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Risks Digest 30.60

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 15:26:53 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Tuesday 20 March 2018  Volume 30 : Issue 60

Peter G. Neumann, moderator, chmn ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

Reverse-Engineers Cuban Sonic Weapon (Fu/Xu/Yan)
"IBM's fraud-fighter is so tiny, it's almost invisible" (ZDNet)
Uber car in autonomous mode kills pedestrian (WashPo)
More info re: the Uber car fatality (Lauren Weinstein)
"Self-driving Uber kills Arizona woman, autonomous tests halted"
  (Gene Wirchenko)
When Self-Driving Cars Can't Help Themselves, Who Takes the Wheel?
U.S. Government Launches Investigation Into Hyundai And Kia Airbags
Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge
  Analytica in major data breach (The Guardian)
Facebook apologises for search suggestions of child abuse videos
  (The Guardian)
Cambridge Analytica Suspends C.E.O. Amid Facebook Data Scandal
3 Simple Ways We Give Up A Ton Of Very Personal Information To
  Facebook And Random Apps (buzzfeed)
"Seriously, It's Time to Ditch Facebook and Give Google+ a Try"
  (Lauren Weinstein)
Unsecured AWS S3 bucket managed by Walmart jewelry partner exposes
  data of 1.3M customers (SecurityAffairs)
Look-Alike Domains and Visual Confusion (Krebs on Security)
Re: Lessons for RISKS ... (Chris Samuel)
Re: AI-Aided Cameras (Dmitri Maziuk)
Re: Microsoft still doesn't get it (Michael Schmitt)
Re: New system to help commuters avoid crowds at MRT stations
  (Geoffrey Keating)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: March 19, 2018 at 12:14:11 AM EDT
From: Joly MacFie <joly.nyc () gmail com>
Subject: Reverse-Engineers Cuban Sonic Weapon (Fu/Xu/Yan)

  [Via Jim Griffin/Pho]
"bad engineering may be a more likely culprit than a sonic weapon."

Kevin Fu, Wenyuan Xu and Chen Yan, IEEE Spectrum, 15 Mar 2018
How We Reverse Engineered the Cuban *Sonic Weapon* Attack: Examining
overlooked clues reveals how ultrasound could have caused harm in Havana

Throughout last year, mysterious ailments struck dozens of U.S. and Canadian
diplomats and their families living in Cuba. Symptoms included dizziness,
sleeplessness, headache, and hearing loss; many of the afflicted were in
their homes or in hotel rooms when they heard intense, high-pitched sounds
shortly before falling ill. In February, neurologists who examined the
diplomats concluded that the symptoms were consistent with concussion, but
without any blunt trauma to the head. Suggested culprits included toxins,
viruses, and a sonic weapon, but to date, no cause has been confirmed.

We found the last suggestion -- a sonic weapon -- intriguing, because around
the same time that stories about health problems in Cuba began appearing,
our labs, at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, and at Zhejiang
University in China, were busy writing up our latest research on ultrasonic
cybersecurity. We wondered, Could ultrasound be the culprit in Cuba?

On the face of it, it seems impossible. For one thing, ultrasonic
frequencies -- 20 kilohertz or higher -- are inaudible to humans, and yet
the sounds heard by the diplomats were obviously audible. What's more, those
frequencies don't propagate well through air and aren't known to cause
direct harm to people except under rarefied conditions. Acoustic experts
dismissed the idea that ultrasound could be at fault.

Then, about six months ago, an editor from The Conversation sent us a link
to a video from the Associated Press, reportedly recorded in Cuba during one
of the attacks.

The editor asked us for our reaction. In the video, you can hear a piercing,
metallic sound -- it's not pleasant. Watching the AP video frame by frame,
we immediately noticed a few oddities. In one sequence, someone plays a
sound file from one smartphone while a second smartphone records and plots
the acoustic spectrum. So already the data are somewhat suspect because
every microphone and every speaker introduces some distortion. Moreover,
what humans hear isn't necessarily the same as what a microphone picks up.
Cleverly crafted sounds can lead to auditory illusions akin to optical
illusions.  [...]

