Snort mailing list archives

RE: E-mail alerting

From: "Andy" <andy () page55 com>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 21:33:45 -0500

Ok, I think I'm getting close.

In /etc/swatchrc.txt,  I removed the ADDRESS part of the mail command, and
swatch now runs, AND the /root/.swatch_script.1234 file is created and I can
actually find it.

I get this:
*** swatch version 3.1.1 (pid:2009) started at Sat Sep 18 19:44:05 CDT 2004

To test, I did a port scan, and this popped up:

Invalid attribute name green_h at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Swatch/ line 58

 I commented the "echo green_h" line out, and I don't get the "Invalid
attribute name........" error anymore.

Still not getting email alerts however. Do I need the "echo green_h" ?  I
would think not....

Next, I changed the logging path, to /var/log/snort to match snort:

[root@tunes andy]# snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -l /var/log/snort
Running in IDS mode
Log directory = /var/log/snort

Still not getting email alerts however.

This is my current swatchrc file:

[root@tunes etc]# more swatchrc.txt
# Swatch configuration file

       # swatch -c /etc/swatchrc -t /var/log/snort/alert
       ###   Snort Alerts
       ##  Watch for entries containing the word 'Priority'  in the snort
alert file.
       ##  Display it in green on the screen
       ##  Mail alert to alerts () yourdomain com with subject of the email
       ##   being "----Snort IDS Alert----"
       ##  Log in file /var/log/IDS-scans

       watchfor /Priority/
      # echo green_h
       mail andy () page55 com ,subject=--- Snort IDS Alert ---
       exec echo $0 >> /var/log/snort

Any ideas, I've got to be sooooo close.....


  -----Original Message-----
  From: snort-users-admin () lists sourceforge net
[mailto:snort-users-admin () lists sourceforge net]On Behalf Of Andy
  : Saturday, September 18, 2004 8:01 PM
  To: snort-users () lists sourceforge net
  Subject: RE: [Snort-users] E-mail alerting

  Hi Prabu,

  I cannot find this file. Locate does not find any files named

  Snort and Swatch are installed on the "" server,  and the
mailserver I want alerts to be sent to is another server called ""

  Do I need a mail client running on Tunes? Sendmail is there by default.
I'm not sure how it works, but I'm guessing that Snort would use the default
email client to send an email...

  Thankyou for your reply, I wish I could get you the script info... I will
continue hunting .....


   -----Original Message-----
  From: prabu [mailto:prabu333 () hotpop com]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:08 AM
  To: Andy; snort-users () lists sourceforge net
  Subject: Re: [Snort-users] E-mail alerting

    Hi Andy,
          I was busy with my work for past three days,I didn't even check
snort list.Just now,I checked my mails,saw ur request.Well,I could not get
into a conclusion,what might be the error.Send the line in ur
script(ie,/root/.swatch_script.3238 ),where the error points out.I think,the
mail-id was the problem
    for the error.

    First,R u running snort on "page555" server or "tunes" server.What is
the hostname of the machine,where u have installed Snort and Swatch.
    See,u can send alerts to the useraccounts on the machine,where u have
installed all thoses stuffs.So change the email-id in the configuration
    This would help U,I hope.

    /root/.swatch_script.3238  ----.this is the script that is generated
automatically,while running swatch.

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Andy
      To: prabu ; snort-users () lists sourceforge net
      Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 5:34 AM
      Subject: RE: [Snort-users] E-mail alerting

      Hi Prabu,

      Excellent post, it prompted me to check out swatch. I had to install
the CPAN mods and the only thing different was that I had to install
Time-HiRes-1.63 instead of

      They all installed ok.

      I'm trying to get swatch to read the config file. I followed the
directions, but I'm getting an error:

      [root@tunes etc]# swatch --config-file=/etc/swatchrc.txt
      Global symbol "@page55" requires explicit package name at
/root/.swatch_script.3238 line 125.
      Execution of /root/.swatch_script.3238 aborted due to compilation

      I put the config file in /etc and copied it exactly from below, except
of course I inserted my own email address.

