Secure Coding mailing list archives

Positive impact of an SSG

From: list-spam at (Benjamin Tomhave)
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 17:11:47 -0400

I think something significant has been excluded from this thread on
BSIMM, and that's the role of SSF. If I am to understand correctly, SSF
implementation was the experiment, and BSIMM was the resultant model for
assessing (measuring) the maturity of software security programs being
developed with SSF. Is that a fair read?

In the end, the same problem exists here: development of a model based
on data does not a validated model make. By way of Bayesian thinking,
you can definitely create a viable model based on a small sampling (FAIR
is based on this principle). However, you still have to go back and
/independently/ validate that model by exercising it outside of the
original data set.

Does BSIMM appear to be a viable model for assessing the maturity of
SSF-based software security programs? Sure.

Has BSIMM been independently validated using a similar data set? No.

Is BSIMM inherently reliant on SSF? Methinks so.

Does BSIMM make universal sense for measuring *any* software security
program? Unclear, but is questionable.

Is SSF a de fact standard for building a software security program? Unclear.

Anyway... fun debate! I fully appreciate the new work here, and I think
it holds promise. The release of the initial draft is probably cause for
a small celebration by the creators. However, until the model has been
validated with independent data and has been shown to be generically
applicable, I think there is still reason to hold back the really good
bubbly. ;)



Brian Chess wrote:
Ben, Pravir,
Skepticism is healthy, but recognize that:

1) These criticisms would not be possible if we hadn?t explained how
BSIMM was created and offered up the origins of the data.  If we simply
said ?here, we think this will probably work?, we could have created a
much more elegant model, and it would have been easy to brush all of the
?how did you validate it?? questions under the rug with lines like
?Trust us, we?re the experts!?

2) We published our data set.  If you don?t like the model we created,
you can use our data to create your own.  If you don?t think we came at
this the right way, you can conduct a better experiment, publish your
data, and demonstrate that ours is inferior.  I hope that happens.  It?s
how progress occurs in many other disciplines.

So then, is software security a solved problem?  Of course not!  There?s
plenty left to be done, and the landscape will be different next year.
 We will have new dilemmas and we?ll be working under tighter
tolerances.  We will need a constant stream of new and unproven ideas to
try out and report back on.  So BSIMM isn?t game over, but in moving
from ?no supporting evidence? to ?based on the data?, we?ve raised the bar.

Ben, thanks for the DNS digging.


On 3/11/09 1:32 PM, "Benjamin Tomhave" <list-spam at>

    I think the celebration is a bit premature, for many of the reasons
    Pravir just covered. I think that perhaps the problem we're having here
    is that you've not really tested your results, nor have you iterated
    through a 2nd time to reevaluate the working theory. If you were
    approaching this scientifically, I think the process would look like
    this (
        1. Use your experience: Consider the problem and try to make sense
    of it. Look for previous explanations. If this is a new problem to you,
    then move to step 2.
        2. Form a conjecture: When nothing else is yet known, try to state
    an explanation, to someone else, or to your notebook.
        3. Deduce a prediction from that explanation: If you assume 2 is
    true, what consequences follow?
        4. Test : Look for the opposite of each consequence in order to
    disprove 2. It is a logical error to seek 3 directly as proof of 2. This
    error is called affirming the consequent.

    I think what your missing, then, is at least step 4 as well as
    reiterating through the process again (and possibly Step 3). It's a bit
    abstract, perhaps, to rigidly apply the scientific method to this
    program, but I think it's instructive to consider how you might do this.

    BTW, your citation of the xkcd strip on causation vs correlation is
    actually instructive here. You've developed a model based on correlation
    without demonstrating causation at all. Not to get abstruse, but I don't
    see that your model is properly supported or validated. In the end,
    ironically, it seems to come down more to expert theories than empirical
    evidence. A handful of experts studied 9 organizations and correlated
    "highly successful" with "110 practices", but without properly defining
    success, without generalizing the model to all types of organizations
    (or without defining the scope), and without testing/validating the

    The good news is that you can now test the model. The bad news is that
    you ("you" being the collective behind BSI-MM) probably should have
    tested the model first before jumping straight to fanfare and hoopla. :)

    In the end, I'm sure that BSI-MM will be a fine model, though the
    questions will then be "can I implement it?" and "will it have
    sustainable value on its own?" If the value of the model rests on
    Cigital and Fortify pushing it into organizations by force (much as the
    Big N, ISACA, and ITGI have tried to do with CObIT and valIT), then I
    submit that it will encounter problems. It needs to be able to stand on
    its own, properly validated, with inherent value through logical

