Secure Coding mailing list archives

Re: Installation and setup of secure applications

From: der Mouse <mouse () Rodents Montreal QC CA>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 04:56:22 +0000

everything being written about here sounds like the domain of the
software testing group,

I agree...

not development.

...I don't agree.

Testing quality in is no substitute for building quality in, and if
anything that's even more true for software than physical artifacts.

it's widely observable that the mixing of development and testing by
one group of people leads to poorly tested code.

Yes.  You need a testing group distinct from your coding group.  But
you _also_ need your coders to do testing; just as there are some flaws
that those familiar with the code can't see, there are other flaws that
those _un_familiar with the code can't see.  And code familiarity is
not all there is to it.  Whatever your intended audience, you need
testers from that intended audience; if it's not coders, your own
coders, even if they test others' work (as well as their own), can't
test from a non-coder perspective.  (Well, most of them.  The few that
can will be worth their weight in gold, especially as they are probably
polymaths in other respects too.)

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