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RE: Protecting an Exchange server?

From: "Jose Enrique Diaz Jolly" <enrique.diaz () cbbanorte com mx>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 17:52:27 -0500


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Santerre [mailto:csanterre () MerchantsOverseas com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:34 AM
To: Jose Enrique Diaz Jolly; Mark G. Spencer; 
security-basics () securityfocus com
Subject: RE: Protecting an Exchange server?

Jose's recomendation below are quite good. We use Sendmail 
box in a dmz. Of course I use Spamassassin. (See link in 
sig!) Email has to go thru firewall twice before entering 
internal exchange server. IMHO no microsoft box should ever 
be attached directly to the internet. 

You can setup aliases to users, then a static route to 
internal server. This way you don't have to have actual users 
on the outside box, and the outside box will handle 
rejections. There are a few other neat things you can do as well ;)

Jose, I'm interested in your secure OWA setup. Is there more 
info you can send me off list? Currently users outside the 
company have to VPN in to check email. I'd rather just shut 
that off :) 

Well, it is quite simple in principle. It depends on how much are you willing to pay. If your MS Network security is a 
must in your strict policies and rules and you have strict enforcement of MS security conventions, perhaps this is not 
a solution for you. Why? A few facts before:

        - My MS Network is only my major office environment but not a productive or operational one.
        - All my ops are held on different platforms.
        - None MS is directly exposed to the internet, neither through strong firewalling.
        - This solution requires (there may be other that do not) downgrade certain methods of authentification 
          on windows as NTLM can not be proxied. This is only for the "site" on IIS serving OWA. 
        - Have a strong firewall policies and schemes?
If you have no trouble with this, then the solution is amazingly simple.

The solution is based on the so called "Reverse Proxy". Usually, a proxy is one point to go outside from a restricted 
network; on the other hand, a reverse proxy is the oposite: a single entry point to a server or a network, beyond the 
DMZ in this case.

Apache has some features to do so. Thus, we may build a proxy (or a reverse proxy) only with a web server.

The linux box has strong security. All ports are closed, no services except those realy necessary are on.
The necessary ports for this host are just a few. NTP to a internal or DMZ server. SSH only from a few internal or DMZ 
servers or hosts. HTTP and HTTPS listening to the Internet. Domain client should be able to query either external or 
DMZ controlled DNS, to resolve the OWA server, and ability to resolve (forward) reverse names for requestors.

First step is set up a Linux box in order to serve Apache. You should setup your box as if you were to serve web pages. 
Define your "site" where you are willing to serve owa ie.:
Define your secure site also: ie 
Write rules for redirect (I recommend use of mod_rewrite from http to https site). Make sure you have your certificate 
for SSL so you can assure your channel. If you prefer you can buy a certificate to make your site certificated and 

Remember that the main commitment of this certificate is to permit encription for https.

Make sure you can resolve through your DNS the name. 

Prepare your exchange's IIS to allow standard authentication, NTLM is not proxable. So we have to use standard.
If you prefer, you can create also a certificate to permit https between proxy and owa.
Regular http should work, but it is upon you. We decided to use a double encrypted communication.

On the https virtualhost configuration make, using ProxyPass and ReverseProxyPass sentences point to your "virtual 
The very same name you are using for the front end to the internet. This is in order to mask the real owa name.

Once you have all your rules written start everything and voilĂ  you have a proxied owa!


The Linux Box:

        The solution, when built was with Red Hat 7.2 (Enigma); Tue software used was:


On the Apache's config file:

## SSL Support
<IfDefine SSL>
Listen 80
Listen 443

Between the collection of modules included on your apache you should make sure you load:

rewrite_module  mod_rewrite.c
proxy_module    mod_proxy.c 
Ssl_module              mod_ssl.c

Create a virtual host on your apache:

ServerAdmin you () mydomain com
DocumentRoot /home/httpd/htdocs.webmail                         ;; May not exist.
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/extended_log.webmail extended  ;; You decide wheter use regular or extended
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log.webmail
RedirectMatch ^/(index.html?)$  ;; Work around for easyness of URIs
RedirectMatch ^/exchange$     

ServerAdmin you () mydomain com
DocumentRoot /home/httpd/htdocs.webmail                         ;; May not exist.
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/extended_log.webmail extended  ;; You decide wheter use regular or extended
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log.webmail
RedirectMatch ^/(index.html?)$  ;; Work around for easyness of URIs
RedirectMatch ^/exchange$     

ProxyPass               /public/          ;; Here is where the magic is 
along with one
ProxyPassReverse        /public/          ;; more little trick on the 
/etc/hosts file
ProxyPass               /exchweb/        ;; 
ProxyPassReverse        /exchweb/        ;;
ProxyPass               /exchange/      ;;
ProxyPassReverse        /exchange/      ;;

On the /etc/hosts you should add an antry to make the little mischief to the resolver. The real name of your exchange 
doesn't realy care. We make a match between the name of our webserver and the exchange server's address:     mailweb is the IP address of our private exchange server, while is the apache's server name. 
Also you have to ensure that the resolver acts in this way, modifying if necessary the order of search (resolve) a name:
Make sure the order of search in /etc/nsswitch.conf is: 

hosts:  files dns

Basically that's all.

Hope this helps you.

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