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Risks Digest 31.09

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2019 14:14:22 PST

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Sunday 3 March 2019  Volume 31 : Issue 09

Peter G. Neumann, moderator, chmn ACM Committee on Computers and Public

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

Anticipating a deluge of false-positive medical tests
  (Kenneth D. Mandl and Arjun K. Manrai)
Cryptocurrency wallet caught sending user passwords to Google's spelling
  checker (ZDNet)
Fake Reviews: $168 buys 600+ five-star ratings online... (NBC)
Robocalls Routed via Virtue Signaling Network? (NYTimes)
Oscars: IBM & Surveillance AI: Clean Hands? (Henry Baker)
"Robot love? An app to schedule sex? What is wrong with you?"
  (Chris Matyszczyk)
Robot workers can't go on strike but they can go up in flames
  (Straits Times)
Who's making money from your DNA? (bbc.com)
The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America (The Verge)
Subaru plans recall: Perfume could cause your car to malfunction
  (Chicko Stuneoka)
iPhone hacking tool being sold on eBay -- but not wiped (Forbes)
Boeing Unveils Australian-Developed Unmanned Jet (The Guardian)
Roscoe Bartlett: The Congressman Who Went Off the Grid (Politico)
Your iPhone Has A Hidden List of Every Location You've Been (Gabe Goldberg)
Re: Plastic and other threats to the planet (Martyn Thomas)
Re: AI's continuing Big Challenge (Tom Gardner)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 12:54 AM
From: Roger Bohn <Rbohn () ucsd edu>
Subject: Anticipating a deluge of false-positive medical tests
  (Kenneth D. Mandl and Arjun K. Manrai)

  [via Geoff Goodfellow]

Kenneth D. Mandl, MD, MPH1,2; Arjun K. Manrai, PhD1,3
JAMA. 2019;321(8):739-740. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.0286


A culture of advocacy and promotion for aggressive testing may arise when a
biomarker or its sequelae yield financial benefit to drug and device
manufacturers, procedure-based specialties, hospitals, or laboratory testing
services or is increasingly requested by patients. Excessive testing can
also lead to costly and harmful care, including false-positive results,
overdiagnoses, and unnecessary treatments. Economic pressures, obfuscated
intentionally or inadvertently, can drive increased use of biomarkers, a
phenomenon that could be termed `biomarkup'.

The volume of per-patient biomarker measurements for screening, monitoring,
and diagnosing is poised to increase substantially. Furthermore, many of
these tests will be directed at consumers.1 Machine learning algorithms that
will soon drive artificial intelligence in health care require large amounts
of data and involve ever-expanding approaches to passively and actively
capture patient- and clinician-generated data. The affordability of
wearables and other connected devices is leading to continuous streams of
`digital biomarkers' from individuals in their homes. Genomic measures in
clinical care are expanding the number of biomarkers routinely measurable by
a physician from a handful to potentially thousands.

Another excerpt:

Adjusting the threshold of a biomarker for disease definitions may
significantly alter the population labeled with treatable conditions. For
example, the 2013 change in the cholesterol practice guidelines increased
the number of adults eligible for statin therapy by an estimated 12.8
million compared with previous guideline recommendations (Figure A).
With the global statin market approaching $23 billion, this is not a
coincidence.  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services levies
financial penalties on health plans in which beneficiaries adhere poorly to
filling their statin prescriptions.

My comment: There have been previous waves of tests that create lots of
false-positive.  Increasing resolution of medical imaging is one big factor;
it led to the fad for whole body scanning.  Nor is this a new problem. 20
years ago Andy Grove preached that ``every man should know his PSA level'',
but PSA screening turned out to have little, or negative, value for men with
no other symptoms of prostate problems. (He wrote an interesting article
about his experiences in 1996, but current data is much better.


