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Re: Link Layer Type Request NETANALYZER_NG

From: Jan Adam via tcpdump-workers <tcpdump-workers () lists tcpdump org>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 07:32:50 +0000

--- Begin Message --- From: Jan Adam <JAdam () hilscher com>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 07:32:50 +0000
That should also be noted in the specification.

I updated the specification with information about alignment, SrcID, and PayloadType.

Slicing a captured packet is not supported by our capturing device.

But some software can slice packets afterwards.  Either that would have to be forbidden (meaning editcap and, I 
think, tcpdump
would have to check for LINKTYPE_NETANALYZER_NG/DLT_NETANALYZR_NG and refuse to do slicing),
or they would have to 1) ensure that the slice size is >= the footer size and 2) do the slicing specially, removing 
bytes *before* the
 footer, so that if incl_len < VarSize + footer_size, (VarSize + footer_size) - incl_len bytes have been sliced off.

Both might be possible path to take for slicing. In any case the PayloadSize should also be adjusted when the 
payload length is changed in my opinion. Is this a Problem?

So, with incl_len equal to {PayloadSize,VarSize} + 54, orig_len would be equal to {original PayloadSize} + 54, so the 
original payload size would be orig_len - 54.

That would allow the original size and the sliced size of the payload to be calculated, so that should work.

Yes it should work.

I have the feeling this is more about the design then the implementation.
I will try to explain our design decision of the footer. We have observed that customers using Wireshark don't think 
about the header when counting the bytes in the hex dump and expect the frame to start at the first byte and as a 
result read out wrong values. Therefore our idea was to put the additional info at the end in form of a footer.

Maybe you can help me understand more of the general concept, how is this slicing handled for a DLT with a header or 
footer in general?
If you take for example another DLT: it has 16 byte header 
size, how does editcap or tcpdump take that into account? Is it possible to slice without taking the header size into 

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