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Risks Digest 29.03

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 16:20:55 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Wednesday 14 October 2015  Volume 29 : Issue 03

Peter G. Neumann, moderator, chmn ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can be found at

Obama Won't Seek Door to Encrypted User Data (Perlroth/Sanger)
Voting Machines and the VW Emission Controversy (Rebecca Mercuri)
DMCA/TPP: How Do You Cross-Examine Proprietary Software? (Rebecca Wexler
  via Henry Baker)
Southwest Flights Grounded by Sunday Computer Glitch (Jonathan Spira)
Leak site Cryptome accidentally leaks its own visitor IP addresses
  (Daily Dot)
Rickety SHA-1 dead at age 20 after long zombie illness (Dan Goodin)
Unintentional cheating by compilers (Robert Wilson)
Cyber Insecurity at Civil Nuclear Facilities (Henry Baker)
Buying a new laptop causes a massive increase in Chevy truck
  cellular data usage (Steve Golson)
Mail merge needs to actually merge (Geoff Kuenning)
Undercover New Hampshire police nab cellphone ban violators (Monty Solomon)
Re: Top EU court says US privacy protections are inadequate in landmark
  ruling (Robert Levine)
Re: Obama administration on encryption backdoors (Amos Shapir)
Re: EPA v VW cheatware, AI & "machine learning" (Amos Shapir)
Outlook.com OAuth vulnerability, now fixed (JC Chu)
Re: Your MRI machine has already been pwned (Kevin Fu)
Re: Putting Mobile Ad Blockers to the Test (Alan Ralph)
Apple Approves An App That Blocks Ads In Native Apps, Including Apple News
  (Tech Crunch)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 18:41:27 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Obama Won't Seek Door to Encrypted User Data (Perlroth/Sanger)

At the bottom of the front page of today's issue of the national edition of
*The New York Times* is a note that "Fight Ends over Data Access", see page
A24.  The actual article is captioned "Obama Won't Seek Door to Encrypted
User Data", and is authored by Nicole Perlroth and David Sanger.

I'm not so sure the fight has `ended', but we may have a respite in the cry
to dumb down security to enable exceptional access to plain text for law
enforcement.  Apparently the President Obama has decided that doing so would
only encourage certain other nations to do the same.  He may also have
realized that it would wipe out foreign markets for the weakened security
that would necessarily result.


  [Caveat: I am quoted.  PGN]

See also:


Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 18:43:44 -0400
From: Rebecca Mercuri <notable () mindspring com>
Subject: Voting Machines and the VW Emission Controversy

Upon hearing the news reports about the VW emission controversy, I
immediately thought of electronic voting machines and the warnings that I
(and others) had made about the fallacy of automated testing. Looking back
to my earlier writings on this subject I found that I had commented on the
issue of assurances in testing correctness quite early and often.

In the Common Criteria section of my Ph.D. dissertation (defended October
2000) I asked: "What tests are performed in order to ensure correctness?
When are these tests done? Who is responsible for conducting these tests?"
In my 2001 testimony to the House Science Committee I stated the following:
"...fully electronic systems do not allow the voter to independently verify
that the ballot cast corresponds to that one that was actually recorded,
transmitted or tabulated. Any programmer can write code that displays one
thing on the screen, records something else, and prints out something else
as an entirely different result.  ...There is no known way to ensure that
this is not happening inside of a voting system."

My 2002 IEEE Spectrum article "A Better Ballot Box" referred to an actual
instance where the automated pre-election testing of the new electronic
voting machines (in Palm Beach County, Florida, heart of the chad fiasco)
was intentionally never programmed to exercise all ballot positions and may
also have failed to flag actual problems (or deliberately programmed
omissions) affecting vote tabulation.

My 2002 written testimony to the Central District of California also
addresses flawed self-testing voting processes, as follows: "... the
independent testing ... is done for the vendor, not the County or State, and
is executed on sample machines. There is no real assurance that the machines
provided ... are identical to those that were examined ..., nor that each
machine operates correctly throughout election use. It is entirely possible
that machines could pass both the pre- and post-election testing, yet they
may still operate incorrectly during the actual voting session, this despite
all preventative, detective and corrective controls applied to the system by
the manufacturer."

