Snort mailing list archives

Re: "http_client_body" rule not working

From: Shaiming Hsiung <shaiming.hsiung () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 13:43:57 -0300

Hi again,

Can you detail your IPS os_linux/snort please? daq ? iptables/netfilter ?

- Linux ubuntu 2.6.38-8-server #42-Ubuntu SMP (Ubuntu 11.04 / x86_64)
- tested it with Snort versions 2.9.2 and 2.9.3 with the same results
- lsmod shows up the ip_queue module

# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
QUEUE      tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
QUEUE      tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
QUEUE      tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere

what's your web request/cmd line ? post your python script please?

--- ---

import httplib
h = httplib.HTTPConnection('target_host')
h.request('POST', '/hello', 'world')
r = h.getresponse()


Your Snort config ? cmd line ?
Repost your exact snort rules please ?

--- test.snort.conf ---

preprocessor stream5_global: track_tcp yes track_udp yes
preprocessor stream5_tcp: policy bsd, timeout 86400, ports all
preprocessor stream5_udp: timeout 86400

preprocessor http_inspect: global iis_unicode_map 1252
preprocessor http_inspect_server: server default profile all ports { 80 }

drop tcp any any -> any any (sid:1234567; msg:"test1";
content:"world"; http_client_body;)

--- command line ---

# snort -dv --daq ipq -Q -c test.snort.conf


Do you have disable cksum for testing please?

Sorry, I am not sure what do you mean exactly.
Would that mean disabling IP checksums in Snort?
At the OS level?


Can you run tcpdump like for full network capture please?

I paste below the tcpdump between localhost and the IPS.


Restating the issue, when snort is running with the given
configuration, I expect for it to block the given request, but
instead I get the http response from target_host.

localhost$ ./
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /hello was not found on this server.</p>
<address>Apache/2.2.17 (Ubuntu) Server at target_host Port 80</address>

The Snort log has no alerts after doing this.

I have already stated this in a previous email, but Snort
seems to be working fine otherwise. It *does* block the
request if I use a rule not based on http_client_body.

For instance, it has worked correctly with a slight variation
of the rule:

    drop tcp any any -> any any (sid:1234567; msg:"test1";
content:"hello"; http_uri;)

Below I paste the Snort output, and the tcpdump output.

  localhost =
  ips = /
  target_host =

Thanks once again for your help.


--- Snort output

Enabling inline operation
Running in IDS mode

        --== Initializing Snort ==--
Initializing Output Plugins!
Initializing Preprocessors!
Initializing Plug-ins!
Parsing Rules file "test.snort.conf"
Tagged Packet Limit: 256
Log directory = /var/log/snort
Stream5 global config:
    Track TCP sessions: ACTIVE
    Max TCP sessions: 262144
    Memcap (for reassembly packet storage): 8388608
    Track UDP sessions: ACTIVE
    Max UDP sessions: 131072
    Track ICMP sessions: INACTIVE
    Track IP sessions: INACTIVE
    Log info if session memory consumption exceeds 1048576
    Send up to 0 active responses
    Protocol Aware Flushing: ACTIVE
        Maximum Flush Point: 16384
Stream5 TCP Policy config:
    Bound Address: default
    Reassembly Policy: BSD
    Timeout: 86400 seconds
    Maximum number of bytes to queue per session: 1048576
    Maximum number of segs to queue per session: 2621
    Reassembly Ports:
      21 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      23 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      25 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      42 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      53 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      80 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      110 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      111 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      135 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      136 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      137 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      139 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      143 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      445 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      513 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      514 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      1433 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      1521 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      2401 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
      3306 client (Footprint) server (Footprint)
Stream5 UDP Policy config:
    Timeout: 86400 seconds
HttpInspect Config:
      Max Pipeline Requests:    0
      Inspection Type:          STATELESS
      Detect Proxy Usage:       NO
      IIS Unicode Map Filename: ./
      IIS Unicode Map Codepage: 1252
      Memcap used for logging URI and Hostname: 150994944
      Max Gzip Memory: 838860
      Max Gzip Sessions: 191
      Gzip Compress Depth: 1460
      Gzip Decompress Depth: 2920
      Server profile: All
      Ports (PAF): 80
      Server Flow Depth: 300
      Client Flow Depth: 300
      Max Chunk Length: 500000
      Max Header Field Length: 0
      Max Number Header Fields: 0
      Max Number of WhiteSpaces allowed with header folding: 200
      Inspect Pipeline Requests: YES
      URI Discovery Strict Mode: NO
      Allow Proxy Usage: NO
      Disable Alerting: NO
      Oversize Dir Length: 0
      Only inspect URI: NO
      Normalize HTTP Headers: NO
      Inspect HTTP Cookies: NO
      Inspect HTTP Responses: NO
      Extract Gzip from responses: NO
      Unlimited decompression of gzip data from responses: NO
      Normalize Javascripts in HTTP Responses: NO
      Normalize HTTP Cookies: NO
      Enable XFF and True Client IP: NO
      Log HTTP URI data: NO
      Log HTTP Hostname data: NO
      Extended ASCII code support in URI: NO
      Ascii: YES alert: NO
      Double Decoding: YES alert: YES
      %U Encoding: YES alert: YES
      Bare Byte: YES alert: YES
      UTF 8: OFF
      IIS Unicode: YES alert: YES
      Multiple Slash: YES alert: NO
      IIS Backslash: YES alert: NO
      Directory Traversal: YES alert: NO
      Web Root Traversal: YES alert: YES
      Apache WhiteSpace: YES alert: NO
      IIS Delimiter: YES alert: NO
      Non-RFC Compliant Characters: NONE
      Whitespace Characters: 0x09 0x0b 0x0c 0x0d

