Security Basics mailing list archives

RE: Risk assesment

From: aaa () bbb com
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 14:26:29 -0600

It would probably be a good idea if you defined what you think "risk assessment" means, just to make sure everyone is 
'on the same page'.  Would content on "Risk Management" or "vulnerability assessment" help answer your question.  The 
formal definitions of each term is separate, but in practice some of the material on each can be refocused to answer 
questions about the other topics.

Here are some links, all not quite what you're looking, a few very specifically focused, but you might find some useful 
stuff in them:  - Create Your Own Security Audit

*** - 
this page may have exactly what you are looking for.  Specifically the 2 links at the very bottom of the page under: 

Attached Files:


Conducting a risk assessment for SMBs
Pierre Dorion


Don't Abuse Your Risk Assessment
by Security Monkey (Information Security Investigator)

He has lots of interesting blog entries.  Well worth ready more of his writing
***************************** - 3 things you must know before choosing a security assessment

*** - Architectural Risk Analysis1 (sample 
book chapter)

***\ - Printing 
security: a guide to some commonly 
overlooked vulnerabilities 


A Day in the Life of a Risk Analyst – A Short Story (based upon a true story)

by Jeff Bardin, Fri, 2009-03-27 21:37


Call Centers: Risk Assessment Reminders

A few questions to help make sure your call center security plan covers the necessary bases.

By Malcolm Wheatley \ 


Death of a risk assessor,294698,sid14_gci1339548,00.html?track=NL-102&ad=674684&asrc=EM_NLN_5084348&uid=4739563

By Joseph Granneman


Gartner analysts to IT pros: Learn the language of risk

By Bill Brenner, Senior News Writer
05 Jun 2007 |,289142,sid185_gci1294560,00.html  


How to Prioritize Threats (Without Spending Big Bucks)

An internally developed risk matrix helps utility company PG&E figure out which vulnerabilities to focus on first

by Robert McMillan,

April 17, 2008


Loading Docks in Multitenant Buildings

Shipping and receiving are trickiest in multitenant facilities. Here's a tool for assessing risk in such a scenario.

By Lauren Gibbons Paul

October 05, 2008 


Number-driven risk metrics 'fundamentally broken'

By Michael S. Mimoso, Editor, Information Security magazine
12 Mar 2009,289142,sid14_gci1350658,00.html?track=NL-102&ad=694229&asrc=EM_NLN_6152417&uid=4739563


Sample Questions For Finding Information Security Weaknesses

Sidebar to Using Metrics to Diagnose Problems: A Case Study

By Andrew Jaquith

May 18, 2007 


Use risk management for reasonable information asset protection
•       Date: February 19th, 2007
•       Author: Tom Olzak


Expand on what specifically you are looking for, what industry are you in, what parts of the business are you looking 
at (whole business, IT only, specific parts of IT ie servers, desktops, network etc)


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