Politech: by author

42 messages starting Sep 10 05 and ending Sep 30 05
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Declan McCullagh

Member of DHS committee asks for comment on privacy "framework" [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 30)
Did Able Danger spot Mohammed Atta through face recognition tech? Declan McCullagh (Sep 28)
Replies to ADL's Brian Marcus on hate speech, censorship, and tolerance [fs] Declan McCullagh (Sep 27)
Wiretaps on the way! FCC sets vague Net-deadline of early 2007 [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 27)
Ethan Ackerman on forcible DNA extraction from Americans by ALL cops for ANY reason, including immigrants [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 26)
Reply to reply on Judge Roberts and electronic privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 26)
ADL's Brian Marcus replies to Politech over hate crimes, Net-censorship [fs] Declan McCullagh (Sep 26)
Another view: Geeks not being targeted as "terrorists" after all [fs] Declan McCullagh (Sep 26)
Anti-Defamation League criticized for efforts to "curb" online speech it doesn't like [fs] Declan McCullagh (Sep 26)
White House supports forcible DNA extraction from Americans by cops [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 26)
A scandal brews over purported DHS TV project by Hollywood producer Declan McCullagh (Sep 26)
Are geeks being targeted as "terrorists?" [fs] Declan McCullagh (Sep 26)
What impact will the Real ID Act have? An MIT discussion [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 23)
Once again, the Feds want to make "temporary" security restrictions permanent [econ] Declan McCullagh (Sep 23)
European Commission proposes ordering Internet providers to store 6 months of data [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 22)
Feds won't use commercial databases for Secure Flight screening program [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 22)
Request: Check your cell phone to see if it's always transmitting your location [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 21)
Reply to EPIC letter questioning Roberts' views on electronic privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 21)
Cops scheme to frame journalist who criticized photo radar program [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 21)
Senate asked to delay, don't rush to approve broadcast flag [ip] Declan McCullagh (Sep 20)
Judge John Roberts' views on electronic privacy: should we be worried? Declan McCullagh (Sep 20)
How the Bush administration is eroding Posse Comitatus [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 20)
ICANN delays vote on .xxx top-level domain [fs] Declan McCullagh (Sep 20)
In China, U.S. tech companies face free speech choices [fs] Declan McCullagh (Sep 20)
Net-porn conference convened in Amsterdam for Sept 30 [fs] Declan McCullagh (Sep 16)
Adam Thierer on how draft Communications Act bill is hyper-regulatory and just plain wrong [econ] Declan McCullagh (Sep 16)
World privacy commissioners call for U.N. privacy principles [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 16)
New report on electronic voting released by National Academies [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 16)
Judge denies Feds' cell-phone tracking request, in first case of its kind [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 13)
Canada's Do-Not-Hesitate-To-Call List, from Michael Geist [fs] Declan McCullagh (Sep 13)
Microsoft, Katrina, and more on American Red Cross asks for tech-help [econ] Declan McCullagh (Sep 13)
More on DNA database of anyone detained (not arrested) by cops [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 13)
Update on Marquette's participation in BSA's "Define the Line" program Declan McCullagh (Sep 13)
Microsoft is hardly alone: more on anti-phishing tools and privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 13)
IP address typo leads to a false arrest in Kansas [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 13)
Microsoft anti-phishing tool sends Microsoft a list of sites visited [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 10)
Dutch Internet providers say "no" to data retention proposals [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 10)
American Red Cross asks for tech help after Hurricane Katrina [econ] Declan McCullagh (Sep 10)
Kazaa loses copyright case in Australia, some analysis [ip] Declan McCullagh (Sep 10)
Federal DNA database of anyone detained by police advances in Senate [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 10)
Not just in Canada: Laws criminalizing "hacking tools" [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 10)
Hospitals demo-hacked -- over 1.2 million patient records retrieved [priv] Declan McCullagh (Sep 10)