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Disclosure: vulnerability pimps? or super heroes?

From: ken at (Kenneth Van Wyk)
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2007 07:00:15 -0500

On Mar 5, 2007, at 9:30 PM, Gary McGraw wrote:
I think some vendors have come around to the economics argument. In  
every case, those vendors with extreme reputation exposure have  
attempted to move past penetrate and patch.  Microsoft, for one, is  
trying hard, but (to use my broken leg analogy) they had a sever  
case of osteoporosis and must take lots of calcium to build up bone  
mass.   The financial vertical, led by the credit card consortiums  
is likewise making good progress.  Other vendors with less brand  
exposure (or outright apathy from users) are slower on the uptake.

Having spent several years on the incident handling side of this  
argument at CMU's CERT/CC, US. Dept. of Defense, etc., I thought I'd  
chime in here as well.  It's encouraging to me to see that many  
vendors now recognize the reputation exposure and economics  
argument.  I know that in my years at CERT (1989-1993), we were more  
than once threatened by uncooperative vendors, saying that they would  
sue us if we published information about their product's  
vulnerabilities.  We spent years developing those vendor  
relationships and building up some level of mutual trust.  It's not  
always an easy path.

In the "full disclosure" years, it's been my observation that many  
vendors get forced into publishing patches when the "vulnerability  
pimps" (as Marcus calls them) call them out in public.  Without a  
doubt, that's lead many vendors to respond more quickly and more  
publicly than they otherwise might have.  At the same time, (and to  
try to bring this thread back to *software security*) I'm concerned  
about the software security ramifications of being bullied into  
patching something too quickly.  While a simple strcpy-->strncpy (or  
similar) src edit takes just moments, and shouldn't impact the  
functionality and reliability of any software, patches are rarely  
that simple.  When software producers are forced to develop patches  
in unnaturally rushed situations, bigger problems (IMHO) will  
inevitably be introduced.

So, I applaud the public disclosure model from the standpoint of  
consumer advocacy.  But, I'm convinced that we need to find a process  
that better balances the needs of the consumer against the secure  
software engineering needs.  Some patches can't reasonably be  
produced in the amount of time that the "vulnerability pimps" give  
the vendors.


Kenneth R. van Wyk
SC-L Moderator
KRvW Associates, LLC

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