Secure Coding mailing list archives


From: jim at (Jim Manico)
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 13:05:42 -1000

There are plenty of sites that are perfectly x/html valid that are
completely insecure.

There are plenty of sites that follow perfect w3c and other standards
that are completely insecure.

There are plenty of sites that are top-tier security vendors that, at
least in the past, have been insecure.

- Jim

At 11:11 AM -0400 8/24/08, Paco Hope wrote:

Clearly the survey's content is only of interest if the HTML validates.

The publisher of the web page is not in the security business,
they are in the publishing business.  But how can I respect
their publishing expertise if they fail a simple automatic

And how can their target audience of security folk, who depend
strongly on following standards respect the knowledge of a
publisher who does not follow publishing standards.

On Aug 24, 2008, at 9:47 AM, "ljknews" <ljknews at> wrote:

At 2:43 PM -0400 8/22/08, Gary McGraw wrote:

BankInfoSecurity is running a survey on software security that some
of you may be interested in participating in.  Try it yourself here:
Hmmm. says there are 973 errors on that page.

Jim Manico, Senior Application Security Engineer
jim.manico at | jim at
(301) 604-4882 (work)
(808) 652-3805 (cell)

Aspect Security?
Securing your applications at the source

Management, Developers, Security Professionals ...
... can only result in one thing. BETTER SECURITY.  
Sept 22nd-25th 2008

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