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Re: Windows 2000 - Invites you

From: Thomas TS <ttsoares () orion ufrgs br>
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 02:39:34 -0300

On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 16:30, pablo gietz wrote:
Hi list
I have a machine with Windows 2000 with SP4, Kerio Personal Firewall.
My kids use to chat with messenger.
Last night I discover my admin password was changed, so I have a little

My only corrective action until now was to remove  and hide the modem.

But what can I do? How is possible somebody change my password remotelly?

Maybe this is related, maybe not... but anyway:

At a XP pro I was trying to erase (as admin) a large file, an AVI movie,
and the system was refusing to delete the file, saying that some other
precess was "using" the file! 

As there was no program running at that time I start to kill the
"daemons" that place a small icon at the right place of the task bar.
Those are messenger and the VNC server - only.

Guess what? Ass soon as I get messenger killed I was able to delete the
AVI movie file !!!

This nasty program is a instant messenger, a P2P share system or what ?

BUT, things get even worst...

After that I decided to get this damm program down permanently. As I do
not know how to uninstall the thing... had the ideia of use msconfig to
turn off the automatic running of messenger at login time. Did so...
Next reboot, all seems fine. But, as soon as I tried to login with my
password, after the ENTER key the system reboot at my face !
And this was the same with all accounts of the system...

The only way to get the system up again was recover the "last working
configuration" with F8 at boot time.

I am far form be a M$ guru, my playground is at the *nix realm, so it is
possible this all was just my incompetence and ignorance... 
But that stuff was weird - this I am sure about!


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