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Re: Sending a packet to localhost?

From: Aaron Turner <synfinatic () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 13:29:32 -0800

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Oliver Zheng
<mailinglists+tcpdump () oliverzheng com> wrote:
Thanks for the response Aaron.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Aaron Turner <synfinatic () gmail com> wrote:
In my experience, sending packets on eth0 causes the packet to bypass
the TCP/IP stack and be sent out sight unseen.  Hence, you won't be
able to inject packets into a TCP stream with the target of the local

Well that kind of sucks. =( It seems weird that an outgoing packet
like this could be filtered by the kernel. What criteria does a packet
like this fit for it to be filtered out? (e.g. it doesn't match a TCP
connection, but obviously it does in this case.) The only thing I can
think of is that the kernel uses a different incoming adapter (really
low level?) than libpcap, which sounds wrong since libpcap should be
operating at the lowest possible layer, right?

It's not "filtered'.  Rather libpcap (and the PF_PACKET api on Linux)
bypasses the TCP/IP stack completely for outgoing packets.

Sending packets via loopback might work- I've never tried that to be
honest.  I'm not really sure if you can inject standard ethernet
frames or you need to convert to Linux's cooked SLL header format.
You might try setting the destination MAC to that of eth0 and see if
the kernel will route it for you.

Tried sending an incoming packet to lo, no go either. It's the same
packet as if I had sent it on eth0. Should I perhaps be changing the
MAC address to the one on lo? What do packets even look like on the
lo? In that SLL format? I can't think of any application that uses lo
for communication that I can use Windump to look at.

tcpdump/Wireshark will show you the Linux SLL header.  Basically the
struct looks like:

typedef struct {
    u_int16_t source;       /* values 0-4 determine where the packet
came and where it's going */
    u_int16_t type;         /* linux ARPHRD_* values for link-layer
device type.  See:
#define ARPHRD_ETHER    1   /* ethernet */
    u_int16_t length;       /* source address length */
    u_char address[8];      /* first 8 bytes of source address (may be
truncated) */
    u_int16_t proto;        /* Ethernet protocol type */
} linux_sll_header_t;

Honestly, loopback is a weird beast and it wouldn't surprise me at all
that it won't work for your needs.  Your best bet is to run your
application on the other host (or a 3rd host) and inject packets that

Aaron Turner - Pcap editing and replay tools for Unix & Windows
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