      Do you know what this error means?

      What is the meaning of the line: /root/.swatch_script.3238 line 125.
(specifically the /root/ part.)


        -----Original Message-----
        From: snort-users-admin () lists sourceforge net
[mailto:snort-users-admin () lists sourceforge net]On Behalf Of prabu
        Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2004 12:30 AM
        To: snort-users () lists sourceforge net; Carlos M Ospina
        Subject: Re: [Snort-users] E-mail alerting

        Hello Carlos,
                    You can use Swatch to get emails alerts from Snort.

         Installing Swatch,is just a child's play,very easier.I have given
below the necessary steps to configure Swatch.
        Hope,this will be useful.If you have,any queries,you can write to




        To receives Snort alerts as E-mail, one can follow the following

                          Swatch is the widely used open source tool to
enable E mail alerts in Snort. Swatch is a utility that monitors system log
files, filters out
        unwanted data and takes specified actions (i.e., sending email,
executing a script, etc.) based upon what it finds in the log files. So I
have used
        Swatch to configure snort to send the alerts as E-mail.

          Here, it is considered that snort have been already installed on
the host, in which this is to be tested.

        [a] Swatch installation:

        Download the swatch package, from
        To install, simply issue the following commands:

                       perl Makefile.PL
                       make test
                       make install
                      make realclean

        Swatch installs just like a CPAN module. If you are not familiar
with this process then you may want to read about it by issuing the command:

        man ExtUtils::MakeMaker

        Use the perldoc command if your man cannot find the document.

        If you see messages like these:

        Warning: prerequisite Date::Calc 0 not found at (eval 1) line 219.
        Warning: prerequisite Date::Parse 0 not found at (eval 1) line 219.
        Warning: prerequisite File::Tail 0 not found at (eval 1) line 219.
        Warning: prerequisite Time::HiRes 1.12 not found at (eval 1) line

        Then you need to install the CPAN module(s) that it doesn't find,
before you can use swatch.
        You can find these modules at

        One must download following perl modules from the site


        To install these perl modules,one can follow the same steps as said
per Swatch,
        They are,

                     perl Makefile.PL
                     make test
                     make install
                     make realclean

        The Swatch binary will be installed at the /opt/perl/bin/ directory

        Then create the swatch configuratiobn file.

        cat /etc/swatchrc.txt

        # Swatch configuration file

               # swatch -c /etc/swatchrc -t /var/log/snort/alert
               ###   Snort Alerts
               ##  Watch for entries containing the word 'Priority'  in the
snort alert file.
               ##  Display it in green on the screen
               ##  Mail alert to alerts () yourdomain com with subject of the
               ##   being "----Snort IDS Alert----"
               ##  Log in file /var/log/IDS-scans

               watchfor /Priority/
               echo green_h
               mail addresses=youruseraccount () yourdomain comt ,subject=---
Snort IDS Alert ---
               exec echo $0 >> /var/log/IDS-scans



        [a] Start Snort in NIDS mode:

          #./snort -c /snort/iexpress/snort/etc/snort.conf -l

        [b] Start swatch:

          cd /opt/perl/bin
          #./swatch --config-file=/etc/swatchrc.txt

        [c] Using Outlook Express:

           configure the User's POP3 account and you can recieve the emails
send by Swatch for each alerts based on the patter
           matching the "watchfor"



          ----- Original Message -----
          From: Carlos M Ospina
          To: snort-users () lists sourceforge net
          Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 7:08 PM
          Subject: [Snort-users] E-mail alerting

          Is there anyway to configure, with acid, automatic alerts by
e-mail? is ther eany manual about that?

          Thanks in advance.

          Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
          Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
          Version: 6.0.751 / Virus Database: 502 - Release Date: 9/2/2004

          Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
          Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
          Version: 6.0.760 / Virus Database: 509 - Release Date: 9/10/2004

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