Roger Bohn, Professor of Technology Management
School of Global Policy and Strategy, UC San Diego

  [Editorial comment: False positives and false negatives are always a
  concern, e.g., especially in dealing with Lyme disease, where most of the
  standard tests are inadequate.  However, false, misleading, and incomplete
  information may be even more of a problem.  For example, I might suggest
  that the medical profession seems to have ignored or disputed recent
  findings that low-fat diets and exercise may be much less effective in
  reducing cholesterol than reducing sugar and carbs:
    Sugar Industry's Propaganda Campaign Exposed a Half-Century Later,
    editorial in the Townsend Letter,  April 2017, p.80 and 79
  and that statins ultimately can do very serious long-term damage:
    The undeniable TRUTH about statins: Cholesterol-lowering drugs are
    linked to memory loss and brain impairment
    https://www.naturalhealth365.com/statins-drug-dangers-2798.html.  PGN]


Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 21:12:54 -0800
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: Cryptocurrency wallet caught sending user passwords to Google's
  spelling checker (ZDNet)

  [While a spelling check of input can be useful, maybe, the default should
  be to this being off.]

Catalin Cimpanu for Zero Day, 27 Feb 2019
Coinomi wallet bug sends users' secret passphrases to Google's Spellcheck
API via HTTP, in plaintext.

opening text:

The Coinomi wallet app sends user passwords to Google's spellchecking
service in clear text, exposing users' accounts and their funds to
man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks during which attackers can log passwords
and later empty accounts.

The issue came to light yesterday after an angry write-up by Oman-based
programmer Warith Al Maawali who discovered it while investigating the
mysterious theft of 90 percent of his funds.

Al Maawali says that during the Coinomi wallet setup, when users select a
password (passphrase), the Coinomi app grabs the user's input inside the
passphrase textbox and silently sends it to Google's Spellcheck API service.

"To understand what's going on, I will explain it technically," Al Maawali
said. "Coinomi core functionality is built using Java programming
language. The user interface is designed using HTML/JavaScript and rendered
using integrated Chromium (Google's open-source project) based browser."

Al Maawali says that just like any other Chromium-based app, it comes
integrated with various Google-centered features, such as the automatic
spellcheck feature for all user input text boxes.

The issue appears to be that the Coinomi team did not bother to disable this
feature in their wallet's UI code, leading to a situation where all their
users' passwords are leaking via HTTP during the setup process.

Anyone in a position to intercept web traffic from the wallet app would be
able to see the Coinomi wallet app passphrase in cleartext.


Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019 12:41:52 -0700
From: the keyboard of geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: Fake Reviews: $168 buys 600+ five-star ratings online... (NBC)

Can you trust online reviews? Here's how to find the fakes.
NBC News found thousands of questionable reviews on Amazon, Yelp, Facebook
and Google, and purchased great reviews for a company that never did any


The Federal Trade Commission announced a groundbreaking lawsuit Tuesday
against a company it accuses of paying for fake Amazon reviews. But the
agency may have a lot more work to do if it wants to end the scourge of fake
online reviews.

An NBC News investigation found thousands of questionable reviews on Amazon,
Yelp, Facebook and Google -- and showed that it was possible to purchase
hundreds of positive reviews within days for a new company that had never
done any work.

On Google and Facebook, the profile photos of the reviewers helped expose
many questionable reviews


The profiles used the likenesses of such actors and actresses Terry Crews,
Megan Fox, Omari Hardwick and Abigail Breslin. Those celebrities all
confirmed that they did not write the reviews in question.

Jason Brown runs the consumer advocacy website reviewfraud.organd said it's
common for fake reviewers to use images of celebrities -- often by
accident.  "What they'll do is they'll create their account, do a Google
search for headshots and when they're doing that to add it to their account,
they'll get famous people by mistake," Brown said. [...]



Date: Sat, 02 Mar 2019 07:53:53 -0800
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: Robocalls Routed via Virtue Signaling Network? (NYTimes)

Why "exceptional access" is synonymous with "backdoors for black hats"

Congresspersons will virtue signal all day long about robocalls, but will
NEVER stop robocalls.  Why?  Precisely because Congresspersons utilize
robocalls *themselves* for their own re-election campaigns.