Now the current VW situation is a bit more sophisticated because the
emission system was actually controlled differently to produce appropriate
readings when the testing was detected. Otherwise, it is rather similar to
the voting scenario, where the vendors (and election officials) want folks
to believe that the pre- and post-election testing actually validates how
the equipment is operating during the election and thus provides some
assurance of correctness. It is also important to note that devices must be
checked both individually and independently -- a sample product provided to
a testing entity may be contrived to produce proper results, but only
validation of each actual unit to external data can be used to detect
anomalies, and correctness may only be assured for the time of the testing
(since system clock triggers can come into play as well, especially for
elections). In the same way, only when the VW emissions testing was
performed externally, and then compared to the automated results, was the
disparity noted. One might even imagine a tie-in to the known locations of
emission inspection stations, using the vehicle's GPS system, to enable a
similar stealth "cheat" to occur!

The bottom line is that we in the security field have long known that
embedded testing mechanisms in electronic systems can be circumvented or
designed to provide false validations of the presumed correctness of
operations. Proper system design (such as to Common Criteria and other
security-related standards) is intended to ferret out such problems and
provide assurances that results are being accurately reported.
Unfortunately, most systems (including automobiles and voting machines) are
not required to be designed and evaluated against such stringent
methodologies. Lacking the ability to independently examine (and recompile)
source code, validate results, and perform spot-checks, such anomalies,
whether deliberate or unintentional, will go on undetected.  And without
such assurances, the testing is nothing but a charade.

Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D., Notable Software, Inc.


Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2015 15:50:00 -0700
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: DMCA/TPP: How Do You Cross-Examine Proprietary Software?

FYI -- In addition to its own criminal penalties, the DMCA can also put you
in prison by destroying your right to cross-examine software witnesses
against you.

And we're not even talking here about running afoul of "double secret" and
secretly-interpreted legal "code" of the FISA Star Chamber.

BTW, the Trans Pacific Partnership ("TPP") appears to cast DMCA-like
restrictions into stone -- not only in the U.S., but around the globe.


Rebecca Wexler, *Slate*, Convicted by Code, 6 Oct 2015

Defendants don't always have the ability to inspect the code that could help
convict them.  Secret code is everywhere --in elevators, airplanes, medical
devices.  By refusing to publish the source code for software, companies
make it impossible for third parties to inspect, even when that code has
enormous effects on society and policy.  Secret code risks security flaws
that leave us vulnerable to hacks and data leaks.  It can threaten privacy
by gathering information about us without our knowledge.  It may interfere
with equal treatment under law if the government relies on it to determine
our eligibility for benefits or whether to put us on a no-fly list.  And
secret code enables cheaters and hides mistakes, as with Volkswagen: The
company admitted recently that it used covert software to cheat emissions
tests for 11 million diesel cars spewing smog at 40 times the legal limit.

But as shocking as Volkswagen's fraud may be, it only heralds more of its
kind.  It's time to address one of the most urgent if overlooked tech
transparency issues -- secret code in the criminal justice system.  Today,
closed, proprietary software can put you in prison or even on death row.
And in most U.S. jurisdictions you still wouldn't have the right to inspect
it.  In short, prosecutors have a Volkswagen problem.

Take California. Defendant Martell Chubbs currently faces murder charges for
a 1977 cold case in which the only evidence against him is a DNA match by a
proprietary computer program.  Chubbs, who ran a small home-repair business
at the time of his arrest, asked to inspect the software's source code in
order to challenge the accuracy of its results.  Chubbs sought to determine
whether the code properly implements established scientific procedures for
DNA matching and if it operates the way its manufacturer claims.  But the
manufacturer argued that the defense attorney might steal or duplicate the
code and cause the company to lose money.  The court denied Chubbs' request,
leaving him free to examine the state's expert witness but not the tool that
the witness relied on.  Courts in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, and
elsewhere have made similar rulings.  [lots more...]


