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Re: Help to Automate XSS and SQL

From: "Marco M. Morana" <marco.m.morana () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:56:25 -0500

I used Suru proxy
and I like the features a lot. It is worth the 200$ license fee when comparing with free fuzzers like Jbrofuzz

Additionally I suggest to add your own/customized attack vectors to the fuzzer such as the
SQL and XSS attack vectors used in the OWASP CAL 9000 project


Marco M.

OWASP Chapter Lead
Writing Secure Software Blogger

----- Original Message ----- From: "Terra Frost" <terrafrost () gmail com>
To: "Vin Oxious" <vinoxious () gmail com>
Cc: <security-basics () securityfocus com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: Help to Automate XSS and SQL

If you have to brute force it, might I suggest you learn SQL injection
and XSS a little better? There are but a few key characters one need use
to perform XSS or SQL injection and you don't really need to brute force
anything to see if those characters are being properly escaped or
whatever - just inject those characters and see how they're escaped in
the output.  See if they result in an SQL error.  If they do you have an
SQL injection.

Trying to brute force by doing something like...  ') UNION SELECT null #
and ' OR 1=1 # is just a bad plan.  The former won't work unless you
have as many nulls in the second SELECT as the first SELECT has. That
could, in theory, be infinitely many, so are you just going to try keep
adding nulls indefinitely?

I'd recommend just trying to do something like '"zzz<!--.  View the
source to see where the zzz appears and what the characters around it
look like.  If they're not escaped you can probably do XSS.  If they
are...  well, you can evaluate that from the context.  If it's in a CSS
attribute you can still do XSS with -moz-binding in Firefox 2, for
instance (Firefox 3 disabled remote -moz-bindings), or in IE, with CSS
expressions.  If there's an SQL error, you can probably do SQL injection
and if there's not an SQL error, you probably can't (multibyte tables

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Vin Oxious <vinoxious () gmail com> wrote:
Hello Friends,

              Greetings of the day !! .. Recently I had carried out
manual test with XSS and SQL. I have tried quite a lot of the
variants.. but later on it was detected that it has XSS and SQL

Since there are so many variants of XSS and SQL and cannot be tried of
all those in a limited time span. What should I do to make sure that
the site doesn't have XSS and SQL.

Should I try with every SQL and XSS string. and use a automated brute
force attack .. If yes .. can anyone suggest me some good tools that I
can run from windows or browser ( similar to tamper data ,greasy
monkey or any other windows tools ).

Note : please don't suggest perl scripts or linux related scripts even
though I would love to work upon :(  Coz this is a windows

Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences :)


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