Who else loves robocalls?  Phone companies themselves.  Robocalls run up
lucrative charges on accounts that would otherwise have *zero* traffic and
minimum account charges.

Who else loves robocalls?  NSA/intelligence agencies.  Have a 3-hop or 2-hop
maximum from a "person of interest"?  Any undergraduate computer scientist
can code up an algorithm to provide enough "junk calls" to fill in that
entire "who-called-whom" adjacency matrix so that *every* person is 2 hops
from a "person of interest".  Robocalls also enable metadata collection by
exercising the SS7 network.  Robocalls enable the testing of "live" phone
numbers which can later be used for SMS message scams and
malware^H^H^H^H^H^H^HNIT ("network investigative technique") installation.

Of course, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.  Exactly the
same techniques utilized by "white hats" can also be utilized by "black
hats" such as criminals and foreign intel agencies.


Let's Destroy Robocalls: Finally, something worse than Donald Trump.

By Gail Collins  March 1, 2019

Congress may have found an issue that all Americans can rally around.
Stopping robocalls.

All right -- a little depressing that it can't be world peace or
affordable health care.  But let's take what we can get.  If our
elected officials could join hands and lead us into a world where
phones are no longer an instrument of torture, maybe it'd give them
enough confidence to march forward and, um, fund some bridge repair.

Everybody has always hated telemarketers, particularly the ones trying
to sell some shady product.  And now the miracles of technology let
them follow you around all day.  When I'm home, I feel as if I spend
half my time blocking robocalls on our landline.  Yet somehow a
different number always pops up, with great news about opportunities
to reinsure my nonexistent car at low prices or acquire a cost-free
knee brace.

The knee brace thing is a scam to get money out of Medicare, but in
order to figure that out you'd have to engage in conversation.
People, do not ever talk on the phone with a stranger wielding free
knee braces.  This can be a life rule.

Things are at least as bad on mobile phones, which were the lucky
recipients of 48 billion robocalls in the United States alone last

Congress has been trying to control the problem at least since 1991,
when it passed the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.  Remember 1991?
"Dances With Wolves" won the Oscar for best picture.  The Dow closed
the year at 3,168.  The point I'm trying to make is that it's been a

At the time the big problem was mainly telemarketers -- actual people
who dialed your actual number and tried to talk you into buying
something.  Under the T.C.P.A.  you could put your name on a national
"do not call" list.  Some observers did worry about the part of the
plan that required the list be maintained by the telemarketers

Whoops.  In 2003 Congress gave the job to the Federal Trade
Commission.  Then-President George W.  Bush signed the bill into law,
rejoicing that from then on, when parents were reading to their
children at night, they'd no longer be interrupted by "a stranger with
a sales pitch."

Then robocalls really took over the world, and one person on the other
side of the planet could push a few buttons and disrupt "Goodnight
Moon" from coast to coast.

The F.T.C. kept saying it could take care of the problem.  ("... you
can count on us ...")  Then the Federal Communications Commission
created the Robocall Strike Force in 2016.  Great name!  Mediocre

So here we are, tortured phone owners one and all.  Perhaps, like me,
you've accidentally blocked some of your friends without successfully
getting rid of the woman with the free knee brace.  Perhaps you were
like Dr. Gary Pess, a hand surgeon who told The Times's Tara Siegel
Bernard that he stopped answering any calls when he didn't recognize
the number and then discovered one of them was about a person with a
severed thumb.

But good news!  We're getting some action.  I know "Congress is
working on a bill" is not as encouraging as, say, "Let me pour you a
drink and change the subject."  But still.

In the House, Representative Frank Pallone of New Jersey has a
proposal called Stopping Bad Robocalls, which certainly gets to the
point.  Pallone is the chairman of the Committee on Energy and
Commerce and it's fair to say he has a healthy chance of getting
something done.