[Long item truncated for RISKS. Please check out the full article.  Well
worth reading.  PGN]


Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 08:44:33 -0700
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: "IBM's fraud-fighter is so tiny, it's almost invisible" (ZDNet)

Liam Tung, ZDNet, 19 Mar 2018
"World's smallest computer."  But think of the uses in surveillance.
IBM has big ambitions for its barely visible computer, including helping
combat fraud with blockchain tech.

selected text:

IBM has unveiled a computer so small it can slip through a salt shaker and
could help prevent the $600bn a year trade in counterfeit drugs, gadgets,
and cash.


Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 10:25:58 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Uber car in autonomous mode kills pedestrian (WashPo)

via NNSquad

  Police in a Phoenix suburb say one of Uber's self-driving vehicles has
  struck and killed a pedestrian.  Police in the city of Tempe said Monday
  that the vehicle was in autonomous mode with an operator behind the wheel
  when the woman walking outside of a crosswalk was hit.

It doesn't matter that she wasn't in the crosswalk. Humans always have the
right of way in such situations -- she might have been ticketed for not
using the crosswalk, but the vehicle was still required to stop.


Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 08:17:16 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: More info re: the Uber car fatality

via NNSquad

Some more info on the events surrounding the killing of a bicyclist by an
Uber car in autonomous mode. First, it is reported that the woman was
walking her bike across the street, and walked the bike (which also had
plastic shopping bags hanging from it) into the lane of the Uber car away
from crosswalks, as she attempted to finish crossing from the median.

It's not clear what lighting conditions were at that location. There is no
indication that the Uber car slowed or took any evasive action.  Outlets
today are reporting that the safety driver was a convicted felon who served
four years for attempted robbery in the early 2000s -- no impairment by that
driver is reported.  Early suggestions are that the Uber car was not
technically at fault in a legal sense, yet there's a big BUT.

My analysis of such situations asks a direct question -- did the vehicle
take actions to avoid the collision that any reasonable human driver might
be expected to take. If you're like me, you've seen pedestrians -- or
bicyclists -- standing on the median of a street many times, and always
assumed that they might step out into the lane -- after all, we know they're
going to finish crossing the street.  Many times I've slowed down or even
moved into another lane in anticipation of their possibly stepping out.

There is no indication that the Uber AI exhibited this crucial aspect of
human common sense.


Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 09:49:03 -0700
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: "Self-driving Uber kills Arizona woman, autonomous tests halted"
  (Comments on a Jake Smith item)

Jake Smith for iGeneration, ZDNet, 19 Mar 2018

[Jake's text mostly duplicated above, and removed here in favor of Gene's

      [Nasty question time:
1) If there was someone behind the wheel, why didn't he stop the car?
2) What is that person's liability?
3) What does this say about the ability of a "driver" to take over
   from an autonomous/semi-autonomous vehicle?


Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 23:44:38 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: When Self-Driving Cars Can't Help Themselves, Who Takes the Wheel?

A car wends its way through a line of taxis in the Las Vegas rain, carefully
steering around a tangle of sedans vying for passengers. As the black
Lincoln MKZ gets closer, the steering wheel saws back and forth, but there's
no one in the front seat. In fact, there's no one in the car at all.

It's disquieting to be picked up by an empty car, and it's something of a
milestone: Inside most autonomous research vehicles cruising public streets,
there's a minder to keep a watchful eye and take control should things go
awry. But with the MKZ, there was no human custodian. At least not one
within view.

Hundreds of miles away, Ben Shukman, a software engineer for Phantom Auto,
was sitting in front of a phalanx of video screens in Mountain View,
Calif. Using a live, two-way video connection along with the kind of
steering wheel and pedals usually reserved for video games, he was driving
the MKZ.