Initializing rule chains...
1 Snort rules read
    1 detection rules
    0 decoder rules
    0 preprocessor rules
1 Option Chains linked into 1 Chain Headers
0 Dynamic rules

+-------------------[Rule Port Counts]---------------------------------------
|             tcp     udp    icmp      ip
|     src       0       0       0       0
|     dst       0       0       0       0
|     any       1       0       0       0
|      nc       0       0       0       0
|     s+d       0       0       0       0

| memory-cap : 1048576 bytes
| none

| memory-cap : 1048576 bytes
| none

| memory-cap : 1048576 bytes
| none
| none
Rule application order:
Verifying Preprocessor Configurations!
ICMP tracking disabled, no ICMP sessions allocated
IP tracking disabled, no IP sessions allocated

[ Port Based Pattern Matching Memory ]
+-[AC-BNFA Search Info Summary]------------------------------
| Instances        : 3
| Patterns         : 5
| Pattern Chars    : 43
| Num States       : 43
| Num Match States : 5
| Memory           :   5.39Kbytes
|   Patterns       :   0.23K
|   Match Lists    :   0.49K
|   Transitions    :   3.47K
ipq DAQ configured to inline.
The DAQ version does not support reload.
Reload thread starting...
Reload thread started, thread 0x7f2bee320700 (2737)

        --== Initialization Complete ==--

   ,,_     -*> Snort! <*-
  o"  )~   Version 2.9.2 IPv6 GRE (Build 78)
   ''''    By Martin Roesch & The Snort Team:
           Copyright (C) 1998-2011 Sourcefire, Inc., et al.
           Using libpcap version 1.1.1
           Using PCRE version: 8.12 2011-01-15
           Using ZLIB version:

Commencing packet processing (pid=2737)
Decoding Raw IP4
08/01-16:26:09.025522 ->
TCP TTL:62 TOS:0x0 ID:42598 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60 DF
******S* Seq: 0x43EF8D8C  Ack: 0x0  Win: 0x3908  TcpLen: 40
TCP Options (5) => MSS: 1460 SackOK TS: 2436074 0 NOP WS: 6


08/01-16:26:09.027629 ->
TCP TTL:63 TOS:0x0 ID:0 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60 DF
***A**S* Seq: 0xB652FD58  Ack: 0x43EF8D8D  Win: 0x3890  TcpLen: 40
TCP Options (5) => MSS: 1460 SackOK TS: 68542 2436074 NOP WS: 5


08/01-16:26:09.028034 ->
TCP TTL:62 TOS:0x0 ID:42599 IpLen:20 DgmLen:52 DF
***A**** Seq: 0x43EF8D8D  Ack: 0xB652FD59  Win: 0xE5  TcpLen: 32
TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 2436074 68542