    Which perhaps begs a question: is BSI-MM intended as an implementation
    model to achieve better security in software development, or is it a
    measurement tool for evaluating the current security maturity of
    software development? A maturity model is typically used to measure
    maturity, which means that someone has to then come along and provide
    guidance on how to implement a program that can reach an optimal
    measurement. (and mayhaps this would be a good time to get together with
    Pravir to see if there's a way that you could both have winning game

    BTW, when you get to the point of defining success, I would suggest
    looking at FAIR (since they lean toward quantitative vs qualitative risk
    assessment based on Bayesian statistics) as well as looking at the
    concept of "risk resiliency" advocated, in particular, by BT. fwiw.


    On whether the site is up or not, I think DNS is hosed for the domain...
    I tried it from three locations (separate regions, separate providers)
    and got the same results:

    $ host
    Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

    $ host
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached also times out...



    Brian Chess wrote:
    > Ben!  Thank you!  When you talk about sample size, it gives me hope
    > we?re on the right track.  We can either:
    > 1) Use ideas that ?experts? theorize will work
    > or
    > 2) Gather empirical evidence to judge one idea against another.
    > We in the security crowd often try to hide behind the need for secrecy,
    > and that?s pushed us toward relying almost entirely on people who have
    > nothing but rhetoric and personal reputation to stand on.  BSIMM pretty
    > well shows that, in 2009, we can do better.  It?s a big step forward to
    > collect data and then argue about what it means.  I know it?s already
    > made the rounds, but let?s have some XKCD to celebrate:
    > I think your question about defining success is an important one.  We
    > were loose about it in this first round, and I hope it?s something we
    > can tighten up in our follow-on work.  Here?s my thinking as of today:
    > software security is not the goal, it?s one of the many things an
    > organization needs to do in order to meet it?s objectives.  We need to
    > look at how a software security initiative (or lack thereof)
    effects the
    > organization?s ability to meet it?s objectives.  This is going to be
    > messy, but it?s either that or go back to making stuff up.
    > BTW, I checked the BSIMM web site after I read your message.  It worked
    > for me.  Try this?
    > Brian
    > On 3/11/09 10:48 AM, "Benjamin Tomhave"
    <list-spam at>
    > wrote:
    >     I think it's an interesting leap of faith. Statistically
    speaking, 9 is
    >     a very small sample size. Thus, the proposed model will be viewed
    >     skeptically until it is validated with a much larger and more
    >     sample. Putting it another way, there's no way I can take this to a
    >     small or medium sized org and have them see immediate
    relevance, because
    >     their first reaction is going to be "those are 9 large orgs
    with lots of
    >     resources - we don't have that luxury."
    >     You quoted "we can say with confidence that these activities are
    >     commonly found in highly successful programs" - how do you define a
    >     "highly successful program"? What's the rule or metric? Is this
    a rule
    >     or metric that can be genericized easily to all development teams?
    >     My concern is exactly what you speculate about... organizations are
    >     going to look at this and either try to tackle everything (and
    fail) or
    >     decide there's too much to tackle (and quit). In my experience
    >     with maturity models as a consultant, very few people actually
    >     understand the concept. Folks are far more tuned-in to a PCI-like
    >     prescriptive method. Ironically, the PCI folks say the same
    thing you
    >     did - that it's not meant to be prescriptive, that it's
    supposed to be
    >     based on risk management practices - yet look how it's used.
    >     Maybe you've addressed this, but it doesn't sound like it. I'd
    >     be better educated here if the web site wasn't down... ;)
    >     -ben
    >     Sammy Migues wrote:
    >     > Hi Pravir,
    >     >
    >     > Thanks for clarifying what you're positing. I'm not sure how
    we could
    >     > have been more clear in the BSIMM text accompanying the
    exposition of
    >     > the collective activities about the need to take this
    information and
    >     > work it into your own culture (i.e., do "risk management").
    As a few
    >     > examples:
    >     >
    >     > p. 3: "BSIMM is meant as a guide for building and evolving a
    >     > security initiative. As you will see when you familiarize
    >     > with the BSIMM activities, instilling software security into an
    >     > organization takes careful planning and always involves broad
    >     > organizational change. By clearly noting objectives and goals
    and by
    >     > tracking practices with metrics tailored to your own
    initiative, you
    >     > can methodically build software security in to your
    >     > software development practices."
    >     >
    >     > p. 47: "Choosing which of the 110 BSIMM activities to adopt
    and in
    >     > what order can be a challenge. We suggest creating a software
