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Wrong tcp sequence numbers???

From: Claudio Lavecchia <Claudio.Lavecchia () eurecom fr>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 12:26:56 +0200

Hello ppl,

I got a quite easy question for you guys:

I am using a libpcap based packet dissector to sniff WLAN traffic:

I read tcp packets using the structure:

struct sniff_tcp {
       u_short th_sport;                       /* source port */
       u_short th_dport;                       /* destination port */
       tcp_seq th_seq;                         /* sequence number */
       tcp_seq th_ack;                         /* acknowledgement number */

       //u_int th_seq;                           /* sequence number */
//u_int th_ack; /* acknowledgement number */
               u_int   th_x2:4,                /* (unused) */
                       th_off:4;               /* data offset */
               u_int   th_off:4,               /* data offset */
                       th_x2:4;                /* (unused) */
       u_char  th_flags;
       #define TH_FIN  0x01
       #define TH_SYN  0x02
       #define TH_RST  0x04
       #define TH_PUSH 0x08
       #define TH_ACK  0x10
       #define TH_URG  0x20
       #define TH_ECE  0x40
       #define TH_CWR  0x80
       u_short th_win;                         /* window */
       u_short th_sum;                         /* checksum */
       u_short th_urp;                         /* urgent pointer */

but in my code when I try to read the tcp sequence numbers, I get very odd values of sequence number. Here follows the code snippet I use to read sequence number. The values I get do not correspond to the ones I read using ethereal, for example.

//-------------------- CODE SNIPPET----------------------------------------
       /* This pointer points to the beginning of the IP packet */
       ip = (struct sniff_ip*)(packet + size_ethernet);
       /* This pointer points to the beginning of the TCP packet */
       tcp = (struct sniff_tcp*)(packet + size_ethernet + size_ip);
       // The payload represents the application data
d_ip_packet->payload = (u_char *)(packet + size_ethernet + size_ip + size_tcp);

       /* Interesting portion of the IP header */
d_ip_packet->src_ip_address = strcpy(d_ip_packet->src_ip_address,inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src));

d_ip_packet->dst_ip_address = strcpy(d_ip_packet->dst_ip_address,inet_ntoa(ip->ip_dst));

d_ip_packet->sequence_number = ntohl(tcp->th_seq); // BUG HERE! sequence number is not correct

//-------------------- END OF CODE SNIPPET----------------------------------------

Can anyone help me?

Thx a lot for your attention

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