08/01-16:26:09.028270 ->
TCP TTL:62 TOS:0x0 ID:42600 IpLen:20 DgmLen:146 DF
***AP*** Seq: 0x43EF8D8D  Ack: 0xB652FD59  Win: 0xE5  TcpLen: 32
TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 2436074 68542
50 4F 53 54 20 2F 68 65 6C 6C 6F 20 48 54 54 50  POST /hello HTTP
2F 31 2E 31 0D 0A 48 6F 73 74 3A 20 74 61 72 67  /1.1..Host: targ
65 74 5F 68 6F 73 74 0D 0A 41 63 63 65 70 74 2D  et_host..Accept-
45 6E 63 6F 64 69 6E 67 3A 20 69 64 65 6E 74 69  Encoding: identi
74 79 0D 0A 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2D 4C 65 6E 67  ty..Content-Leng
74 68 3A 20 35 0D 0A 0D 0A 77 6F 72 6C 64        th:


08/01-16:26:09.028644 ->
TCP TTL:63 TOS:0x0 ID:63207 IpLen:20 DgmLen:52 DF
***A**** Seq: 0xB652FD59  Ack: 0x43EF8DEB  Win: 0x1C5  TcpLen: 32
TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 68542 2436074


08/01-16:26:09.029210 ->
TCP TTL:63 TOS:0x0 ID:63208 IpLen:20 DgmLen:516 DF
***AP*** Seq: 0xB652FD59  Ack: 0x43EF8DEB  Win: 0x1C5  TcpLen: 32
TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 68542 2436074
48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31 20 34 30 34 20 4E 6F 74  HTTP/1.1 404 Not
20 46 6F 75 6E 64 0D 0A 44 61 74 65 3A 20 57 65   Found..Date: We
64 2C 20 30 31 20 41 75 67 20 32 30 31 32 20 31  d, 01 Aug 2012 1
38 3A 32 36 3A 30 38 20 47 4D 54 0D 0A 53 65 72  8:26:08 GMT..Ser
76 65 72 3A 20 41 70 61 63 68 65 2F 32 2E 32 2E  ver: Apache/2.2.
31 37 20 28 55 62 75 6E 74 75 29 0D 0A 56 61 72  17 (Ubuntu)..Var
79 3A 20 41 63 63 65 70 74 2D 45 6E 63 6F 64 69  y: Accept-Encodi
6E 67 0D 0A 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2D 4C 65 6E 67  ng..Content-Leng
74 68 3A 20 32 38 30 0D 0A 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74  th: 280..Content
2D 54 79 70 65 3A 20 74 65 78 74 2F 68 74 6D 6C  -Type: text/html
3B 20 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3D 69 73 6F 2D 38 38  ; charset=iso-88
35 39 2D 31 0D 0A 0D 0A 3C 21 44 4F 43 54 59 50  59-1....<!DOCTYP
45 20 48 54 4D 4C 20 50 55 42 4C 49 43 20 22 2D  E HTML PUBLIC "-
2F 2F 49 45 54 46 2F 2F 44 54 44 20 48 54 4D 4C  //IETF//DTD HTML
20 32 2E 30 2F 2F 45 4E 22 3E 0A 3C 68 74 6D 6C   2.0//EN">.<html
3E 3C 68 65 61 64 3E 0A 3C 74 69 74 6C 65 3E 34  ><head>.<title>4
30 34 20 4E 6F 74 20 46 6F 75 6E 64 3C 2F 74 69  04 Not Found</ti
74 6C 65 3E 0A 3C 2F 68 65 61 64 3E 3C 62 6F 64  tle>.</head><bod
79 3E 0A 3C 68 31 3E 4E 6F 74 20 46 6F 75 6E 64  y>.<h1>Not Found
3C 2F 68 31 3E 0A 3C 70 3E 54 68 65 20 72 65 71  </h1>.<p>The req
75 65 73 74 65 64 20 55 52 4C 20 2F 68 65 6C 6C  uested URL /hell
6F 20 77 61 73 20 6E 6F 74 20 66 6F 75 6E 64 20  o was not found
6F 6E 20 74 68 69 73 20 73 65 72 76 65 72 2E 3C  on this server.<
2F 70 3E 0A 3C 68 72 3E 0A 3C 61 64 64 72 65 73  /p>.<hr>.<addres
73 3E 41 70 61 63 68 65 2F 32 2E 32 2E 31 37 20  s>Apache/2.2.17
28 55 62 75 6E 74 75 29 20 53 65 72 76 65 72 20  (Ubuntu) Server
61 74 20 74 61 72 67 65 74 5F 68 6F 73 74 20 50  at target_host P
6F 72 74 20 38 30 3C 2F 61 64 64 72 65 73 73 3E  ort 80</address>
0A 3C 2F 62 6F 64 79 3E 3C 2F 68 74 6D 6C 3E 0A  .</body></html>.


