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RE: Automatic discovery of shellcode address

From: "Adam Gilmore" <vuln () optusnet com au>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 23:44:08 +1000

Erm, correct me if I'm wrong, but the idea of placing your shellcode
(prepended with x number of NOPs) and then filling the rest of your
buffer with the address of the shellcode is a very old idea and very
commonly used.

In fact I'm sure you'd find the vast majority of normal stack overflow
exploits using this idea.

Also, I find an easier method to find the shellcode address is trial and
error. i.e. gdb ./myprog, run `perl -e'print "A"x1000'` - wait for the
segfault, take a look at esp/ebp then do a dump of say.. x/255xb.
Chances are if you subtract/add a little with either esp or ebp, you're
bound to find your 0x41 0x41 0x41 somewhere =)

Another interesting method is to use ptrace. Have a look at nslconf.c on
packetstorm which uses this method to find the shellcode. Quite nifty.

-----Original Message-----
From: steve () uk intasys com [mailto:steve () uk intasys com] 
Sent: Saturday, 22 March 2003 10:19 AM
To: vuln-dev () securityfocus com
Subject: Automatic discovery of shellcode address


  I've been playing around with LD_PRELOAD under Linux to modify
 some functions commonly susceptible to buffer overflows, strcpy,
 sprintf, etc.

  During the course of this work I had an interesting idea, and
 I thought I'd post it here for comments.

  There are many programs which are exploitable via user supplied
 variables such as command line arguments, and environmental variables.

  When these inputs are not adequately bounds tested they can be
 used to subvert control flow.

  A common method of exploitation is to run a program with a long
 argument, and see if EIP is overtaken, for example:

        /usr/bin/foo  `perl -e "print 'a' x 1000'`

  If this is vulnerable you'd see something like "cannot access memory
 at 0x41414141".  This indicated that you've managed to overwrite
 ESP, with an address you control.

  After that it's endgame - it's just a matter of working out where
 your shellcode may be placed and the magic offsets to modify to
 point to it.

  Whilst this isn't terribly difficult it's a time consuming and
 fragile process.  (Maybe that's just me!)

  It occurs to me that if you know where the buffer in memory which
 you're overflowing is, (in the case of sprintf, strcpy etc), you
 might be able to cheat.

  Knowing the direction the stack goes down all you need to do
 is overwrite the memory with:

        # shellcode
        # address of the start of the buffer x 1000

  If the start of the buffer being copied to is know then stick the
 shellcode there, and afterwards just append that address, so that
 all the likely return pointers are left sticking at your shellcode
 in a known location.

  How do you get the address of the buffer in the first place?
 Use LD_PRELOAD to modify 'strcpy', 'sprintf' to display the address
 they're writing to.  Simple.

  (OK LD_PRELOAD doesn't work for setuid binaries, but typically 
 copying the target to your machine will work, and you're safe as
 the displayed addresses won't change).

  Does this sound reasonable, or am I imagining things?

  I wrote a small textfile on it, available below, (note it's
 still work in progress):


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