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Risks Digest 27.89

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 16:18:42 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Wednesday 7 May 2014  Volume 27 : Issue 89

Peter G. Neumann, moderator, chmn ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can be found at

Target's Chief Resigns in Wake of Data Breach (Elizabeth A. Harris
  via Henry Baker)
Recognizing risk is not the same as preventing it (Paul Robinson)
Woman dies after Facebook post from behind the wheel (Ryan Gorman via
  Monty Solomon)
Heartbleed and Formal Methods (David Wheeler via Henry Baker)
Infecting DVRs with Bitcoin-mining malware even easier than
  you suspected (Dan Goodin)
Infecting DVRs with Bitcoin-mining malware even easier than you suspected
  (Dan Goodin)
U.S. government to study Bitcoin as possible terrorist threat
  (Himanshu Arora via Dewayne Hendricks)
Level 3 claims six ISPs dropping packets every day over money disputes
  (Jon Brodkin via Monty Solomon)
Yahoo is the latest company ignoring Web users' requests for privacy
  (Jon Brodkin via Monty Solomon)
Android-based Pwn Phone is prepared to do evil for your network's own good
  (Sean Gallagher via Monty Solomon)
Internet of Things: The ghosts that haunt the machine (Tom Brewster via
  Gene Wirchenko)
US to start testing universal Internet IDs to combat fraud (Lauren Weinstein)
"The new KB 2919355 Windows 8.1 Update causes more problems than it fixes"
  (Woody Leonhard via Gene Wirchenko)
Extensive U-2 Flight Plan Overtaxes ATC Computers; Shuts Down LAX for Hours
  (Bob Gezelter)
Re: U-2 Fries Air Traffic Control Computers, Shuts Down LAX (Scott Miller,
  Martyn Thomas)
Re: The risks of garbage collection delays (Leonard Finegold,
  Dimitri Maziuk, Glynn Clements)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Mon, 05 May 2014 18:22:32 -0700
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: Target's Chief Resigns in Wake of Data Breach (Elizabeth A. Harris)

Perhaps Target's is the first major CEO head to roll because of bad IT
security; maybe other CEO's will finally "get the memo" regarding Internet
security & privacy.  On the other hand, I don't hold out much hope that the
banking regulators "get it" yet.  I've been trying to estimate the size of
loss that would finally get regulators' attention; given the $trillion or so
that sloshed around during the recent recession before ending up as bonuses,
I'm afraid that the loss would have to be about that same order of
magnitude.  A major loss of this size would test just how effective those
recently installed financial "systemic risk" mitigation measures really are.
(I haven't checked, but I don't recall a major theft being part of the
banking system "stress tests".)

Target's decision to go with chip&pin is curious, since it isn't at all
clear that chip&pin would have been effective against the recent attack; a
Target chip&pin system would presumably protect only Target cards, while
non-Target, non-chip&pin cards would still be at risk.

  [PLEASE check out a forthcoming Inside Risks article by Ross Anderson and
  Steven Murdoch, EMV: Why Payment Systems Fail, what lessons might we learn
  from the chip cards used for payments in Europe, now that the U.S. is
  adopting them too?  This is in the June issue of the CACM, and will appear
  on 22 May <http://www.csl.sri.com/neumann/insiderisks.html> on my Inside
  Risks website.  PGN]

Elizabeth A. Harris, *The New York Times*, 5 May 2014
Target's Chief Resigns in Wake of Data Breach  [PGN-pruned for RISKS]

Gregg Steinhafel, the chairman and chief executive of Target, resigned on
Monday, the latest in a series of moves made by the company as it struggles
to recover from last year's extensive data breach of customer information.
The company's board made the announcement, saying that the resignation of
Mr. Steinhafel, who had been with Target for 35 years, occurred after
extensive discussions and that the board wanted new leadership.

Known for promoting up through the ranks, the major retailer, one of the
country's largest, said it would conduct a search for Mr. Steinhafel's
successor.  In the interim, it named John Mulligan, Target's chief financial
officer, to be president and chief executive, while Roxanne S. Austin, a
Target board member, will serve as nonexecutive chairwoman. [...]


Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 00:17:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Robinson <paul () paul-robinson us>
Subject: Recognizing risk is not the same as preventing it

One company recognized quite clearly that merchants need to be careful about
their credit card processing and to prevent data breaches. The following
appeared in one of their publications: If our efforts to protect the
security of personal information about our guests and team members are
unsuccessful, we could be subject to costly government enforcement actions
and private litigation and our reputation could suffer.  The nature of our
business involves the receipt and storage of personal information about our
guests and team members. We have a program in place to detect and respond to
data security incidents. To date, all incidents we have experienced have
been insignificant. If we experience a significant data security breach or
fail to detect and appropriately respond to a significant data security
breach, we could be exposed to government enforcement actions and private
litigation. In addition, our guests could lose confidence in our ability to
protect their personal information, which could cause them to discontinue
usage of REDcards, decline to use our pharmacy services, or stop shopping
with us altogether. The loss of confidence from a significant data security
breach involving team members could hurt our reputation, cause team member
recruiting and retention challenges, increase our labor costs and affect how
we operate our business.  You can find the above on page 7 of the Securities
and Exchange Commission form 10-K, filed by Target Corporation in 2012.

Paul Robinson <paul () paul-robinson us>  http://paul-robinson.us


Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 22:11:18 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Woman dies after Facebook post from behind the wheel (Ryan Gorman)

Ryan Gorman, *Daily Mail*, 26 April 2014

Courtney Sanford (32-year-old North Carolina woman) was dead after slamming
her car head-on into a truck while posting selfies and a Facebook update
about how happy she was while listening to a Pharrell song. She died only
seconds after her final post.


Date: Tue, 06 May 2014 09:28:50 -0700
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: Heartbleed and Formal Methods


Wheeler's 21-page paper considers "static analysis", "dynamic analysis",
"test suites", etc.  He also considers "run-time assertions" and "safer"

Hopefully, the Heartbleed bug will provide the impetus to implement formal
methods (AKA mathematical proofs), in much the same way that the "Pentium
FDIV bug" provided the impetus for formal methods in hardware design:


However, Wheeler's long & thoughtful analysis obscures the simple truth
about formal methods for software systems.

Basically, a computer software system implements a mathematical
*abstraction*, which is a formal model with axioms and rules of inference.

The *implementation* of such a software system must be vetted to make sure
that it faithfully follows these axioms and rules of inference.

Unfortunately, proving that such a software system faithfully implements the
model is *undecidable* for essentially *every interesting system*.

This means that it is *hopeless* to expect any language or compiler or
type-checking system to be able to a priori guarantee faithfulness *for all
inputs*.  The practical implication is that *dynamic checking will ALWAYS be
required*, and that many/most abstraction violations can *only be detected
during run-time*.

A corollary of this is that *type systems are undecidable*, and that "input
validation" is also UNDECIDABLE.  Another corollary is that any decidable
type system or decidable input validator won't be strong enough to protect
you from all abstraction violations.  In particular, "static analysis" can't
protect you.

Thus, Wheeler's "aggressive run-time assertions" is the *only* solution to
catching abstraction violations.

*can't* be used to prove the *program* correct, it can only used to prove
correct the *optimizations* that remove run-time checks.

We note that test suites & fuzzers merely serve to move the discovery of
abstraction violations forward in time, so that the program can be
re-arranged to handle such violations in a smoother manner.

The steps to safety are therefore:

1.  Document *every* assumption with aggressive run-time assertions, NO
MATTER HOW INSIGNIFICANT.  Use higher level languages, macros, subroutines,
etc., to make sure that these run-time assertions are liberally and
religiously inserted.

2.  Utilize *safe* optimizations to remove, or at least move out of loops,
as many of these run-time checks for run-time assertions as possible.  Safe
optimizations may include inlining of subroutines, so that optimizations
have more context to operate.

That's it.  *You aren't allowed to disable any run-time assertion checking
unless the compiler can prove mechanically that that run-time check will
ALWAYS fail*.

No proof, no disabled checks. PERIOD.

If this system isn't "efficient" enough for you, *get a better theorem
prover* so you can *safely* remove more of these run-time checks.

Of course, there will still be risks from compiler bugs, library bugs, and
operating system bugs, but these will be present independent of this
particular software system.

(Compiler bugs are particularly pernicious, since most compilers haven't
themselves followed the above advice.  Compilers often implement
"optimizations" that work properly only "most" of the time.  Thus, it may be
necessary to vet the output of the compiler *after every compilation*, since
new compiler optimizations can cause new bugs in old codes.)