08/01-16:26:09.029613 ->
TCP TTL:62 TOS:0x0 ID:42601 IpLen:20 DgmLen:52 DF
***A**** Seq: 0x43EF8DEB  Ack: 0xB652FF29  Win: 0xF5  TcpLen: 32
TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 2436075 68542


08/01-16:26:09.031542 ->
TCP TTL:62 TOS:0x0 ID:42602 IpLen:20 DgmLen:52 DF
***A***F Seq: 0x43EF8DEB  Ack: 0xB652FF29  Win: 0xF5  TcpLen: 32
TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 2436075 68542


08/01-16:26:09.031912 ->
TCP TTL:63 TOS:0x0 ID:63209 IpLen:20 DgmLen:52 DF
***A***F Seq: 0xB652FF29  Ack: 0x43EF8DEC  Win: 0x1C5  TcpLen: 32
TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP TS: 68542 2436075


08/01-16:26:09.032179 ->
TCP TTL:62 TOS:0x0 ID:42603 IpLen:20 DgmLen:52 DF
***A**** Seq: 0x43EF8DEC  Ack: 0xB652FF2A  Win: 0xF5  TcpLen: 32
TCP Options (3) => NOP NOP *** Caught Int-Signal
Run time for packet processing was 34.5996 seconds
Snort processed 10 packets.
Snort ran for 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 34 seconds
   Pkts/sec:            0
Packet I/O Totals:
   Received:           10
   Analyzed:           10 (100.000%)
    Dropped:            0 (  0.000%)
   Filtered:            0 (  0.000%)
Outstanding:            0 (  0.000%)
   Injected:            0
Breakdown by protocol (includes rebuilt packets):
        Eth:            0 (  0.000%)
       VLAN:            0 (  0.000%)
        IP4:           10 (100.000%)
       Frag:            0 (  0.000%)
       ICMP:            0 (  0.000%)
        UDP:            0 (  0.000%)
        TCP:           10 (100.000%)
        IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP6 Ext:            0 (  0.000%)
   IP6 Opts:            0 (  0.000%)
      Frag6:            0 (  0.000%)
      ICMP6:            0 (  0.000%)
       UDP6:            0 (  0.000%)
       TCP6:            0 (  0.000%)
     Teredo:            0 (  0.000%)
    ICMP-IP:            0 (  0.000%)
      EAPOL:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP4/IP4:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP4/IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP6/IP4:            0 (  0.000%)
    IP6/IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
        GRE:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE Eth:            0 (  0.000%)
   GRE VLAN:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE IP4:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE IP6:            0 (  0.000%)
GRE IP6 Ext:            0 (  0.000%)
   GRE PPTP:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE ARP:            0 (  0.000%)
    GRE IPX:            0 (  0.000%)
   GRE Loop:            0 (  0.000%)
       MPLS:            0 (  0.000%)
        ARP:            0 (  0.000%)
        IPX:            0 (  0.000%)
   Eth Loop:            0 (  0.000%)
   Eth Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   IP4 Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   IP6 Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   TCP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
   UDP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
  ICMP Disc:            0 (  0.000%)
All Discard:            0 (  0.000%)
      Other:            0 (  0.000%)
Bad Chk Sum:            0 (  0.000%)
    Bad TTL:            0 (  0.000%)
     S5 G 1:            0 (  0.000%)
     S5 G 2:            0 (  0.000%)
      Total:           10
Action Stats:
     Alerts:            0 (  0.000%)
     Logged:            0 (  0.000%)
     Passed:            0 (  0.000%)
      Match:            0
      Queue:            0
        Log:            0
      Event:            0
      Alert:            0
      Allow:           10 (100.000%)
      Block:            0 (  0.000%)
    Replace:            0 (  0.000%)
  Whitelist:            0 (  0.000%)
  Blacklist:            0 (  0.000%)
     Ignore:            0 (  0.000%)
Stream5 statistics:
            Total sessions: 1
              TCP sessions: 1
              UDP sessions: 0
             ICMP sessions: 0
               IP sessions: 0
                TCP Prunes: 0
                UDP Prunes: 0
               ICMP Prunes: 0
                 IP Prunes: 0
TCP StreamTrackers Created: 1
TCP StreamTrackers Deleted: 1
              TCP Timeouts: 0
              TCP Overlaps: 0
       TCP Segments Queued: 2
     TCP Segments Released: 2
       TCP Rebuilt Packets: 2
         TCP Segments Used: 2
              TCP Discards: 0
                  TCP Gaps: 0
      UDP Sessions Created: 0
      UDP Sessions Deleted: 0
              UDP Timeouts: 0
              UDP Discards: 0
                    Events: 0
           Internal Events: 0
           TCP Port Filter
                   Dropped: 0
                 Inspected: 0
                   Tracked: 10
           UDP Port Filter
                   Dropped: 0
                 Inspected: 0
                   Tracked: 0
HTTP Inspect - encodings (Note: stream-reassembled packets included):
    POST methods:                         1
    GET methods:                          0
    HTTP Request Headers extracted:       1
    HTTP Request Cookies extracted:       0
    Post parameters extracted:            1
    HTTP response Headers extracted:      0
    HTTP Response Cookies extracted:      0
    Unicode:                              0
    Double unicode:                       0
    Non-ASCII representable:              0
    Directory traversals:                 0
    Extra slashes ("//"):                 0
    Self-referencing paths ("./"):        0
    HTTP Response Gzip packets extracted: 0
    Gzip Compressed Data Processed:       n/a
    Gzip Decompressed Data Processed:     n/a
    Total packets processed:              4
Snort exiting
TS: 2436075 68542


