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Re: Mac OS X Server Security Questions

From: David Haines <david () coresolutiongroup com>
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 19:57:23 -0400

Sorry for your difficulties, but you really started out with a
"bash-Apple" thread, that was mostly a vent and gave no real details of
any sort whatsoever. That is what formed the basis of my original

For starters, go to System Prefernces/Sharing to shut off ssh.
I'd recommend that, as it is enabled by default on OS X server.

It's a known, current issue that many are hacking ssh via
dictionary-type attacks.

Mind you, now with your dedicated Firewall in place, it's a moot point unless you're forwarding traffic for port 22

If you must use ssh, edit the /etc/sshd_config file, and find the line:
#Protocol 1,2
and change it to:
Protocol 2

then find:
#PermitRootLogin yes
and change it to:
PermitRootLogin no


#PermitEmptyPasswords no
PermitEmptyPasswords no    (ie: uncomment that line)

Once you've setup ssh keys, (see below), go back and change:
#PasswordAuthenticatioin yes
PasswordAuthentication no

You may just want to disable ssh login entirely (System Preferences,
Sharing, uncheck "remote login")
but it has its uses.

After any of the changes above, toggle off/on "remote login" in the
sys-pref panel, or use:

sudo kill -KILL $(ps | grep 'sshd' | awk '{print $1}')

You can also edit /etc/xinetd.d/ssh
only_from       =

and can also add:
no_access       =

or whatever the ip-range of your hacker was

Then setup an ssh dsa-key, read the article here

you might want to start here, and read through the author's series on
SSH for OS X:

For the firewall in OS X server, the initial setup is very basic, and
you'll want to get into the "Advanced" settings.
However, as you've noted, I'd have gone with a dedicated appliance vs
the software firewall as well, as you quickly did.

Are you using the server in "standalone" mode or running it as an Open
Directory Master ?
What services are running on the machine, apart from (I'd presume) AFP ?

Don't use the System Preferences / Sharing for filesharing, that's
equivalent to using the standard user-level Control Panels on a Windows
server to "configure" services (as in, not). You're side-stepping the
whole Server layer when doing this.

PS: please don't call it X-server, that implies a linux or unix
X-windows "server".

On Apr 9, 2005, at 7:01 PM, Brad Berson wrote:

Great stuff, Javier, thank you.  More info to read!!!

I probably need to watch my wording more carefully here.  First the
workstation vs server thing, now the "hardware vs software firewall"
thing.  You're absolutely correct, it's all software; the idea behind
remark was simply that a firewall on the host is not going to be as
robust.  Sadly we know that bloody well everything has vulnerabilities.

No question a dual border DMZ is a great idea, though probably overkill
for some.

Sorry about the apparent bashing but I'm really frustrated with vendors
this week, and the last thing I needed to hear is that I can't be
because something's not supported.


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