Things are more problematic in the Senate, which, as you may have
noticed, is barely capable of getting its act together long enough to
salute the flag.  However, Democratic Senator Ed Markey of
Massachusetts -- the man who helped give us that Telephone Consumer
Protection Act in 1991 -- has teamed up with Republican Senator John
Thune of South Dakota to sponsor a bipartisan plan.  It's called the
Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act,
which I certainly hope you noticed spells out Traced.  (Or, O.K.,
Traceda if you wanted to be really technical.)

The bill, Markey says, is "a perfect example" of lawmakers from
opposite sides of the aisle getting together and "agreeing we don't
want our wireless devices in our pocket to be called by total
strangers 10, 15 times a day."

Pretty low bar, yes?  Perhaps someday we will see a liberal from
California and a conservative from Arkansas get together to fight
against people who throw beer bottles out of their car window when
they're in the passing lane on the highway.

But let's not be cynical.  Markey says, "If this bill can't pass then
no bill can pass," and he's probably right.  You need to root him on,
given that the other option is falling back in your chair and moaning,
"No bill can pass."  Come on.

The idea is to make telephone companies try much harder to identify
and block slimy robocalls.  And to bring enforcement groups together
to find new ways to prosecute the scammers.  I know it doesn't sound
all that dramatic, but if you want people to stop calling you every
day with offers to repay your student loans, it's a better strategy
than repeatedly screaming "I graduated in 1980!" into the phone.

A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A19 of the New
York edition with the headline: Let's Destroy Robocalls.


Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2019 08:55:09 -0800
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: Oscars: IBM & Surveillance AI: Clean Hands? (

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but
considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"
-- Matthew 7:3 KJV

"The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons."
-- attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Boswell

IBM is perhaps the *last* company that should be lecturing about morality
and ethical behavior in an Oscars commercial, due to its complicity in the
Holocaust and its continuing work on smart^H^H^H^H^Hbiased surveillance


IBM's Role in the Holocaust -- What the New Documents Reveal
Edwin Black  Posted: 02/27/2012 4:08 pm EST Updated: 03/17/2015 11:59 am


IBM Used NYPD Surveillance Footage to Develop Technology That
Lets Police Search by Skin Color
George Joseph, Kenneth Lipp September 6 2018, 11:00 a.m


Dear Tech: An Open Letter to the Industry


IBM Lets Put Smart To Work


Dear Tech Company...


Why IBM's "Dear Tech" Ad Is So Enraging

Technology hasn't fallen short of its promise.  Tech companies have.

By Evan Selinger  Feb 26, 201910:55 AM

I thought my disgust at tech companies weaponizing commercials to dull
our sensibilities would hit a long-lasting high after watching the
Amazon Super Bowl commercial. ...

Unfortunately, after seeing IBM's "Dear Tech" ad during the Oscars, I
realized that perhaps the worst is yet to come.  This commercial would
be funny if it were a deliberately ironic self-indictment of how
little has changed for the big tech companies after the techlash.
Instead, the love letter to technology itself, which features folks
rattling off an aspirational wish list, is an insipid gimmick that
does two awful and interrelated things.

The infantilizing ad depicts technology as if it were an autonomous
person, a benevolent Santa Claus figure that can give great products
to all the good little girls and boys if they ask politely.  Mayim
Bialik helps set the tone by writing a letter addressed to "Dear Tech"
on a laptop.  Arianna Huffington quickly makes the conversation more
intimate, saying, "We have a pretty good relationship."  In short
order, other voices join the chorus to ask questions (such as, "Can we
build A.I. without bias?") and make declarations (including, "Let's
champion data rights as human rights") that expand upon Bialik's hope
that the relationship can be even better.  After all, she informs us,
tech "has the potential to do so much more."

It all sounds nice.  But the message obscures the fact that technology
hasn't fallen short of its promise.  It's recalcitrant tech companies
that need to change.

