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Re: Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

From: karger () watson ibm com
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 18:07:49 +0100

Pascal Meunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Do you think it is possible to enumerate all the ways all vulnerabilities
can be created?  Is the set of all possible exploitable programming mistakes

I believe that one can make a Turing machine halting argument to show
that this is impossible.  If you include denial of service attacks
(and infinite loops are certainly a denial of service), then the
halting problem applies immediately and trivially.  But even if you
exclude denial of service, I think you could construct a proof based
on a Turing machine that halts if and only if there is an exploitable
programming mistake, or something like that.

I'm not really very good at such proofs, so I'll leave that as an
exercise for the reader (convenient excuse for not doing the hard

It is the practical impossibility of finding all the existing
vulnerabilities that led to the Anderson study of 1972 replacing the
"penetrate and patch" stratrategy for security with the "security
kernel" approach of developing small and simple code that you could
make a convincing argument that it is secure.  That in turn led to the
development of high assurance techniques for building secure systems
that remain today the only way that has been shown to produce code
with demonstrably better security than most of what's out there.

(I say most deliberately.  I'm sure that various people reading this
will come up with examples of isolated systems that have good security
but didn't use high assurance. No disputes there, so you don't need to
fill up SC-L with a list of them.  The point is that high assurance is
a systematic engineering approach that works and, when followed, has
excellent security results.  The fact that almost no one uses it says
much more about the lack of maturity of our field than about the
technique itself.  It took a VERY long time for bridge builders to
develop enough discipline that most bridges stayed up.  The same is
true for software security, unfortunately.  It also says a lot about
whether people are really willing to pay for security.)

Although old, Gasser's book probably has the best description of what
I'm talking about.  These two classic documents should be read by
ANYONE trying to do secure coding, and fortunately, they are both
online!  Thanks to NIST and the University of Nebraska at Omaha for
putting them up.  (For completeness, the NIST website was created from
documents scanned by the University of California at Davis.)


1.  Anderson, J.P., Computer Security Technology Planning Study,
    ESD-TR-73-51, Vols. I and II, October 1972, James P. Anderson and
    Co., Fort Washington, PA, HQ Electronic Systems Division: Hanscom
    AFB, MA. URL:

2.  Gasser, M., Building Secure Systems. 1988, New York: Van Nostrand
    Reinhold.  URL:

        - Paul

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