    >     > security initiative strategy and plan by focusing on goals and
    >     > objectives first and letting the activities select themselves.
    >     > Creating a timeline for rollout is often very useful. Of course
    >     > learning from experience is also a good strategy."
    >     >
    >     > p. 47: "Of the 110 possible activities in BSIMM, there are ten
    >     > activities that all of the nine programs we studied carry
    out. Though
    >     > we can?t directly conclude that these ten activities are
    >     > for all software security initiatives, we can say with confidence
    >     > that these activities are commonly found in highly successful
    >     > programs. This suggests that if you are working on an
    initiative of
    >     > your own, you should consider these ten activities particularly
    >     > carefully (not to mention the other 100)."
    >     >
    >     > p. 48: "The chart below shows how many of the nine
    organizations we
    >     > studied have adopted various activities. Though you can use
    this as a
    >     > rough ?weighting? of activities by prevalence, a software
    >     > initiative plan is best approached through goals and objectives."
    >     >
    >     > Your words (...BSIMM fails...) imply (to me) that you posit
    >     > organizations attempting to use the collected wisdom in BSIMM
    >     > inexplicably, look at it and say "Okay, we have to do all 110 of
    >     > these things exactly as written, so let's get started"
    without regard
    >     > to their local need. This is as opposed to, say, looking at
    it and
    >     > thinking "Here's what nine companies have spent dozens of
    >     > person-decades and millions of dollars learning about what works;
    >     > let's see what we can glean from that." Uhmmmm, okay.
    >     >
    >     > Yes, previous models exist. Although it may have come up in
    >     > conversation, we did not ask any of the nine something like "What
    >     > model did you start with back in the beginning?" because it
    >     > isn't relevant to what we're trying to accomplish
    (documenting what
    >     > successful organizations are doing), just as "could" and "should"
    >     > aren't relevant. We asked "What *are* you doing now?" and
    >     > it so others could learn from it.
    >     >
    >     > --Sammy.
    >     >
    >     > -----Original Message----- From: Pravir Chandra
    >     > [mailto:chandra at] Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009
    4:00 AM To:
    >     > Sammy Migues; sc-l-bounces at;
    sc-l at
    >     > Subject: Re: [SC-L] Positive impact of an SSG
    >     >
    >     > Yes, I don't think its exclusive to your BSIMM interviews
    that you
    >     > found when people put controls into place, they saw improvement.
    >     > That's what I (and I'm sure many other consultanting firms)
    have been
    >     > doing for years based upon previous models (CLASP, MS SDL, etc.).
    >     > Nothing to do with BSIMM per se (actually, most of what DTCC
    >     > doing was based on CLASP), just that they added controls
    'early into
    >     > software development lifecycle' and saw benefit, which isn't
    >     > surprising.
    >     >
    >     > That being said, the important part we're missing as 'software
    >     > security guys' isn't the specification of all the possible things
    >     > that an organization *could* do, but rather what a given
    >     > *should* do based on good business decisions around risk
    >     > And that's the crux of what BSIMM fails to do. By basing the
    >     > maturity model on the collected practices of 9 massive firms that
    >     > spend the most on that problem, anyone (aside from firms in a
    >     > situation to your 9) that attempts to apply it to their
    >     > effectively throws risk management decisions out the window and
    >     > commits to a much more costly solution than they could have
    >     > based on the knowledge of their own business needs since all the
    >     > practices are based solely on the behaviors of the select few
    >     > you interviewed. I'm not discounting the validity of the
    >     > data, I'm just positting that it isn't scientifically valid for
    >     > solving the problem at hand.
    >     >
    >     > I'm interested to hear what you learn when you get to the
    small and
    >     > medium sized businesses as well as firms using agile development
    >     > models (something I particularly considered and accounted for
    >     > SAMM).
    >     >
    >     > Regardless of whether we agree on the percentage of orgs for
    which a
    >     > dedicated SSG isn't cost effective, I'm sure we can agree that
    >     > affording 'someone in charge of success' doesn't equate to a
    >     > dedicated SSG. There's a myriad of ways that can be
    accomplished in
    >     > any organizational structure.
    >     >
    >     > Thanks!
    >     >
    >     > p.
    >     >
    >     > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~
    >     > Chandra                      chandra<at>list<dot>org PGP:    CE60
    >     > 0E10 9207 7290 06EB   5107 4032 63FC 338E 16E4 ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~
    >     > ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    >     >
    >     > -----Original Message----- From: Sammy Migues
    <SMigues at>
    >     >