That includes IBM.  In the fall, it deflected a journalist's questions
about whether it "secretly used footage from NYPD CCTV cameras to
develop surveillance technology that could search for individuals
based on bodily characteristics like age and skin tone."  Rather than
providing information, it responded with PR about being "absolutely
committed to responsibly advancing new technologies."

The ad raises the question, "Can we build A.I. without bias?"  It's
especially interesting to think of a variation of the query in
relation to IBM's own marketing strategy for its supercomputer Watson.
What I want to know is: Can tech companies sell A.I. without preying
on our vulnerabilities and biases?

Commercials for Watson personify the natural language speaking
technology as an independent being that can rapidly internalize
massive amounts of human expertise that's embedded in volumes of
scientific reports and apply the knowledge to wisely make complex
medical recommendations.  Debate, however, exists over whether
marketing material led medical practitioners to develop unrealistic
expectations of what the technology can do, how the technology is
programmed, and how hard it would be to set up.  Indeed, a few years
ago, Cory Doctorow slammed the marketing of Watson for Oncology for
being "deceptive."  Frankly, tough questions should be asked about the
honesty of the entire tech industry every time a product is depicted
as more humanlike than it really is, since anthropomorphism triggers
cognitive biases that can get in the way of us seeing things clearly.

IBM isn't alone in this sunny disingenuousness.  Its competitors also
give lip service to listening to our hopes and dreams while shutting
down criticism that's voiced to make things better.  For instance, Joy
Buolamwini, founder of the Algorithmic Justice League, has been
tirelessly campaigning for "fighting bias in algorithms."  She's
proposed viable solutions, and yet when she made a reasonable case
that Amazon's face analysis technology, Rekognition, "exhibits gender
and racial bias for gender classification," the company didn't thank
her and her co-author for their service and outline a plan to improve.
Instead, the general manager of artificial intelligence at Amazon Web
Services was overly defensive to the point of being unduly dismissive.

And then there's the problem of platitudes, an issue that's become
pronounced in the discussion over data privacy.  Microsoft CEO Satya
Nadella say his company wants the U.S. to adopt a privacy policy that
treats privacy as a human right and takes its cue from the "fantastic
start" over in Europe with the General Data Protection Regulation.
But that leaves a whole lot of wiggle room for interpreting what it
means to translate human rights values in concrete terms that the U.S.
judicial system actually can enforce.  Skeptics are concerned that the
major tech companies -- not just Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM, but also
Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others--are now pushing for a
watered-down federal privacy framework as a self-serving end run to
pre-empt stronger state laws.

Indeed, this is the basic problem with the feel-good appeal to human
rights in IBM's Dear Tech commercial.  The person who championed the
ideal may very well have specific and uncompromising principles in
mind.  But in the messy world where actual policy is made, plenty of
people who see the world differently can claim to be endorsing the
sound bite.  A commercial like this one can't avoid being an empty
marketing pitch when it represents a contested concept as a clear and
unambiguous wish that technology can magically grant just as easily as
Santa can satisfy a request for a new smartphone.

Imagine seeing a movie starring Arianna Huffington where she improves
human rights and civil rights, reduces poverty, and make STEM fields
less male-dominated simply by having an intense conversation with
technology and letting it know that that we expect more from it.  The
absurdity would make it far more likely to be up for a Razzie than an
Oscar.  Wishy-washy marketing masquerading as a blueprint isn't the
same thing as the C-suite making hard commitments.  That's why,
someday, we should hope the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature
goes to a film that covers the hard work and concrete ethical demands
of the human tech employees who are pushing for responsible


Tech Critics Create a Powerful Response to IBM's Oscars Ad

By Evan Selinger  March 01, 20199:25 AM

During the Oscars, IBM ran an ad called "Dear Tech."  Afterward, I
wrote a piece for Slate explaining my dismay.  The commercial depicts
big challenges--biases of both AI and humans, misunderstandings
between people, data rights, poverty, and male-dominated STEM
fields--as issues for technology itself to fix.  This idealized and
reified narrative loses sight of two fundamental things: Tech
companies are creating some of the key problems here, and ethically
minded tech workers should be commended for their attempts at finding

In my essay, I expressed frustration at companies like Amazon for
failing to productively engage with scholars like Joy Buolamwini of
the MIT Media Lab.  Joy and her colleague Deborah Raji conducted
valuable research on face analysis technology and racial bias, but the
folks at Amazon squandered the opportunity to learn from it.

