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Re: Finding web servers with nmap

From: "Jeffrey F. Bloss" <jbloss () tampabay rr com>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 10:23:31 -0500

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 01 December 2005 05:00 am, Denis Shestakov wrote:
Thanks for the answer!

I've checked the WotWeb. It's really nice tool and it is faster than
nmap (at least if executed with options I mentioned)!
But ... I did a scan for a list of randomly selected IPs. Nmap (with
-PS80 -PA80 -p 80) returns more hosts with open port 80 than WotWeb. I
understand that nmap does more 'general' job and detects, for
instance, hosts behind firewalls (that is, discovers hosts with
non-publicly available services which are not interesting for me since
I seek for 'available-for-all' web servers). However, I wonder what
other services may be provided by machines with open port 80?

The two most typical non-WWW services you're going to find doing random port 
80 scans of IP blocks are misconfigured routers and printers. More routers 
than printers, and most of the printers will probably be HP lasers. That's 
just my experience, don't really have a reason why it is but I can make some 

FWIW, here's the important parts of the command line I use to ferret out web 
sites from IP blocks. It's sort of a hobby of mine to take country specific 
IP blocks found at...

...and scan them. What can I say, it's a "let's see what random sites we can 
find in Iraq today" thing. ;)

nmap -n -P0 -sT -p 80 -oG webscan.log --randomize_hosts

The -n switch tells nmap not to do RDNS. This speeds things up considerably. 
It also doesn't hammer your DNS server. It might also let you find sites you 
wouldn't otherwise find due to DNS problems/errors/ehatever.

The -P0 is almost necessaryfor random scans, as a lot of sites and providers 
are dropping ICMP packets these days. It's a "stealth" thing. Which by the 
way sort of points out the idea that "stealth" is a bit snake oily. Dropping 
pings certainly *won't* keep you from being discovered. ;)

I like the --randomize_hosts switch because I like to do a lot of country IP 
blocks. This way I'm not accidentally hitting sequential ports on some 
government server cluster somewhere or something. Not that I'm *really* 
trying to hide anything mind you, but since you're finding routers and stuff 
someone might misinterpret things.


- -- 
Hand crafted on December 04, 2005 at 09:38:52 -0500

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