Security Basics mailing list archives

Re: Updating Live Security CD

From: Alexander Bondarenko <al.bondarenko () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 21:48:54 +0400


It is actually very easy.

When i have an rpm-package for some software (nessus client for example) i use

#rpm2tgz  <rpm-file>  <name for new tgz package>
# tgz2lzm  <tgz package> <name for new lzm module>
 after that you need only to copy new lzm module to bt/modules folder  
(it's   /mnt/sda1/BT/modules on my PC)

Thats all. New module will be loaded by next boot. 

You can also add the whole directory to your Live CD with dir2lzm command

I have for example  add some custom folders to /pentest/ folder as follows:

i created folder  /tmp/pentest/<my directory>, copied some files there and 
after that ran:

# cd /tmp
# dir2lzm ./temp addons.lzm
# cp addons.lzm /mnt/sda1/BT/modules/

So i have added several tools to my Backtrack 2.0. This Live CD is really 
awesome :)    

I hope it's clear. Try it and  ask if you experience any troubles... 

Alex Bondarenko

On Monday 16 July 2007 22:43, Mister Dookie wrote:
Hey list,

Say I want to add a few packages or updates to the latest Backtrack
LiveCD, such as Wireshark or Firefox 2, what is the best way to
accomplish that?

Is there a way to slipstream additional files onto the LiveCD, or can
I save changes onto a USB drive or something like that?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

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