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Fw: URLSCAN - Error 50. Ideas?

From: "at" <agtads () hotmail com>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 18:44:14 -0500

I'm running urlscan on IIS5.0. Below are configuration
options. Periodically it's starting to write such
messages into urlscan.log

[04-12-2002 - 08:04:22] Client at 111.222.333.444:
Received a malformed request which resulted in
error 50 while modifying the 'Server' header. Request
will be rejected with a 400 response.

and repeat them for each new request.
After this IIS is not responsive until w3svc stop/start.

Look like a simple denial of service.
Anybody had something like this? Any ideas?


UseAllowVerbs=1                ; if 1, use [AllowVerbs]
section, else use [DenyVerbs] section
UseAllowExtensions=0           ; if 1, use
[AllowExtensions] section, else use [DenyExtensions]
NormalizeUrlBeforeScan=1       ; if 1, canonicalize
URL before processing
VerifyNormalization=1          ; if 1, canonicalize URL
twice and reject request if a change occurs
AllowHighBitCharacters=0       ; if 1, allow high bit (ie.
UTF8 or MBCS) characters in URL
AllowDotInPath=0               ; if 1, allow dots that are
not file extensions
RemoveServerHeader=1           ; if 1,
remove "Server" header from response
EnableLogging=1                ; if 1, log UrlScan activity
PerProcessLogging=0            ; if 1, the UrlScan.log
filename will contain a PID (ie. UrlScan.123.log)
AllowLateScanning=0            ; if 1, then UrlScan will
load as a low priority filter.
PerDayLogging=1                ; if 1, UrlScan will
produce a new log each day with activity in the form
RejectResponseUrl=             ; UrlScan will send
rejected requests to the URL specified here. Default
is /<Rejected-by-UrlScan>
UseFastPathReject=0            ; If 1, then UrlScan will
not use the RejectResponseUrl or allow IIS to log the

; If RemoveServerHeader is 0, then
AlternateServerName can be
; used to specify a replacement for IIS's built
in 'Server' header

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