Date: Oct 11, 2015 6:16 PM
From: <jonathan.spira () accuramediagroup com>
Subject: Southwest Flights Grounded by Sunday Computer Glitch

  [via Dave Farber]

First UA, then AA, now Southwest over the past month or so...

*Southwest Flights Delayed Nationwide Thanks to Computer Glitch*

"Many passengers hoping for an on-time departure of their Southwest Airlines
flights Sunday were in for long lines at the airport and delays.

``We're experiencing technology delays on southwest.com, the Southwest
Mobile app, and in reservations centers and airports systemwide today which
are impacting future bookings and are requiring us to follow manual
procedures with Customers as they arrive for travel.'' [...]


Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 15:41:48 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Leak site Cryptome accidentally leaks its own visitor IP addresses
  (Daily Dot)

Leak site Cryptome accidentally leaks its own visitor IP addresses
Daily Dot via NNSquad

  Cryptome, the Internet's oldest document-exposure site, inadvertently
  leaked months worth of its own IP logs and other server information,
  potentially exposing details about its privacy-conscious users.  The data,
  which specifically came from the Cartome sub-directory on Cryptome.org,
  according to Cryptome co-creator John Young, made their way into the wild
  when the site logs were included on a pair of USB sticks sent out to a

You can't make this stuff up.


Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2015 14:15:47 -0700
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: Rickety SHA-1 dead at age 20 after long zombie illness

FYI -- SHA-1 has already been dead for a number of years; all stakeholders
need to drive their stakes through its heart NOW.

NOBUS has now become ANYBUS.  Your rickety SHA-1 certs are about to give you
severe heartburn instead of just bad breath.

No TLS to say hello, goodbye!  I'm late!  I'm late!  I'm late!

"Microsoft, Google and Mozilla have all announced that their respective
browsers will stop accepting SHA-1 SSL certificates by 2017."


"researchers estimate SHA1 now underpins more than 28 percent of existing
digital certificates"

64-GPU cluster produces cheap SHA-1 collisions.

``We just successfully broke the full inner layer of SHA-1.  We now think
that the state-of-the-art attack on full SHA-1 as described in 2013 may cost
around 100,000 dollar renting graphics cards in the cloud.  However, we
showed that graphics cards are much faster for these attacks and we now
estimate that a full SHA-1 collision will cost between 75,000 and 120,000
dollar renting Amazon EC2 cloud over a few months today, in early autumn
2015.  This implies that *collisions are already within the resources of
criminal syndicates*, almost two years earlier than previously expected, and
one year before SHA-1 will be marked as unsafe in modern Internet


 - - -

Dan Goodin, Ars Technica, 8 Oct 2015
SHA1 algorithm securing e-commerce and software could break by year's end
Researchers warn widely used algorithm should be retired sooner.


Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 16:39:16 -0500
From: Robert Wilson <wilson () math wisc edu>
Subject: Unintentional cheating by compilers

In Risks 28.97 we were reminded of compilers that would recognize some
standard benchmark source codes and produce object modules that artificially
ran fast, e.g. skipping loops. For a while, long ago, I was benchmarking
competitors equipment as well as our own (for data to be used in improving
our systems, or for marketing), at a maker of small UNIX systems, and ran
into something similar that was, however, intended as a positive
feature. Many simple-minded benchmarks ran loops that repeated a calculation
many times, but never pretended to use the results. So as soon as compilers
included optimizers that ignored calculations whose results did not get
used, the loops did not repeat and the benchmark results were improved
amazingly, unfortunately for competitors systems as well as our own.  If
there is a moral here it might be that what looks like cheating can be just
a lack of forethought.


Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2015 08:16:40 -0700
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: Cyber Insecurity at Civil Nuclear Facilities

FYI -- Let's see; how long ago was Stuxnet, again?  Mind the 'air gap'
between the ears...

