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El Programa Matador de Ascendes

From: sod () command com inter net (Scriptors of DOOM)
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 1996 03:54:32 -0700

Somehow I get the feeling that CIAC is trying to tell me something --

One of the most common indications that a machine has been compromised
by these or similar vulnerabilities are links from a world writable
directory (such as /tmp) to a system file (such as /.rhosts) in a
directory requiring root privilege to write or create files there, and
/.rhosts files with ++ at the beginning of any line.

I guess we've been laying it pretty heavy on the symlinks.  Sorry.  We'll
apologize by skipping the symlink problem we were going to do this week
and putting in something unrelated.

Of course, now that our Lord & Master aleph1 has released a whole buncha
good buffer-overflow stuff to Phrack, we figure now is a good time to
follow that lead.  /usr/diag/bin/mstm and cstm share the same stuffs in
that regard, and they can both lead the unworthy to a higher purpose.

So come on over to http://command.com.inter.net/~sod/ and start filling
up those buffers with code that only a machine could love.  They're sure
to love you back sooner or later.

One bug a week, just passing two months, full of piss and vinegar.

God bless.


Vroom, vroom.

What can I say other than it's been an interesting week.  Yup, that's been
the word for it so far: interesting.  In fact, I don't think I can really
say any more than that right now.

Oh, except I'm supposed to say "Hi" to Frank? and Patty in Tele-
communications/TND, and another "Hello" to the person who only responds
to the title "Technical Lead".

Oh, and I'd like to pledge my unending love to Janeane Garofalo, and I'd
like to say a really big "Woof" to my dog Spot.

Oh, and I should add that the quickest and easiest method of shutting us
down is by paying us and not paying your lawyers.

Oh, one more thing, sex may very well be an acceptable alternative to green
cash money if you want us to shut up, but breast size will probably become
a consideration at that point.

Oh, and always remember, I love you.

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