Now, Joy and a great team of collaborators created an alternative to
IBM's ad.  It's a provocative, line-by-line, video counterstatement.
(I admit I'm biased here: Joy is a colleague of mine, and my voice is
among those you'll hear in the video.)

While the original repeats the infantilizing plea "Dear Tech," this one is
addressed to "Dear Tech Company."  The cast might not have the star power of
Arianna Huffington and Mayim Bialik, but it consists of people everyone
should be aware of.  This includes Princeton University professor Ruha
Benjamin, author of the upcoming book Race After Technology; Ethan
Zuckerman, director of the Center for Civic Media at MIT; Kade Crockford,
director of the Technology for Liberty Program at the ACLU of Massachusetts;
NYU professor Meredith Broussard, author of Artificial Unintelligence: How
Computers Misunderstand the World; UCLA professor Safiya Umoja Noble, author
of Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism; MIT
professor Sasha Costanza-Chock, author of the forthcoming book Design
Justice and also faculty associate at the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet
and Society at Harvard University; Rediet Abebe, co-founder of Black in AI;
and Kristen Sheets of the Tech Workers Coalition.

The point of this video: These companies do more than sell us goods
and services.  They influence what people believe about issues ranging
from what it means to be human to acceptable standards of eroding
privacy and tolerable displays of asymmetric power.  The most obvious
way that big tech companies influence public policy is through
lobbying.  In 2018, Google spent $21.2 million on lobbying, Amazon
$14.2 million, and Facebook $12.6 million.  But this infusion of money
isn't the only way that technology companies shape culture.  Product
design is a major source of their power, while PR work influences the
public conversation about these products.  The most dangerous message
promoted by the Dear Tech commercial is that socially responsible
technology will be on its way simply because people are asking for it.
This way of characterizing change suggests tech companies aren't
incentivized to promote outcomes that are more self-serving than
giving the public what it deserves.

The new video says, "Let's make time to understand the impact of
technology on people's lives."  It's a powerful message.  Too bad this
ad doesn't have an Oscars-sized budget behind it.


Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 21:02:48 -0800
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: "Robot love? An app to schedule sex? What is wrong with you?"
  (Chris Matyszczyk)

Chris Matyszczyk for Technically Incorrect, ZDNet, 27 Feb 2019
Robot love? An app to schedule sex? What is wrong with you?
Has humanity taken the abdication of all its natural functions a little too


selected text:

Then I sit down, open my laptop and discover that many people can't wait to
have sex with a robot.  Not only that, but my colleague Greg Nichols even
informs me that robot love will come as surely as the self-driving car and
the lawless government.

I pause to wonder whether I could truly fall in love with a machine.  Yes,
I've quite appreciated a car or two in my time, but not to the extent of
being driven to snog with one.  Yet apparently robots will, at the very
least, soon replace the spontaneous lovers of spring and the blooming
Orchids of Asia.

The reasons offered by experts are painful to behold. We're apparently
rather liberal with our sense of connection with another.  A plausible
fantasy will do just fine for us.

I tried to come to terms with this grave new existence, when my colleague
Jason Perlow unfurled another technological purler.  This is something
called LoveSync. It's an app that helps you schedule sex with your loved
one.  It offers a button by your bedside. When you're in the mood for a
little conjugal in flagrante, you push the button.  If your partner isn't in
the mood to push theirs, nothing happens.  But if they are, carnal joy

Because you don't even trust yourself to identify natural human signals

May I ask what is wrong with you?


Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2019 10:20:50 -0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Robot workers can't go on strike but they can go up in flames
  (Straits Times)


"Robots may eventually become so advanced that they can douse flames
themselves, according to Mr Lawrie at Forrester.  "If they are sufficiently
smart to be able to pick the produce, I'm sure they are quite smart enough
to fight a fire," he said.

Risk: Silicon-based property loss mitigation and emergency response
management automation substituting for municipal, carbon-based fire


Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2019 09:02:39 -0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Who's making money from your DNA? (bbc.com)


"If you've ever sent off your DNA to an ancestry or health-screening company
for analysis, chances are your DNA data will be shared with third parties
for medical research or even for solving crime, unless you've specifically
asked the company not to do so.

"The point was brought home in late January when it emerged that genetic
genealogy company FamilyTreeDNA was working with the FBI to test DNA samples
provided by law enforcement to help identify perpetrators of violent
crime. Another DNA testing company, 23andMe, has signed a $300m deal with
pharmaceuticals giant GSK to help it develop new drugs.

"But are customers aware that third parties may have access to their DNA
data for medical research? And do these kinds of tie-ups bring benefits --
or should we be concerned?"

Risk: Insider -- Phlebotomists might be enticed by genealogy services or
intelligence or law enforcement agencies to surreptitiously contribute an
extra blood sample from a routine wellness visit to a physician's office or
hospital trip. The metadata for tracing ownership is on the sample label,
and only a few drops of blood are necessary.


Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 16:34:07 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: The secret lives of Facebook moderators in America (The Verge)

The panic attacks started after Chloe watched a man die.

She spent the past three and a half weeks in training, trying to harden
herself against the daily onslaught of disturbing posts: the hate speech,
the violent attacks, the graphic pornography. In a few more days, she will
become a full-time Facebook content moderator, or what the company she works
for, a professional services vendor named Cognizant, opaquely calls a
“process executive.”

For this portion of her education, Chloe will have to moderate a Facebook
post in front of her fellow trainees. When it’s her turn, she walks to the
front of the room, where a monitor displays a video that has been posted to
the world's largest social network. None of the trainees have seen it
before, Chloe included. She presses play.  "Someone is stabbing him, dozens
of times, while he screams and begs for his life."

The video depicts a man being murdered. Someone is stabbing him, dozens of
times, while he screams and begs for his life. Chloe's job is to tell the
room whether this post should be removed. She knows that section 13 of the
Facebook community standards prohibits videos that depict the murder of one
or more people. When Chloe explains this to the class, she hears her voice


The risk? Facebook.


Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2019 11:22:47 -0500
From: George Mannes <gmannes () gmail com>
Subject: Subaru plans recall: Perfume could cause your car to malfunction
  (Chicko Stuneoka)

Chieko Tsuneoka, *The Wall Street Journal*, 1 Mar 2019
This give a whole new meaning to the expression "new car smell."

Subaru Recalls Cars as Some Perfumes Cause Malfunctions: Auto maker's recall
could affect up to 2.3 million vehicles after discovering glitches linked to
cosmetics, other household products

TOKYO -- If you drive a Subaru, you may want to avoid wearing perfume or a
sweater treated with fabric softener -- they could prevent the engine from
starting.  Subaru Corp. said Friday it plans to recall as many as 2.3
million Impreza and Forester vehicles world-wide after discovering that
certain chemical compounds released by everyday products such as cosmetics,
fabric softener or car polish could cause parts to malfunction.

These malfunctions could affect a brake-light switch that is also involved
in starting the engine or cause a vehicle-stability warning light to flash
unnecessarily, the Japanese auto maker said. According to the recall notice
Subaru filed with Japanese regulators, these chemicals may create an
insulating layer on the switches that prevents the proper flow of

No accidents related to the problems have been reported, the company
said. [...]


Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2019 00:11:01 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: iPhone hacking tool being sold on eBay -- but not wiped (Forbes)

An Israeli-made piece of technology that can hack iPhones called the
Cellebrite UFED is getting out of the hands of law enforcement officials and
being sold on eBay.