Time for millennials to learn about the "Pepsi [aka China] Syndrome":

[shows control room where Carl and Brian are working, a sign on the wall

  [Matt hands the Coke to Carl, but spills the soda on the control panel]
Gee, what the- [sparks fly from the control panel, and alarms go off.]

Brian: Hey Matt, the water level's dropping fast in the core.

Carl: The pressure's rising in the core.

Matt: Turn down that alarm, it's driving me nuts!  [Carl turns down the

  [explosion shakes control room]

Carl: There's been an explosion in main housing.

Brian: Listen, we've got to release the number three or that pump's gonna blow.

Carl: If the pump blows that could mean a meltdown.

Brian: What is happening?

Matt: I'll tell you what's happening.  The Pepsi Syndrome.

Matt: Well, the Pepsi Syndrome.  If someone spills a Pepsi on the control
panel of a nuclear power reactor, the panel can short-circuit, and the whole
core may melt down.

Brian: But, you spilled a Coke.

Matt: It doesn't matter.  Any cola does it.


Ross Denton: Well Mr. President, this is Matt Crandall.  He was chief
engineer when the "surprise" occurred.

President Jimmy Carter: Okay, Matt.  Give it to me straight.

Matt: [nervous] Well, the water level began dropping in the core, and the
pressure neared critical in coolant pump #2, and a negative function in the
control panel prevented us from preventing the, uh, minor explosion which
occurred in the main housing.

President Jimmy Carter: Hmm.  Sounds to me a lot like a Pepsi Syndrome.
Were there any soft drinks in the control room?  ...

Considering the consequences, the recommendations are remarkably

"developing guidelines", "raise awareness", "engaging in dialogue",
"encouraging anonymous information sharing"

If someone were running a facility close to me that could render a
significant fraction of my state uninhabitable for generations, I might want
to "engage in a dialogue" with such a person and encourage them to "develop
guidelines" to "raise awareness".

Where do they get these consultants who talk like this, and more
importantly, who pays the $$$$ for such drivel?




Cyber Security at Civil Nuclear Facilities: Understanding the Risks
05 October 2015

Project: International Security Department, Cyber and Nuclear Security

Caroline Baylon, Research Associate, Science, Technology, and Cyber
Security, International Security Department

David Livingstone MBE DSC, Associate Fellow, International Security

Roger Brunt, Nuclear Security Consultant

The risk of a serious cyber attack on civil nuclear infrastructure is
growing, as facilities become ever more reliant on digital systems and make
increasing use of commercial off-the-shelf software, according to a new
Chatham House report.

The report finds that the trend to digitization, when combined with a lack
of executive-level awareness of the risks involved, means that nuclear plant
personnel may not realize the full extent of their cyber vulnerability and
are thus inadequately prepared to deal with potential attacks.

Specific findings include:

* The conventional belief that all nuclear facilities are air-gapped
  (isolated from the public Internet) is a myth.  The commercial benefits of
  Internet connectivity mean that a number of nuclear facilities now have
  VPN connections installed, which facility operators are sometimes unaware

* Search engines can readily identify critical infrastructure components
  with such connections.

* Even where facilities are air gapped, this safeguard can be breached with
  nothing more than a flash drive.

* Supply chain vulnerabilities mean that equipment used at a nuclear
  facility risks compromise at any stage.

* A lack of training, combined with communication breakdowns between
  engineers and security personnel, means that nuclear plant personnel often
  lack an understanding of key cyber security procedures.

* Reactive rather than proactive approaches to cyber security contribute to
  the possibility that a nuclear facility might not know of a cyber attack
  until it is already substantially under way.

In the light of these risks, the report outlines a blend of policy and
technical measures that will be required to counter the threats and meet the

Recommendations include:

* Developing guidelines to measure cybersecurity risk in the nuclear
  industry, including an integrated risk assessment that takes both security
  and safety measures into account.

* Engaging in robust dialogue with engineers and contractors to raise
  awareness of the cyber security risk, including the dangers of setting up
  unauthorized internet connections.