--- tcpdump output (between localhost and IPS)

13:39:34.063277 IP > Flags [S],
seq 2374691411, win 14600, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2637340 ecr
0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
        0x0000:  000c 2915 83dc 0050 56c0 0008 0800 4500  ..)....PV.....E.
        0x0010:  003c d44f 4000 4006 1e16 c0a8 c401 c0a8  .<.O@.@.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a ea53 0000 0000 a002  .....P...S......
        0x0030:  3908 4885 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a 0028  9.H............(
        0x0040:  3e1c 0000 0000 0103 0306                 >.........
13:39:34.063636 IP > ICMP redirect to host, length 68
        0x0000:  0050 56c0 0008 000c 2915 83dc 0800 45c0  .PV.....).....E.
        0x0010:  0058 19ff 0000 4001 5611 c0a8 c482 c0a8  .X....@.V.......
        0x0020:  c401 0501 be55 c0a8 c485 4500 003c d44f  .....U....E..<.O
        0x0030:  4000 3f06 1f16 c0a8 c401 c0a8 0304 ccc4  @.?.............
        0x0040:  0050 8d8a ea53 0000 0000 a002 3908 436b  .P...S......9.Ck
        0x0050:  0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a 0028 3e1c 0000  ...........(>...
        0x0060:  0000 0103 0306                           ......
13:39:34.063680 IP > Flags [S],
seq 2374691411, win 14600, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2637340 ecr
0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
        0x0000:  000c 2907 24a4 000c 2915 83dc 0800 4500  ..).$...).....E.
        0x0010:  003c d44f 4000 3f06 1f16 c0a8 c401 c0a8  .<.O@.?.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a ea53 0000 0000 a002  .....P...S......
        0x0030:  3908 436b 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a 0028  9.Ck...........(
        0x0040:  3e1c 0000 0000 0103 0306                 >.........
13:39:34.077535 IP > Flags [S.],
seq 2798162907, ack 2374691412, win 14480, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS
val 149049 ecr 2637340,nop,wscale 5], length 0
        0x0000:  0050 56c0 0008 000c 2907 24a4 0800 4500  .PV.....).$...E.
        0x0010:  003c 0000 4000 3f06 f365 c0a8 0304 c0a8  .<..@.?..e......
        0x0020:  c401 0050 ccc4 a6c8 93db 8d8a ea54 a012  ...P.........T..
        0x0030:  3890 c2f3 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a 0002  8...............
        0x0040:  4639 0028 3e1c 0103 0305                 F9.(>.....
13:39:34.077555 IP > Flags [.],
ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2637344 ecr 149049], length 0
        0x0000:  000c 2915 83dc 0050 56c0 0008 0800 4500  ..)....PV.....E.
        0x0010:  0034 d450 4000 4006 1e1d c0a8 c401 c0a8  .4.P@.@.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a ea54 a6c8 93dc 8010  .....P...T......
        0x0030:  00e5 487d 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e20 0002  ..H}.......(>...
        0x0040:  4639                                     F9
13:39:34.077643 IP > Flags [.],
ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2637344 ecr 149049], length 0
        0x0000:  000c 2907 24a4 000c 2915 83dc 0800 4500  ..).$...).....E.
        0x0010:  0034 d450 4000 3f06 1f1d c0a8 c401 c0a8  .4.P@.?.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a ea54 a6c8 93dc 8010  .....P...T......
        0x0030:  00e5 2965 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e20 0002  ..)e.......(>...