(We also note that computer hardware -- e.g., the Pentium FDIV bug --
doesn't have the luxury to fail a run-time abstraction violation check.
This means that the hardware has to be simplified in such a way that
human-aided mechanical a priori proofs can be obtained.  As you might
expect, this can be a very expensive process, but necessary for hardware.)


Date: Mon, May 5, 2014 at 6:21 PM
From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Subject: Infecting DVRs with Bitcoin-mining malware even easier than
  you suspected (Dan Goodin, via Dave Farber)

Dan Goodin, Ars Technica, 5 May 2014
It took just a day for the Internet-connected device to be under attackers'

It took just one day for a low-end, Internet-connected digital video
recorder to become infected with malware that surreptitiously mined Bitcoins
on behalf of the quick-moving attackers.

The feat, documented in a blog post published Monday by researchers at the
security-training outfit Sans Institute, was all the more impressive because
the DVR contained no interface for downloading software from the
Internet. The lack of a Wget, ftp, or kermit application posed little
challenge for the attackers. To work around the limitation, the miscreants
used a series of Unix commands that effectively uploaded and executed a Wget
package and then used it to retrieve the Bitcoin miner from an
Internet-connected server.

Monday's observations from Sans CTO Johannes Ullrich are part of an ongoing
series showing the increasing vulnerability of Internet-connected appliances
to malware attacks. In this case, he bought an EPCOM Hikvision S04 DVR off
eBay, put it into what he believes was its factory new condition, and
connected it to a laboratory "honeypot" where it was susceptible to online
attackers. In the first day, it was probed by 13 different IP addresses, six
of which were able to log into it using the default username and password
combination of "root" and "12345."  One of the attackers went even
further. After gaining root control of the video recorder, the hacker used
standard Unix "echo" commands entered through the telnet interface to
install a Bitcoin-mining app.  Theoretically, the DVR was now solving the
complex cryptographic problems required for the operators to mint new
digital coins. Using packet-sniffing software to monitor the data the
compromised box was sending over the Internet, Ullrich was able to determine
it was connecting to a mining server that relies on large numbers of
machines to carry out the work.

"Throughout the day, the server periodically pushes parameters to the miner,
but I haven't seen the miner return anything yet, which probably underscores
the fact that these miners are pretty useless due to their weak CPUs,"
Ullrich wrote. "The DVR did get infected multiple times, but none of the
attackers changed the default password, or removed prior bitcoin miners."

The Hikvision DVR joins a growing list of other devices, including Android
smartphones and routers made by Linksys, D-Link, and Asus with
Bitcoin-mining malware. As Ullrich notes, the stripped-down hardware
contained in these devices makes them an unlikely host for such demanding
apps. It's possible attackers are targeting the devices deliberately under
the theory that even low-powered devices will deliver results if enough of
them are enslaved at one time. It's also possible attackers are
indiscriminately taking control of large numbers of devices for laughs or
simply because they can. ...


Date: May 5, 2014 at 8:06:29 PM EDT
From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Subject: U.S. government to study Bitcoin as possible terrorist threat
  (Himanshu Arora)

Himanshu Arora, TechSpot, 5 May 2014

The US Department of Defense is investigating whether Bitcoin and other
virtual currencies are a potential terrorist threat, according to an IBTimes

The Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO), a division within
DOD that identifies and develops counter terrorism abilities and
investigates irregular warfare and evolving threats, has listed Bitcoin
among its topics for research and mission critical analysis related to

Back in January, Bitcoin Magazine unearthed an unclassified memo detailing
some of the CTTSO projects. "The introduction of virtual currency will
likely shape threat finance by increasing the opaqueness, transactional
velocity, and overall efficiencies of terrorist attacks=94, the memo said.

The biggest concern associated with Bitcoin is the anonymity built into the
virtual currency's architecture. Although transactions are public, the
parties involved are kept anonymous. Bitcoins can allow illegal operations
with the ease and speed of the Internet, but with the secrecy of a cash

The virtual currency came under the scanner after several high profile cases
came into light. Back in October last year, the FBI closed down the Silk
Road, a digital black market that allowed users to purchase drugs, guns, and
more. The website accepted only Bitcoin for payments.

In another incident, BitInstant CEO Charlie Shrem, who was also the chairman
of the Bitcoin Foundation, was arrested in January on charges of money
laundering with Bitcoins.

