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String checking with PHP

From: buanzox () USA NET (Arturo Busleiman)
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 15:19:05 -0300

(Version en espa~nol, leer mas abajo)

Well, yesterday I asked for help regarding how to check if a string has
only valid characters, well here I attach what I programed by myself, I
hope it is useful for everyone out there who needs it. It's really simple,
and if you experts find any bug or problem (exceptuating speed :), PLEASE
mail me.


Bueno, lo siguiente es una funcioncita que escribi en PHP que lo que hace
es devolver TRUE si una cadena contiene SOLAMENTE caracteres validos
(definibles, obviamente).

ver el codigo adjunto (test_string.php3) para ver como funciona.

cualquier bug o duda, me mandan un email!

un abrazo para todos.

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Demonstration program of a string checking function, that is:
if string has unwanted characters, it is INVALID. (returns FALSE).
by Arturo Busleiman <buanzox () usa net>.
Hey, my first useful function with PHP :)

$VALID_CHARS_LOW    = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
$VALID_CHARS_NUM    = "0123456789";
$VALID_CHARS_SYMBOL = "-_@.";   // you may add whatever you need..

function chequear ($cadena,$validos) {
        for ($z=0;$z<strlen($cadena);$z++)
                for ($i=0;$i<strlen($validos)+1;$i++) {
                        if ($i==strlen($validos)) return(FALSE);
                        if ($validos[$i]==$cadena[$z]) 

$string1 = "whateveryouwant2check () mpol com ar";
$string2 = "yeah, right!;ls -ald ~user";
$string3 = "378192317";

if (chequear($string1,$VALID_CHARS_ALL)==FALSE) printf("cadena
invalida<BR>"); else printf("cadena VALIDA<BR>");

if (chequear($string2,$VALID_CHARS_ALL)==FALSE) printf("cadena
invalida<BR>"); else printf("cadena VALIDA<BR>");

if (chequear($string3,$VALID_CHARS_ALPHA)==FALSE) printf("cadena
invalida<BR>"); else printf("cadena VALIDA<BR>");


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