        0x0040:  4639                                     F9
13:39:34.077937 IP > Flags [P.],
seq 1:95, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2637344 ecr 149049],
length 94
        0x0000:  000c 2915 83dc 0050 56c0 0008 0800 4500  ..)....PV.....E.
        0x0010:  0092 d451 4000 4006 1dbe c0a8 c401 c0a8  ...Q@.@.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a ea54 a6c8 93dc 8018  .....P...T......
        0x0030:  00e5 b8f0 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e20 0002  ...........(>...
        0x0040:  4639 504f 5354 202f 6865 6c6c 6f20 4854  F9POST./hello.HT
        0x0050:  5450 2f31 2e31 0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 7461  TP/1.1..Host:.ta
        0x0060:  7267 6574 5f68 6f73 740d 0a41 6363 6570  rget_host..Accep
        0x0070:  742d 456e 636f 6469 6e67 3a20 6964 656e  t-Encoding:.iden
        0x0080:  7469 7479 0d0a 436f 6e74 656e 742d 4c65  tity..Content-Le
        0x0090:  6e67 7468 3a20 350d 0a0d 0a77 6f72 6c64
13:39:34.078013 IP > Flags [P.],
seq 1:95, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2637344 ecr 149049],
length 94
        0x0000:  000c 2907 24a4 000c 2915 83dc 0800 4500  ..).$...).....E.
        0x0010:  0092 d451 4000 3f06 1ebe c0a8 c401 c0a8  ...Q@.?.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a ea54 a6c8 93dc 8018  .....P...T......
        0x0030:  00e5 b8f0 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e20 0002  ...........(>...
        0x0040:  4639 504f 5354 202f 6865 6c6c 6f20 4854  F9POST./hello.HT
        0x0050:  5450 2f31 2e31 0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 7461  TP/1.1..Host:.ta
        0x0060:  7267 6574 5f68 6f73 740d 0a41 6363 6570  rget_host..Accep
        0x0070:  742d 456e 636f 6469 6e67 3a20 6964 656e  t-Encoding:.iden
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13:39:34.094553 IP > Flags [.],
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        0x0000:  0050 56c0 0008 000c 2907 24a4 0800 4500  .PV.....).$...E.
        0x0010:  0034 d5e7 4000 3f06 1d86 c0a8 0304 c0a8  .4..@.?.........
        0x0020:  c401 0050 ccc4 a6c8 93dc 8d8a eab2 8010  ...P............
        0x0030:  01c5 2825 0000 0101 080a 0002 463b 0028  ..(%........F;.(
        0x0040:  3e20                                     >.
13:39:34.107628 IP > Flags [P.],
seq 1:465, ack 95, win 453, options [nop,nop,TS val 149051 ecr
2637344], length 464
        0x0000:  0050 56c0 0008 000c 2907 24a4 0800 4500  .PV.....).$...E.
        0x0010:  0204 d5e8 4000 3f06 1bb5 c0a8 0304 c0a8  ....@.?.........
        0x0020:  c401 0050 ccc4 a6c8 93dc 8d8a eab2 8018  ...P............
        0x0030:  01c5 e7a7 0000 0101 080a 0002 463b 0028  ............F;.(
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13:39:34.107716 IP > Flags [.],
ack 465, win 245, options [nop,nop,TS val 2637351 ecr 149051], length
        0x0000:  000c 2915 83dc 0050 56c0 0008 0800 4500  ..)....PV.....E.
        0x0010:  0034 d452 4000 4006 1e1b c0a8 c401 c0a8  .4.R@.@.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a eab2 a6c8 95ac 8010  .....P..........
        0x0030:  00f5 487d 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e27 0002  ..H}.......(>'..
        0x0040:  463b                                     F;
13:39:34.107853 IP > ICMP redirect to host, length 60
        0x0000:  0050 56c0 0008 000c 2915 83dc 0800 45c0  .PV.....).....E.