Although a Treasury department probe found no evidence of virtual currencies
like Bitcoin being used to finance terrorism, the threat still remains.

In addition to Bitcoin and other virtual currencies, CTTSO=92s list of
terrorism research topics also included Android, Motorola, social media,
virtual reality, and more.


Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 07:50:50 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Level 3 claims six ISPs dropping packets every day over money
  disputes (Jon Brodkin)

Jon Brodkin, Ars Technica, 5 May 2014

Network operator Level 3, which has asked the FCC to protect it from
"arbitrary access charges" that ISPs want in exchange for accepting Internet
traffic, today claimed that six consumer broadband providers have allowed a
state of "permanent congestion" by refusing to upgrade peering connections
for the past year.

Level 3 and Cogent, another network operator, have been involved in disputes
with ISPs over whether they should pay for the right to send them
traffic. ISPs have demanded payment in exchange for accepting streaming
video and other data that is passed from the network providers to ISPs and
eventually to consumers.

When the interconnections aren't upgraded, it can lead to congestion and
dropped packets, as we wrote previously regarding a dispute between Cogent
and Verizon. In a blog post today, Level 3 VP Mark Taylor wrote: ...



Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 07:50:50 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Yahoo is the latest company ignoring Web users' requests for privacy
  (Jon Brodkin)

Jon Brodkin, Ars Technica, 1 May 2014

Yahoo yesterday announced that it will stop complying with Do Not Track
signals that Web browsers send on behalf of users who wish to not be
monitored for advertising purposes.

"As of today, web browser Do Not Track settings will no longer be enabled on
Yahoo," a company blog said. "As the first major tech company to implement
Do Not Track, we've been at the heart of conversations surrounding how to
develop the most user-friendly standard. However, we have yet to see a
single standard emerge that is effective, easy to use and has been adopted
by the broader tech industry."

When users click the Do Not Track setting in their browser, an HTTP header
is sent to websites to state the user's preference not to be tracked.

"While some third parties have committed to honor Do Not Track, many more
have not," the project website states. "In February 2012, the major online
advertising trade groups pledged at the White House to support Do Not Track
by year-end; that promise remains unfulfilled.  Efforts to standardize Do
Not Track in the World Wide Web Consortium have resulted in deadlock,
despite frequent urging by American and European policymakers." ...



Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 07:58:20 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Android-based Pwn Phone is prepared to do evil for your network's
 own good (Sean Gallagher)

Sean Gallagher, Ars Technica, 5 May 2014
Hands on: Pwnie Express takes Ars through its new Android phone for white
hat hackers.

Mobile technology has made it possible for people to do an amazing amount
with tablets and smartphones within the workplace-including hacking the
living daylights out of the corporate network and other people's
devices. Pwnie Express is preparing to release a tool that will do just
that. Its Pwn Phone aims to help IT departments and security professionals
quickly get a handle on how vulnerable their networks are in an instant. All
someone needs to do is walk around the office with a smartphone.

Pwnie Express' Kevin Reilly gave Ars a personal walk-through of the latest
Pwn Phone, the second generation of the company's mobile penetration testing
platform. While the 2012 first-generation Pwn Phone was based on the Nokia
N900 and its Maemo 5 Linux-based operating system, the new phone is based on
LG Nexus 5 phone hardware. However, it doesn't exactly use Google's vanilla
Android. ...



Date: Tue, 06 May 2014 09:33:42 -0700
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: Internet of Things: The ghosts that haunt the machine
  (Tom Brewster)

Tom Brewster, BBC, 14 April 2014
A new age of connected machines will improve our lives in many ways.
But one downside could be our devices overburden broadband and open
up homes to hackers.


Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 09:32:34 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: US to start testing universal Internet IDs to combat fraud

  "But the government hopes this universal ID can replace people's logins
  for various places on the Internet in the future. Obviously, not everyone
  will be thrilled by this development; after all, we're now very much aware
  of the NSA's love for snooping. Plus, it's risky using just a single
  log-in for various services like banking and social security. If you're
  one of those people, then cross your fingers and hope that NSTIC's
  completely voluntary, like what the government promised during the
  project's inception."  (Engadget via NNSquad_

I ripped apart NSTIC when it was announced. And given events since then,
anyone who willingly participates in this is -- to use the vernacular -- an


