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more l0phtcrack errata

From: owner-bugtraq () NETSPACE ORG (Systemkennung Linux)
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 20:15:50 -0400

While going in to clean up the erroneous bruter message I relaized that
the command line version that we included was not the most current
version. The worst part about this is that the bruter does not work
properly in the version that was originally released. It does work
correctly in the version available from
http://www.l0pht.com/advisories.html currently.

The version on the mirror site should be the correct version now too.

If you downloaded the l0phtcrack tool before Sunday evening with the
intent of playing with the brute force capability in the command line
version please re- retrieve the toolkit.

Sorry for the cock-up. Hopefully the tool is usefull enough to negatee the
extra e-mail that I have generated here.


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