        0x0010:  0050 1a00 0000 4001 5618 c0a8 c482 c0a8  .P....@.V.......
        0x0020:  c401 0501 be4d c0a8 c485 4500 0034 d452  .....M....E..4.R
        0x0030:  4000 3f06 1f1b c0a8 c401 c0a8 0304 ccc4  @.?.............
        0x0040:  0050 8d8a eab2 a6c8 95ac 8010 00f5 271e  .P............'.
        0x0050:  0000 0101 080a 0028 3e27 0002 463b       .......(>'..F;
13:39:34.107883 IP > Flags [.],
ack 465, win 245, options [nop,nop,TS val 2637351 ecr 149051], length
        0x0000:  000c 2907 24a4 000c 2915 83dc 0800 4500  ..).$...).....E.
        0x0010:  0034 d452 4000 3f06 1f1b c0a8 c401 c0a8  .4.R@.?.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a eab2 a6c8 95ac 8010  .....P..........
        0x0030:  00f5 271e 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e27 0002  ..'........(>'..
        0x0040:  463b                                     F;
13:39:34.109042 IP > Flags [F.],
seq 95, ack 465, win 245, options [nop,nop,TS val 2637352 ecr 149051],
length 0
        0x0000:  000c 2915 83dc 0050 56c0 0008 0800 4500  ..)....PV.....E.
        0x0010:  0034 d453 4000 4006 1e1a c0a8 c401 c0a8  .4.S@.@.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a eab2 a6c8 95ac 8011  .....P..........
        0x0030:  00f5 487d 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e28 0002  ..H}.......(>(..
        0x0040:  463b                                     F;
13:39:34.109193 IP > Flags [F.],
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length 0
        0x0000:  000c 2907 24a4 000c 2915 83dc 0800 4500  ..).$...).....E.
        0x0010:  0034 d453 4000 3f06 1f1a c0a8 c401 c0a8  .4.S@.?.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a eab2 a6c8 95ac 8011  .....P..........
        0x0030:  00f5 271c 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e28 0002  ..'........(>(..
        0x0040:  463b                                     F;
13:39:34.119488 IP > Flags [F.],
seq 465, ack 96, win 453, options [nop,nop,TS val 149053 ecr 2637352],
length 0
        0x0000:  0050 56c0 0008 000c 2907 24a4 0800 4500  .PV.....).$...E.
        0x0010:  0034 d5e9 4000 3f06 1d84 c0a8 0304 c0a8  .4..@.?.........
        0x0020:  c401 0050 ccc4 a6c8 95ac 8d8a eab3 8011  ...P............
        0x0030:  01c5 2649 0000 0101 080a 0002 463d 0028  ..&I........F=.(
        0x0040:  3e28                                     >(
13:39:34.119509 IP > Flags [.],
ack 466, win 245, options [nop,nop,TS val 2637354 ecr 149053], length
        0x0000:  000c 2915 83dc 0050 56c0 0008 0800 4500  ..)....PV.....E.
        0x0010:  0034 d454 4000 4006 1e19 c0a8 c401 c0a8  .4.T@.@.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a eab3 a6c8 95ad 8010  .....P..........
        0x0030:  00f5 487d 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e2a 0002  ..H}.......(>*..
        0x0040:  463d                                     F=
13:39:34.119657 IP > Flags [.],
ack 466, win 245, options [nop,nop,TS val 2637354 ecr 149053], length
        0x0000:  000c 2907 24a4 000c 2915 83dc 0800 4500  ..).$...).....E.
        0x0010:  0034 d454 4000 3f06 1f19 c0a8 c401 c0a8  .4.T@.?.........
        0x0020:  0304 ccc4 0050 8d8a eab3 a6c8 95ad 8010  .....P..........
        0x0030:  00f5 2717 0000 0101 080a 0028 3e2a 0002  ..'........(>*..
        0x0040:  463d                                     F=

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