* Implementing rules, where not already in place, to promote good IT hygiene
  in nuclear facilities (for example to forbid the use of personal devices)
  and enforcing rules where they do exist.

* Improving disclosure by encouraging anonymous information sharing and the
  establishment of industrial CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Team).

* Encouraging universal adoption of regulatory standards.


Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 23:10:52 -0400
From: Steve Golson <sgolson () trilobyte com>
Subject: Buying a new laptop causes a massive increase in Chevy truck
  cellular data usage

A few weeks ago I got a "you have used 75% of your data plan" message from

My family has a Mobile Share Value Plan from AT&T, where we share one big
pot of data amongst all our devices: four iPhones and one iPad. And a truck.

My wife's Chevy Colorado has a 4G/LTE cellular connection. This is what the
GM OnStar service uses. We don't ever use the phone, but we do use the
cellular connection for data. The system provides WiFi hotspot service
inside the vehicle, and we can add the truck to our AT&T plan just like any
other device. Why not just let each phone use its own 4G/LTE connection?
Well, theoretically we should get more reliable data service, because the
truck has a better cellular antenna and more power to its radio. Sweet!

So who's the culprit that's using the high bandwidth? I figure it's got to
be one of us binging on Netflix, but no, it's the truck! Enormous bandwidth,
peaking at 123Mbytes per minute. It used 15Gbytes in two weeks. Using the
AT&T records I'm able to confirm that this data traffic only occurs when my
wife is actually driving the truck, and that it all started on August 23.

What's going on? Who to call, Apple, AT&T, Chevy? I'm stumped, until my wife
recalls that August 21 we bought her a new Apple MacBook. But what could
buying a laptop that's only used at home have to do with a truck that only
uses data on the road?

Buying the laptop prompted me to upgrade her desktop iMac, and I enabled
sharing her photos using iCloud.

Here's the final piece of the puzzle: my wife charges her phone only when
she is driving her truck. And when the phone is in the truck, it's on WiFi!
The phone thinks it has lots of power *and* lots of *free* bandwidth. So
inside the truck the iPhone starts syncing photos...

The fix is to give my wife a phone charger on her bedside table. Now her
phone charges at night, it gets synced up using our home WiFi, and
therefore doesn't have lots of data to move when it gets in the truck.


Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2015 23:16:25 -0700
From: Geoff Kuenning <geoff () cs hmc edu>
Subject: Mail merge needs to actually merge

I have a graduating student who is busily applying for jobs.  One employer
asked her to take a test by sending her the following heavily redacted
e-mail [as the result of incorrect usage of a Mail Merge program]:

Subject: [redacted] Opportunity - Software Development Engineer - Online
Assessment Invitation: PART 2
From:    "[redacted] Campus Recruiting Team" <[redacted]>
Date:    Fri, October 2, 2015 12:15 pm
To:      [redacted]

Dear [redacted],

$data.requestorCompany has requested that you take the [redacted]
Software Development Engineer Assessment assessment.
This assessment has been arranged by $data.requestorName who can be
contacted at $data.requestorEmail

Moral: it's always wise to do a test run by masquerading as a sample user.

Also, I'm definitely in favor of Assessment assessments.  As opposed to,
I guess, non-Assessment assessments or Assessment non-assessments.

    Geoff Kuenning   geoff () cs hmc edu   http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~geoff/


Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 22:17:11 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Undercover New Hampshire police nab cellphone ban violators

CONCORD, NH. Michelle Tetreault's daughter didn't know what "repent" meant
when she spotted a man with a sign around his neck warning "Repent!  The end
is near!" But she's plenty sorry now that her mom is facing a $124 traffic
ticket for using her cellphone to snap a picture of the man.

