

      1) /stmp/<<username>> as a temp directory for that user. rwx for
         the user only, of course.

This is not practical in networked environments where there may be many
thousands of possible users and hundreds of possible workstations. And you
don't want temp dirs on fileservers, as I have been reminded. I think it's
better to (safely) create directories as needed on local disks, and prune
the directories at reboots or periodically with utilities like 'tmpwatch'.

      2) utilities should respect TEMP_DIR,

Nooooo! There are two commonly used environment variables in the open
systems universe: TMPDIR (more common) and TMP (less common). Please don't
start suggesting others!

         which would be set in
         /etc/profile to /stmp/<<username>>

Re: /etc/profile, please see my earlier posts for information on setting
secure TMP directories. Go to the Tux.org site and you can get Bourne
shell scripts suitable for calling from /etc/profile (many Linux
distributions have /etc/profile scan /etc/profile.d for .sh scripts that
are executable: my TMP/TMPDIR scripts are designed to be dropped in place
on such systems for easy, modular protection).


In the next few days, I hope to make available on Tux.org a new version of
the bastille-tmpdir-tmp.sh script which will also
 - let the admin easily specify a directory other than /tmp to make the
   per-user TMP directories in
 - keep track of the TMP directory name via a state file in $HOME so that
   - users can have different TMP dirs on different hosts (e.g., networks
     where $HOME is on an NFS server but /tmp is local to the workstation
     the user logs in at)
   - subsequent logins by the same user on the same host will use the
     same TMP dir if it still exists and appears safe[0]
   - consecutive logins by the same user on the same host will use the
     same TMP dir
 - make two levels of directories and set the lower as TMP, e.g.
   TMP="/tmp/tmp-${USER}-${RANDOM_NUMBER}/files" so that unprivileged
   users cannot guess how crowded a directory is, or when it was last
   used, simply by looking at the /tmp/tmp-${USER}-${RANDOM_NUMBER} dir

I'd like to thank Dick, David, Thomas, and others who have sent comments,
criticisms, and suggestions.


[0] this is the tricky part of the new changes; not just testing for
/tmp/tmp-user-876da6c/files, but ensuring that both /tmp/tmp-user-876da6c
and /tmp/tmp-user-876da6c/files are still safe

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