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Re: BIND bugs of the month (fwd)

From: cyarnell () WWIV COM (Chris Yarnell)
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 21:15:32 -0800

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 21:11:54 -0800
From: Paul A Vixie <vixie () mibh net>
Subject: Re: BIND bugs of the month (fwd)

please forward since i'm not on bugtraq

Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 01:14:24 -0000
From: D. J. Bernstein <djb () CR YP TO>
Subject: Re: BIND bugs of the month

But all this cryptographic work accomplishes _nothing_ if the servers
are subject to buffer overflows! An attacker doesn't have to bother
guessing or sniffing query times and IDs, and forging DNS responses,
if he can simply take over the DNS server.

yes.  see the proceedings of the fifth usenix security symposium for
further evidence of this, and evidence that i agreed with this view even
several years ago, well before the current events.

This NXT buffer overflow isn't part of some old code that Paul Vixie
inherited from careless graduate students. It's new code. It's part of
BIND's DNSSEC implementation. I don't find the irony amusing. Obviously
ISC's auditing is inadequate.

at times, yes it is.

Does anyone seriously believe that the current BIND code is secure? If
it isn't, adding DNSSEC to it doesn't help anybody. Is ISC going to
rewrite the client and server in a way that gives us confidence in
their security?

yes, this has been done over the past 18 months.  the result is BIND 9.
and yes, it's all new code, and yes, it's been audited, and yes, it's
designed to be audited, and yes, things like the NXT bug are the reason.

David R. Conrad writes:
In addition, we recommend running your nameserver as non-root and
chrooted (I know setting this up is non-trivial -- it'll be much, much
easier in BINDv9).

``I wouldn't consider installing named any other way,'' I told Vixie in
September 1996. He didn't respond. Of course, DNSSEC is equally useless
either way; the only question is whether an attacker can also take over
the rest of the machine.

when i saw the linux chroot("../../../../../../../..") hole i about fell
out of my chair.  truly no place is safe any more.

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