The two were stopped at a red light in Somersworth last week when they saw
the sign.  Moments after Tetreault gave in to her 14-year-old daughter's
pleas to take a picture, she was pulled over and told the man with the sign
was actually an undercover officer. She was ticketed for violating the
state's new law against using cellphones or other electronic devices while



Date: Sun 10 Oct 2015 10:12:13
From: Peter Neumann
Subject: Re: Top EU court says US privacy protections are inadequate in
  landmark ruling (Toor, RISKS-29.02)

Behind the European Privacy Ruling That's Confounding Silicon Valley,
Robert Levine, *The New York Times*, 11 Oct 2015

It began with an Austrian law student in California who ``had to write about
something,'' but has led to a decision that is roiling United States tech



Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 17:27:35 +0300
From: Amos Shapir <amos083 () gmail com>
Subject: Re: Obama administration on encryption backdoors

Does anyone else share my feeling that this has become pathetic?  They are
discussing seriously how to install a back door on the stable and who should
be using it -- while not only the horses are long gone, but the stable did
not have any walls to begin with...

This also applies to the European Court's "Safe Harbor" decision -- in both
cases, participants assume, in typical Bismarck-era thinking, that there are
people who oversee every minute detail of the internet, and that these
people somehow fall under these governments and courts' jurisdiction and can
be ordered about at will.

  [Amos, See the first item in this issue.  PGN]


Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2015 17:35:25 +0300
From: Amos Shapir <amos083 () gmail com>
Subject: Re: EPA v VW cheatware, AI & "machine learning"

The discussion of whether machine learning could lead systems to cheat as
the best found path to pass tests, reminds me of a chapter of Isaac Asimov's
"I, Robot" series.

In that story, scientists try to teach a robot the Three Laws of Robotics,
only to discover that the robot's solution to complying with the rule "a
robot shall never harm a human being", is to bring humans to a state in
which they could not be harmed any further -- that is, to kill them all...


Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2015 03:26:57 +0000
From: JC Chu <jcchu () acm org>
Subject: Outlook.com OAuth vulnerability, now fixed

A+AKA-vulnerability in the Microsoft account OAuth (a.k.a. Live Connect)
implementation allowed malicious applications to gain access to Outlook.com
data without going through the consent UI.  A+AKA-proof-of-concept
application was built which demonstrated how to obtain IMAP access tokens.
The vulnerability has been fixed in September.



Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 12:11:34 -0400
From: Kevin Fu <kevinfu () umich edu>
Subject: Re: Your MRI machine has already been pwned

The good news is that newer medical devices are beginning to include better
engineered security mechanisms.  However, legacy medical devices frequently
lack mechanisms to prevent security and privacy risks from causing hazardous
situations or harm.  Worse, effective detection mechanisms are scarce,
leading to a false sense of security based on deceptive numerators of zero.
I know of a clinical group with 150+ offices that paradoxically lost their
ability to inspect network traffic after installing a series of firewalls.
A common observation I hear from security researchers is that simply
scanning one's own clinical network for vulnerabilities can cause a medical
device to malfunction. It will take significant effort to shift from a
culture of ``don't scan the network, the medical devices might break'' to
``actively look for security hazards so we know our risk exposure.''  Thus,
folks like Scott Erven and Mark Collao will continue to find medical device
security vulnerabilities.

You can find a pithy write up on this topic at the NAE FOE website:
  On the Technical Debt of Medical Device Security

Kevin Fu, Associate Professor, EECS Department, The University of Michigan
kevinfu () umich edu     http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~kevinfu/


Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 16:23:49 +0100
From: Alan Ralph <alan () alanralph co uk>
Subject: Re: Putting Mobile Ad Blockers to the Test

The interactive charts linked to *The New York Times* article that Monty
Solomon mentioned make for stark viewing.

Poor Boston.com leads the pack by quite a margin, in load time, data usage
and cost per page (on a typical mobile data plan). The website for my paper
of choice, *The Independent* takes 4th place, much to my chagrin.
(http://www.independent.co.uk <http://www.independent.co.uk/>),

*The New York Post* however, has the distinction of being the slowest of the
news websites sampled -- due, the chart notes, to its use of large photos.


Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 09:26:03 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Apple Approves An App That Blocks Ads In Native Apps, Including
  Apple News



Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 29.03

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