Presentation this week, I'm pretty sure indicated 93% of crashes aren't
"accidents" -- they're human error. So autonomous vehicles SHOULD be an
improvement -- except there's no recognition of human-caused
folly/crashes. So car errors will be ridiculous a big deal, used to
discredit autonomous driving, nevermind that overall they're better than
flawed/distracted/drunk/drugged/reckless/idiot humans.

And, of course -- people will root cars to defeat safety.

Good luck having L2/L3 humans attain situational awareness fast enough to
deal with something the car can't handle. ESPECIALLY when it requires
establishing a network connection for L3. ("Your safety is our top priority;
please stand by and your emergency will be handled in the order in which it

SA is what keeps a competent human driver aware -- sometimes not
consciously! -- of surroundings, such as nearby cars, including those in
blind spots. Losing SA gets soldiers, cops, pilots, drivers killed.


Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 13:18:07 +0800
From: Richard M Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: U.S. Government Launches Investigation Into Hyundai And Kia Airbags


  "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration opened an
  investigation Friday into problems with air bags in Hyundai and Kia
  vehicles. NHTSA says it is currently aware of six crashes in which air
  bags failed to deploy. The crashes led to four deaths and six injuries.

  "The models being investigated are 2011 Hyundai Sonatas and 2012 and 2013
  Kia Fortes, according to a document posted on the NHTSA website. The scope
  of the probe includes an estimated 425,000 vehicles.

  "Four of the crashes in question involved Hyundai vehicles and two of the
  crashes involved Kia vehicles, the document states. According to a
  statement from Hyundai spokesperson Jim Trainor, the company knows of
  three rare and unique accidents where airbag control circuitry was
  confirmed to be damaged, and a fourth accident is under investigation.'

  "The specific concern with the air bags is an electrical overstress
  condition (EOS), which happens when an electronic device experiences a
  current or voltage beyond its specified limit. In this case, according to
  the NHTSA document, the device affected air bag control units supplied by
  the auto part manufacturer ZF-TRW. The air bag control units in the
  Hyundai models detect collisions, control the deployment of air bags and
  can also tighten seat belts in anticipation of a crash. The NHTSA document
  says the agency understands the 2012 and 2013 Kia Fortes being
  investigated also used similar ZF-TRW-supplied air bag control units."

6/425000 ~= .0000141(1.41 X 10^e-5) or ~0.001% incident probability.

Difficult to assess if the incidents arise from non-deterministic software
stack issue in the air bag control unit, or if it is a transient electrical

Real-time control-system anomalies can be difficult to triage.
Instrumentation and tooling can perturb circuit and s/w stack operation in
subtle ways that cloud objective measurements and data acquisition.  The
calculated incident probability apparently exceeds six-sigma control limits,
initiating the internal Hyundai/Kia investigation and subsequent effort to
correct a defective part.

  "Hyundai was already aware of problems with air bag control units as of
  Feb. 27, when the company filed a defect information report that led to a
  recall of 154,751 model-year 2011 Hyundai Sonatas.

  "The NHTSA's Office of Defects Investigation will be looking into whether
  the scope of Hyundai's recall was appropriate, whether the Kia vehicles in
  question in fact used the same or similar air bag control units and what
  led the air bag control units to malfunction.  The investigation will also
  look into which other manufacturers used the same or similar ZF-TRW air
  bag control units."

Hyundai acquired a part of Kia Motors following their bankruptcy, due in
part to overstated mileage claims resulting in fines and penalties totaling
~US$ 350M in 2007. A textbook example of "Profit without Honor."


Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 15:22:27 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge
  Analytica in major data breach (The Guardian)

Whistleblower describes how firm linked to former Trump adviser Steve Bannon compiled user data to target American 



Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2018 21:42:09 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Facebook apologises for search suggestions of child abuse videos
  (The Guardian)

Searches starting *video of* returned autocomplete suggestions of sexual
videos and child abuse content

Facebook has been forced to apologise after it spent hours suggesting
bizarre, vulgar and upsetting searches to users on Thursday night.

The social network's search suggestions, which are supposed to automatically
offer the most popular search terms to users, apparently broke around 4am in
the UK, and started to suggest unpleasant results for those who typed in
*video of*.