Worse, these secondhand devices may not have been properly "zeroed out" by
the sellers and still contain data from previous uses. Cellebrite has warned
customers against the practice of reselling the devices but it hasn't
stopped them from showing up on eBay, selling for as little as $1,000.



Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2019 12:01:10 -0500
From: ACM TechNews <technews-editor () acm org>
Subject: Boeing Unveils Australian-Developed Unmanned Jet

*The Guardian*, 26 Feb 2019, via ACM TechNews, 1 Mar 2019

Boeing has announced an unmanned, fighter-like jet developed and designed to
fly alongside crewed aircraft in combat. Australia is investing $40 million
in the prototype program, marking Boeing's biggest investment in unmanned
systems outside the U.S. Other defense contractors are also putting more
funding toward autonomous technology, as defense forces around the world
look for cheaper, safer ways to maximize their resources. The Boeing system
includes electronic warfare, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
functions, in addition to operating like a traditional fighter jet. The
aircraft's first flight is expected next year.



Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2019 12:16:35 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Roscoe Bartlett: The Congressman Who Went Off the Grid (Politico)


Interesting fellow -- wrong on most policies but right on his prime worry
about power grid.

The author's a bit confused about IBM, though, claiming:

  ``it’s also that upbringing that moved him to go into public service, after a
  science career that saw him go through IBM in its start-up years''

... whereas IBM was founded in 1911 [as the Computing Tabulating Recording
Company], and he was born 1926.

  [Well, that's only an off-by-15 error, not particularly critical in
  computer-technology parlance.  PGN]


Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2019 12:39:29 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Your iPhone Has A Hidden List of Every Location You've Been

Taking a step back for a moment, Apple does qualify this Significant
Locations section by saying that these are encrypted locations and cannot be
read by Apple. We’ll have to take their word for that part.  But it’s not so
much that they even qualify it like that. What’s most surprising to me is
how clearly hidden this section is.

Anyone who has ever built a digital product knows that if you’re putting
something seven screens away from the main screen with a series of scrolls,
clicks, and nonobvious names, you’re actively trying to hide the content
from the end user.

      Can I turn it off?

If you’re uncomfortable with this list, you can simply move the Significant
Locations switch to the off position. But if you really want to wipe it
clean, turn it on, scroll to the bottom of the history, and select Clear

This post is more of an FYI than a serious dig at Apple. At the end of the
day, we are responsible for letting technology creep further and further
into our lives, because we keep valuing its personalized benefits over the
less useful but more private alternate universe.

Do some digging on your own to find out what settings are turned on and
which you’ve turned off. Find out what settings you can control and what
exactly they're doing. You control your own tech destiny. This is just one
quick PSA about an area of your iPhone you probably hadn't explored too
much. Technology's ability to improve our lives in nearly all aspects is
clear -- but we as a society are healthiest as a whole when we fully
understand the implications of how and why it all works.



Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 11:33:07 +0000
From: Martyn Thomas <martyn () thomas-associates co uk>
Subject: Re: Plastic and other threats to the planet (RISKS-31.08)

I propose a new variant of Clarke's Third Law. "Any sufficiently
advanced civilisation is doomed".


Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 10:14:06 +0000
From: Tom Gardner <tggzzz () gmail com>
Subject: Re: AI's continuing Big Challenge (RISKS-31.08)

Unfortunately but unsurprisingly, this is an old risk.

Back in the early 80s there was an early neural net (IIRC Igor Aleksander's
WISARD). One use would have been to distinguish between tanks and cars, but
while it worked well in the lab, it failed dismally on the Lüneburg Heath in
north Germany.

Eventually the researchers realised that the training set was of pictures of
tanks on the Lüneburg Heath and pictures of cars from glossy magazines. The
tank pictures had grey sky, whereas the the car pictures were in bright
appealing sunshine, with easily understood consequences.

I wonder if we will ever stop rediscovering the desirability of ensuring
automated systems that can explain their "reasoning".


Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 31.09

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