Secure Coding mailing list archives

Re: BSIMM3 lives

From: Gary McGraw <gem () cigital com>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 13:14:52 -0400

hi kevin,

I think I understand your position.  Thanks for your feedback.

Maybe some background will help me get this straight.  BSIMM has 12
practices.  One of the twelve is Security Features and Design (SFD).  We
say this about SFD, "The overall goal for the Security Features and Design
practice is the creation of customized knowledge on security features,
frameworks, and patterns. The customized knowledge must drive architecture
and component decisions."

The particular BSIMM activity in questions is SFD2.1 (one of the 109 BSIMM
activities).  Here is its description from page 27 of the BSIMM:
SFD2.1: **Build secure-by-design middleware frameworks/common libraries.**
The SSG takes a proactive role in software design by building or providing
pointers to secure-by-design middleware frameworks or common libraries. In
addition to teaching by example, this middleware aids architecture
analysis and code review because the building blocks make it easier to
spot errors. For example, the SSG could modify a popular Web framework
such as Struts to make it easy to meet input validation requirements.
Eventually the SSG can tailor code review rules specifically for the
components it offers. (See [CR3.1] Use automated tools with tailored
rules.) Carefully vetting middleware frameworks for security before
publication is important. Encouraging adoption and use of insecure
middleware does not help the software security situation. Generic open
source software security architectures including OWASP ESAPI should not be
considered secure out of the box.

As you can see, there is no claim that struts is secure or any direct
comparison with ESAPI at all here.  (Really, I think Steve may have
accidentally mischaracterized things in his question.)  What is implied is
a warning that even things designed to be secure often may not be
(buyer...or cut-n-paster...beware).  Your last paragraph hits the nail
right on the head.  And you are absolutely right in saying that ESAPI does
a better job than generic Struts.

In any case, a quick refresher on Ross Anderson's statement WRT
programming Satan's computer is probably in order.  See what Schneier says

FWIW, 23 of 42 firms practice activity SFD2.1.  None of them make use of


On 10/19/11 11:22 PM, "Kevin W. Wall" <kevin.w.wall () gmail com> wrote:

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Gary McGraw <gem () cigital com> wrote:
On 10/15/11 5:45 PM, "Steven M. Christey" <coley () rcf-smtp mitre org>
3) The wording about OWASP ESAPI in SFD2.1 is unclear: "Generic open
source software security architectures including OWASP ESAPI should
not be considered secure out of the box."  Does Struts, mentioned
earlier in the paragraph, also fall under the category of "not
secure out of the box?"  Are you saying that developers must be
careful in adopting security middleware?

Of course struts is not secure out of the box, which is the whole point
the activity.  The major difference between struts as insecure and ESAPI
as insecure is that ESAPI claims to be a secure solution, though it is
often not.  One might argue that it is worse to claim to be secure and
to be than to ignore the whole thing, but that's not really worth
pursuing.  For more regarding Cigital's view on ESAPI, see


While I wholeheartedly agree with John Steven's championing that ESAPI be
made enterprise ready, I think your characterization of John's blog entry
having anything to do with ESAPI "not being secure out of the box" is
simply unfair.

I did not see that listed as one of John's concerns about ESAPI. The
closest way that one could make that association is that for most of
ESAPI's security components there are no high level user stories /
use cases to provide overall guidance on each component. And while
that conceivably could cause security issues, I don't really see
documentation as being the same thing as a being "insecure by default".

While I think one could make the argument that ESAPI 1.4 was insecure
by default (at least in the case of its symmetric encryption), I think
is an unfair assessment of the ESAPI 2.0 GA release. In fact, in some
cases, we deliberately sacrificed backward compatibility (one of John's
"enterprise readiness" criterion) with the 1.4 release compatibility
the development team's preference to choose security over backward
compatibility. (Which is something that I believe is the right decision
for security APIs.)

This is not to say that the security in ESAPI 2.0 is perfect. In fact, the
configuration issus is one of my nits to pick with ESAPI. Not only is
it overly complex, but it does not allow an enterprise's operations team
to lock down ESAPI properties in accordance with company security
policies.  But IMNSHO, I think that it does a far better job being
secure-by-default than does Struts, which is the other API that you
explicitly mention.

Best regards,
"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We *cause* accidents."        -- Nathaniel Borenstein

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