Multiple users posted examples on Twitter, with the site proposing searches
including [expurgated quotes -- unnecessarily crude for RISKS].  Others
reported similar results in other languages.

Even after the offensive search terms stopped being displayed, users still
reported odd algorithmic suggestions, seemingly far from what Facebook would
normally offer, such as *zodwa wabantu videos and pics* (a South African
celebrity) and **cristiano ronaldo hala madrid king video call*.



Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 13:26:56 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Cambridge Analytica Suspends C.E.O. Amid Facebook Data Scandal

via NNSquad

  Cambridge Analytica, the political data firm with ties to President
  Trump's 2016 campaign, suspended its chief executive, Alexander Nix, on
  Tuesday, amid a furor over the access it gained to private information on
  more than 50 million Facebook users.  The decision came after a television
  broadcast in which Mr. Nix was recorded suggesting unseemly practices to
  influence foreign elections and the furor over the access it gained to
  private information on more than 50 million Facebook users.  The company,
  founded by Stephen K. Bannon and Robert Mercer, a wealthy Republican
  donor who has put at least $15 million into it, offered tools that could
  identify the personalities of American voters and influence their


Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 16:18:15 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: 3 Simple Ways We Give Up A Ton Of Very Personal Information To
  Facebook And Random Apps (buzzfeed)



Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 11:05:53 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: "Seriously, It's Time to Ditch Facebook and Give Google+ a Try"

Lauren's Blog

One might think that with the deluge of news about how Facebook has been
manipulating you and violating your privacy -- and neglecting to tell you
about it -- Google would be taking this opportunity to point out that their
own Google+ social system is very much the UnFacebook.

But sometimes Google is reticent about tooting their own horn. So what the
hell, when it comes to Google+, I'm going to toot it for them.

Frankly, I've never trusted Facebook, and current events seem to validate
those concerns yet again. Facebook is fundamentally designed to exploit
users in particularly devious and disturbing ways (please see: "Fixing
Facebook May Be Impossible").

Yet I've been quite happily communicating virtually every day with all
manner of fascinating people about a vast range of topics over on Google+,
since the first day of beta availability back in 2011.

The differences between Facebook and Google+ are numerous and
significant. There are no ads on Google+. Nobody can buy their way into your
feed or pay Google for priority. Google doesn't micromanage what you
see. Google doesn't sell your personal information to any third parties.

There's overall a very different kind of sensibility on G+. There's much
less of people blabbing about the minutiae of their own lives all day long
(well, perhaps except when it comes to cats -- I plead guilty!), and much
more discussion of issues and topics that really matter to more
people. There's much less of an emphasis on hanging around with those high
school nitwits whom you despised anyway, and much more a focus on meeting
new persons from around the world for intelligent discussions.

Are there any wackos or trolls on G+? Yep, they're out there, but they never
represent more than a small fraction of total interactions, and the tools
are available to banish them in short order.

There is much more of a sense of community among G+ users, without the "I
hate it but I use it anyway" feeling so often expressed by Facebook
users. Facebook posts all too often seem to be about "me" -- G+ posts more
typically are about "us" -- and tend to be far more interesting as a result.

At this juncture, the Google-haters will probably start to chime in with
their usual bizarre conspiracy theories. Other than suggesting that they
remove their tinfoil hats so that their scalps can breathe, I can't do much
for them.

Does Google screw up from time to time? Yes. But so does Facebook, and in
far, far more egregious ways. Google messes up occasionally and works to
correct what went wrong. Unfortunately, not only does Facebook make
mistakes, but the entire philosophy of Facebook is dead wrong -- a massive,
manipulative violation of users' personal information and communications on
a gargantuan scale. There simply is no comparison.

And I'll note here what should be obvious -- I wouldn't use G+ (or other
Google services) if I weren't satisfied with the ways that they handle my
data. Having consulted to Google, I have a pretty decent understanding of
how this works, and I know many members of their world-class privacy team
personally. If only most firms gave their customers the kinds of control
over their data that Google does ("The Google Page That Google Haters Don't
Want You to Know About").