Date: Wed, 07 May 2014 09:31:35 -0700
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: "The new KB 2919355 Windows 8.1 Update causes more problems
  than it fixes" (Woody Leonhard)

Woody Leonhard,| InfoWorld, 6 May 2014
Early runs of yesterday's patch are not encouraging: not only does it
fail to work in many instances, but it also brings up a handful of new errors


Date: Mon, 05 May 2014 22:00:24 -0700
From: "Bob Gezelter" <gezelter () rlgsc com>
Subject: Extensive U-2 Flight Plan Overtaxes ATC Computers; Shuts Down LAX for
 Hours (Re: RISKS-27.88)

Apparently, detailed flight plans can be too detailed. Reportedly, the
numerous way points on a U-2's flight plan were responsible for the problem
that shut down LAX for half a day this past Wednesday. Apparently, the path
prediction software did not deal well with the numerous way points.  It
would appear that the specifications did not match the real-world
requirements.  The CNN report can be found at:
- Bob Gezelter, http://www.rlgsc.com


Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 11:21:24 -0400
From: "Scott Miller" <SMiller () unimin com>
Subject: Re: U-2 Fries Air Traffic Control Computers, Shuts Down LAX (R 27 88)

I think you will find that the remaining U2s are assigned to the 9th
Reconnaissance Wing at Beale AFB near Yuba City. My best guess is that the
glitch will turn out to be related to altitude, i.e., that the software
failed to filter out objects at altitudes significantly greater than those
used by commercial traffic, but also misinterpreted the 60,000 ft altitude
of the U2 as presenting a collision hazard with aircraft at much lower
altitudes. Fortunately, I very much doubt that ERAM or any other FAA system
feeds into a Launch Control Center network. Some data may feed other Fed
networks. If the system is changed to ignore very high altitude traffic, and
Google drones operate at beyond that ceiling, that may not be a problem. I'd
be more concerned about such things as the Amazon delivery drones. A 20 to
100 lb. drone in or near commercial airspace _could_ pose a hazard. What
logic is required to determine that a specific drone does not? I suppose a
transponder requirement for drones could help, but imho would not eliminate
the hazard. Complete avoidance of controlled airspace may not be practical
due to range limitations.


Date: Tue, 06 May 2014 11:36:58 +0100
From: Martyn Thomas <martyn () thomas-associates co uk>
Subject: Re: U-2 Fries Air Traffic Control Computers, Shuts Down LAX (R 27 88)

Is there any estimate of what this incident cost?

What was the underlying fault?

Would it have been cheaper for the software developers to use
development methods that gave high assurance that this class of fault
could not exist or that it could not lead to a system failure?

I hope someone does this analysis and publishes a report. It's one way
that an engineering profession can learn from mistakes.


Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 21:08:08 -0400
From: Leonard Finegold <L () drexel edu>
Subject: Re: The risks of garbage collection delays (Baker, RISKS-27.88)

I recall that the epidemic was already declining when the handle was
removed. Curiously the wiki reference given by Henry says this: Although
this action has been popularly reported as ending the outbreak, the epidemic
may have already been in rapid decline, as explained by Snow himself: There
is no doubt that the mortality was much diminished, as I said before, by the
flight of the population, which commenced soon after the outbreak.

Thus have well-designed experiments been frustrated by Nature.  I pictured
Snow & Whitehead trudging thru the streets, talking to each household.


Date: Tue, 06 May 2014 09:55:18 -0500
From: Dimitri Maziuk <dmaziuk () bmrb wisc edu>
Subject: Re: The risks of garbage collection delays (Baker, RISKS-27.88)

Perhaps the modern equivalent of that pump handle is "gcc".  Gcc may have to
be forceably removed from programmers' cold, dead hands in order to get them
to program in safer languages.

But we don't like LISP!




Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 23:21:53 +0100
From: Glynn Clements <glynn () gclements plus com>
Subject: Re: The risks of garbage collection delays (Kohne, RISKS-27.88)

Reference counting cannot correctly handle circular references. One can end
up with disconnected subgraphs where each node has a non-zero reference
count but the entire subgraph is unreachable.

This isn't an issue for objects which do not contain references (e.g.
strings), or where the objects form a hierarchy such that any object can
only contain references to objects lower down the hierarchy.

Glynn Clements <glynn () gclements plus com>


Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 20:20:16 -0900
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 27.89

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