    >     > Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 23:15:39 To:
    >     > sc-l at<sc-l <sc-l at<sc-l>
    >     <sc-l at<sc-l>
    <sc-l at<sc-l>>> Subject: Re: [SC-L]
    >     > Positive impact of an SSG
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > Hi Pravir,
    >     >
    >     > Yes, I agree completely: the data gathered in the BSIMM
    >     > seem to indicate that "the controls over all" led to what the
    >     > interviewees saw as improvements in their capability to produce
    >     > secure software.
    >     >
    >     > In the nine companies interviewed, those controls (BSIMM
    >     > I think) sprang from well established SSGs -- that is, a specific
    >     > person or persons with the responsibility for ensuring lots (110,
    >     > collectively) of activities actually get done.
    >     >
    >     > The BSIMM data to date from specific large organizations indicate
    >     > that a little under 100:1 is the average ratio for dev/QA to SSG
    >     > size. It'll be interesting to see how this changes when we get to
    >     > interviewing smaller organizations and we see if and how they're
    >     > actually getting it done.
    >     >
    >     > Personally, I don't believe I agree with your guess that 95% of
    >     > organizations building code can't afford an SSG. I believe every
    >     > organization that wants to succeed can afford to have someone in
    >     > charge of success, but that's just my opinion and isn't
    relevant to
    >     > BSIMM.
    >     >
    >     > Cheers,
    >     >
    >     > --Sammy.
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > -----Original Message----- From: Pravir Chandra
    >     > [mailto:chandra at] Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 6:31
    PM To:
    >     > Sammy Migues Cc: sc-l at Subject: Re: [SC-L]
    >     > impact of an SSG
    >     >
    >     > Hey Sammy.
    >     >
    >     > How does that pertain to a software security group (SSG) per
    se? The
    >     > details below seem to indicate that it was the controls over
    all that
    >     >  lead to the positive impact.
    >     >
    >     > My main point is that supporting an SSG isn't cost effective
    for 95%
    >     > of the organizations out there that are building code. That's
    why in
    >     > SAMM, we didn't mandate the structure of the organization and
    >     >  concentrated on the functions fulfilled by security guys
    >     >  of their placement in the org).
    >     >
    >     > p.
    >     >
    >     > On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Sammy Migues
    <SMigues at>
    >     > wrote:
    >     >> Hi all,
    >     >>
    >     >> I've received some private questions about the 110 activities in
    >     >> BSIMM ( Since we built the model directly from
    the data
    >     >> gathered, each activity is actually being done in one of the
    >     >> organizations interviewed. The question is whether there's any
    >     >> evidence the activities are actually effective as opposed to
    >     >> being done.
    >     >>
    >     >> Since we can't publish any private data, I'd like to point
    folks at
    >     >> this recent article in Information Security Magazine. Jim Routh,
    >     >> CISO of DTCC (one of the nine organizations interviewed), is
    >     >> as follows relative to the impact of software security group
    >     >> activities:
    >     >>
    >     >>
    >     >>
    >     >>
    >     >> "One of Routh's big wins is inserting security controls
    early into
    >     >> software development lifecycle at the DTCC. Vulnerabilities are
    >     >> weeded out well before they appear in functional code that
    ends up
    >     >> in production and that has resulted in close to $2 million in
    >     >> productivity gains on a base of $150 million spend for
    >     >> Routh says.
    >     >>
    >     >> "Those gains are exclusively the result of having mature and
    >     >> effective controls within our system and software development
    >     >> lifecycle," Routh says. This is a three-year-old initiative that
    >     >> educates and certifies developers in all DTCC environments in
    >     >> security. Developers are also provided with the necessary
    >     >> code-scanning tools and consulting and services help to keep
    >     >> production code close to pristine."
    >     >>
    >     >> --Sammy.
    >     >>
    >     >> Sammy Migues Principal, Technology 703.404.5830 -
    >     >> Software confidence. Achieved.
    >     >> smigues at
    >     >>
    >     >>
    >     >>
    >     >> _______________________________________________ Secure Coding
    >     >> mailing list (SC-L) SC-L at List information,
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    >     >> ( as a free, non-commercial service to the
    >     >> software security community.
    >     >> _______________________________________________
    >     >>
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     --
    >     Benjamin Tomhave, MS, CISSP
    >     falcon at
    >     LI:
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    Benjamin Tomhave, MS, CISSP
    falcon at

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    Steven Wright


Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L) SC-L at
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Benjamin Tomhave, MS, CISSP
falcon at

[ Random Quote: ]
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