But whether or not you decide to try Google+, please don't keep playing
along with Facebook's sick ecosystem. Facebook has been treating its users
like suckers since day one, and there's damned little to suggest that
they're moving in other than an increasingly awful trajectory.

And that's the truth.


Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 22:35:23 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Unsecured AWS S3 bucket managed by Walmart jewelry partner exposes
  data of 1.3M customers (SecurityAffairs)



Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 22:23:53 -0400
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Look-Alike Domains and Visual Confusion (Krebs on Security)

How good are you at telling the difference between domain names you know and
trust and impostor or look-alike domains? The answer may depend on how
familiar you are with the nuances of internationalized domain names (IDNs),
as well as which browser or Web application you're using.

For example, how does your browser interpret the following domain? I'll give
you a hint: Despite appearances, it is most certainly not the actual domain
for software firm CA Technologies (formerly Computer Associates Intl Inc.),
which owns the original ca.com domain name:



Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 23:49:13 +1100
From: Chris Samuel <chris () csamuel org>
Subject: Re: Lessons for RISKS ... (PGN. R 30.59)

  [Comments on the Handley Page Victor ...]

I think some things have got lost in translation there.

The Victor was one of the UK's nuclear V-bombers (along with the Valiant and
Vulcan), not a fighter aircraft.

One HP.80 prototype Victor (WB771) did crash, but this was due to the
tailplane detaching as it only had 3 bolts connecting it and all 3 failed
due to metal fatigue.

A prototype designated HP.88 was actually a 0.36 scale aerodynamic testbed
for the Victors wings and tail and was based upon a Supermarine 510 fighter,
which might explain the confusion.  It flew a number of times before
crashing, which was attributed to the tailplane servo system failing.

There was also a 1/3 scale RC glider which crashed on its first flight.


Chris Samuel, http;//www.csamuel.org/

  [Many thanks for correcting the record -- and my memory!  PGN]


Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 11:28:34 -0500
From: Dimitri Maziuk <dmaziuk () bmrb wisc edu>
Subject: Re: AI-Aided Cameras (Goldberg, R 30.59)

This reminds me of the often quoted statistics about 80% (or 90, or some
other very high number) of dead SCUBA divers being found with their diving
weights still on. And then someone looked at some actual incident reports
and found they included e.g., a guy who climbed on the boat unassisted and
collapsed on the deck later -- before taking his weight belt off.

(I also had a door open on me as I was biking past... The guy had already
folded his door mirror, and even if the wonder-camera does still work in
that configuration and is able to detect a bicycle in the blind spot, is it
going to stop the driver from opening the door?  How? -- All that


Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 14:57:48 -0500
From: Michael Schmitt <mschmitt () mac com>
Subject: Re: Microsoft still doesn't get it (Smith III, R 30.59)

On how do you tell which domains are legitimately used by a product?

Microsoft Office 2016 connects to multiple sub-domains in a large list of
domains, including:


But not azuredge.net! So good luck trying to recognize safe domains vs.
malware in disguise.


Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 10:43:37 -0700
From: Geoffrey Keating <geoffk () geoffk org>
Subject: Re: New system to help commuters avoid crowds at MRT stations
   (Stein, R 30 59)

Perhaps one risk of computer technology is assuming an overcomplicated
privacy-invading solution, when a simpler solution exists.  Especially when
there hasn't actually been any mention of the overcomplicated solution!

The most obvious way to detect whether a station is crowded using a camera
is to count heads; or, rather, to notice that the pixels of the image have
changed from empty station colors (grey, white, yellow stripe) to the colors
of heads (hair and skin tones).  This doesn't require any sophisticated

For WiFI, it is counterproductive to link a MAC address to its owner if all
you want to know is how many people there are; devices which do not connect
to the in-station wifi network will be using randomly generated MAC
addresses but their owners still contribute to crowding.


Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 30.60

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