Bugtraq mailing list archives

Happy New Year from BugTraq

From: aleph1 () DFW NET (Aleph One)
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 20:44:17 -0600

   Another year is upon us. Last year was a busy one for us in the
security community. I took over BugTraq and revived it from the dead.
The are now over 6000 BugTraq subscribers. We saw denial of service
attacks go from ping flooding to syn flooding. We experienced the ping of
death. We went through more versions of sendmail than ever before. We saw
the rise of groups like Scriptors of Doom and their HP Bug of the Week.
Buffer overflows took center stage this year. BugTraq reported four or
five times the number of vulnerabilities reported by CERT.

   What we hope to see next year: Less vulnerabilities! Higher quality
software. More responsive and responsible vendors. Credit, where credit is
due. A vulnerability database. A safe programming tutorial. Some of these
we know we probably wont get. Others we are working on making happen.
Whatever happens, this will be an interesting year.

   May your servers be secure, and your firewalls tight.

Aleph One / aleph1 () dfw net
KeyID 1024/948FD6B5
Fingerprint EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61  8C 39 EA 47 A8 6A B8 01

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