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Re: Microsoft JET/Office Vulnerability Exploit

From: Russ.Cooper () RC ON CA (Russ)
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 18:09:23 -0400


Well it seems some people still believe in security through
obscurity. Three weeks after the vulnerability was announced
the people with the knowledge of the details have not
disclosed further information (hi Russ).

Hi Elias. Why did you release this today? You say its been in your
vulnerability database since 7/29, yet no message was ever sent to
Bugtraq about it. Were you, like me, withholding details until a fix?

Now that same people are asking whether the information should
be disclosed at all (and trying to get some nice publicity out
of it).

"some nice publicity"?? Give me a break, I want to ensure that the
thing is as widely published as possible so everyone can realize they
need to get a fix. Why didn't you do the same? Oh, I forgot, that's
not Bugtraq's job.

Well guess what? An exploit is been around for quite a while now.
We've had an exploit in the SF vulnerability database for some
time now. We refer to this vulnerability as BUGTRAQ-ID 548
"Microsoft JET ODBC Vulnerability".

Again, had it for some time yet never published its existence. Or did
you just let a select few know about it?

Now without knowing the full details of the vulnerability we
can only guess that this exploit exercises the same
vulnerability. Maybe the people in the known will enlighten

Well, with the module password protected it seems clear you're not out
to get that critique very quickly. Maybe if you'd let someone know the
details we'd be able to answer you. As it is, we're simply left with
what appears to be the same exploit.

Now what does this teach us? That trying to keep the details
of a vulnerability secret while at the same time announcing
it existence does not work. If you are going to announce a
vulnerability, provide all the details. Otherwise keep the
vulnerability to yourself.

Um, Elias, you announced the vulnerability on Bugtraq on the same day
I announced it on NTBugtraq...then you received the exploit details
sometime after that...then you kept those details private both by not
announcing the availability of the exploit code to Bugtraq **and** by
making the exploit code readily unavailable by password protecting it.

Who's calling the kettle black here?

BUGTRAQ and Security Focus will always be committed to
full disclosure. Your mileage may vary with others.

And all power to you, but you should at least try and abide by your
own definition of what full disclosure means. You got the exploit code
and didn't tell your list?? You release it but don't let anyone see
how it works?? Which part of this is "full disclosure" and which part
is an attempt to prevent NTBugtraq from receiving what you call "some
nice publicity"??

Your message has simply stated that you are willing to compromise your
own goals and values to ensure NTBugtraq doesn't get publicity on
something that Bugtraq can. I personally don't care if NTBugtraq gets
mentioned anywhere in this story, as long as the public is alert and
made aware of the threat of exploit.

Since I've never seen Bugtraq quoted in the main-stream media, I sorta
thought you all were useless at that sort of thing. Maybe I'm
wrong...we'll see I guess.

If, however, SecurityFocus can find some other way to pummel me and
NTBugtraq, please do so, I doubt the public needs this sort of angst.

Russ - NTBugtraq Editor

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