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RE: Re : Exploiting MS Access with SQL Injections

From: Ken Schaefer <Ken () adOpenStatic com>
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 14:07:49 +0000

Apologies for replying to this very old thread:
Access does have system tables that can be queried to get the schema (e.g. MSysObjects). These are not displayed in the 
GUI by default, but this can be toggled via the Options menus (at least back to Access 97 - dunno for older versions).

The problem with attacking Access is that it doesn't allow additional queries to be appended, so everything has to be 
injected in-line with the current query. Additionally the JET SQL syntax is a bit different to ANSI syntax (e.g. 
JOINS). When you then have an additional layer you are going through (CF), you have challenges. Lastly, if the app 
layer is using parameters, then I think you've probably hit a dead end.


-----Original Message-----
From: listbounce () securityfocus com [mailto:listbounce () securityfocus com] On Behalf Of Stealth
Sent: Sunday, 17 July 2011 2:55 PM
To: Sébastien Besson
Cc: security-basics () securityfocus com
Subject: Re: Re : Exploiting MS Access with SQL Injections

Thank you all for the replies with my MS Access problem.
It's much appreciated, I'll throw some more of your recommended tools at it and see where that goes. The tables that 
appeared in the error tracebacks seemed to have very random appearing names, at least ones that wouldn't be obviously 
guessable (or short), but I'll see if there is any more information I can pull out of it through some more bruteforcing.

Thanks again list ^.^

On Tue, 2011-07-12 at 08:10 +0100, Sébastien Besson wrote:
Hello Stealth,

I have been facing the same problem last week : pentesting on a 
website which uses MS Access as its DB system.
I have been able to enumerate the table structure (current table name 
& table columns,).
The SQLi was possible due to insufficient input validation for the 
username parameter in a form.
Auth bypass was possible with a simple 'OR '1'='1 , unfortunately (for
me) the password parameter was still checked.

One reading that was particulary helpful for me : "Access Through 
Access" by Insomnia.
It will gives you plenty of ideas !



De : Stealth <stealth.infared () gmail com> À : 
security-basics () securityfocus com Envoyé le : Lun 11 juillet 2011, 23h 
01min 07s Objet : Exploiting MS Access with SQL Injections

Alright, so I'm pentesting this box running Windows Server 2003 with 
Microsoft Access as the backend database. It interfaces with this DB 
via the ColdFusion that the app is programmed with (.cfm). The debug 
error messages print out not just the SQL query, but with the 
surrounding CFM code as well as a stack trace, and there are SQL 
injections riddled all throughout the site.

I've never played with MS Access, but I figured this would be 
ridiculously simple. I quickly figured out that it doesn't allow SQL 
code to be executed after the end of a statement ";", which took out a 
lot of exploits. So I decided to poke around some more, possibly map 
out the tables/db's, however almost all of the techniques I knew 
failed with strange Syntax errors I wasn't familiar with. Various 
attempts at researching possible techniques for MS Access resulted in 
the server acting far differently than I was expecting.

I looked into this for a solid 3 hours before deciding to try and see 
if I could find assistance with various DB-exploit programs. I pulled 
out Sqlmap, and it successfully registered the exploit as a valid 
But as soon as I try to pass any flags for pulling information to 
Sqlmap, I get various forms of "This doesn't work with Microsoft 
Access". The only thing I can get SQLmap to do without crashing is 
return the database fingerprint, which I obviously already knew. I'm 
thinking this isn't limitations of the program, but that these 
techniques just don't work on MS Access.

Anyone have any ideas for how I can progress this exploit? The coder 
obviously didn't account for SQL Injection, but I'm thinking there 
isn't anything I can really do here. If anyone has any material to 
read/techniques to try, I'd be grateful.

Thanks guys

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