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Re: Suspicious IIS Log entry

From: Sean Earp <smearp () mac com>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 14:58:53 -0700


Someone was trying to remotely spawn a windows shell. I will completely screw up the name of the exploit (you can read all about it in "Web Hacking; Attacks and Defense" by Stuart McClure (President/CTO of Foundstone) < 3402512?v=glance&vi=reviews>, so I won't even try, but the way it works is as follows;

When attempting to hack into a computer that is protected by a firewall, let's say that you (as a good administrator), have faithfully firewalled every port except 80 (HTTP)...

The hacker requests a URL that (by design) specifies the location of the file he is looking for. Your firewall will allow the request through because it is a legitimate HTTP request, through port 80 (which is open). Your IIS web server is configured to let anyone access the /scripts/ directory, because it has (I would assume) some useful script that makes your web page function.

By sending the URL\\../winnt/system32/cmd.exe The hacker is requesting that the computer access the scripts directory, and then (using your good old DOS commands) moves up a directory or two, then into your winnt/system32/ directories, and runs (in this case) cmd.exe. Once he has cmd.exe running, he can do pretty much anything he wants on your computer, with full administrative priveliges.

Most good web servers will not allow such an activity (for obvious reasons). A legitimate user should only be able to access the content provided by the web server, and nothing outside. SO, hackers came up with a smart way around this limitation...

URL characters can be represented in more than one way (see RFC 1738 at The original intent was to allow non-printable or control characters to be input via their ASCII/Hex/decimal/octal/etc. representations. Run a google search on URL obfuscation and you will find a million pages explaining the concept (ie Unfortunately, this functionality has been abused by spammers and hackers in ways that were not originally intended. But back to the matter at hand...

IIS is (and was) smart enough to realize that <\\../winnt/system32/cmd.exe> is a dangerous command/URL, and will not allow it. BUT if the request for the URL was re-written as:

<> (technically a valid URL), early versions of IIS would NOT consider the URL to be dangerous, because it doesn't really look like the "dangerous" URL above. The URL would be accepted and processed, and VOILA! The hacker had spawned a command shell on the web server, all through a simple URL.

Microsoft found and fixed this problem, and hackers (almost immediately) found a way around it. They simply encoded the encoded portion of the URL. Therefore, IIS is looking for ..\\.. (bad) and ..%5c%5c.. (bad), but was NOT looking for (..%255c%255c..) which, once resolved, traversed the scripts directory and wreaked its havoc.

Good news for you, as evidenced by the IIS log file, IIS is new enough to have recognized and refused this request, exploiting a fairly old problem. If you ever want to UN-obfuscate a URL, check out <> which has a link un-obfuscator (in the case of this URL, you would have to run it through twice to get the final (bad) URL.

Hopefully this makes some sense (and I HIGHLY recommend the book I mentioned at the beginning for more information on the principles of web-hacking).


On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 09:42 AM, Toby Schau wrote:

I found the following suspicious entries in my IIS log files. Does anyone recognize the specific vulnerabilities that are attempted to be exploited? [ex030809.log (20)] : 2003-08-09 05:14:10 xxx.xx.xx.xx- xx.xx.xx.xx 80 GET
9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a 404 -

[ex030908.log (201)] : 2003-09-08 06:31:02 - 80 GET /<Rejected-By-UrlScan> ~/scripts/..%255c%255c../winnt/system32/cmd.exe
404 -

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