Politech: by date

77 messages starting Feb 28 05 and ending Mar 30 05
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Wednesday, 30 March

Why McCain Feingold law "compels" the FEC to limit political speech online [fs] Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 29 March

Weekly column: Why campaign finance "reformers" are squirming over blog regulation [fs] Declan McCullagh
Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Grokster case [ip] Declan McCullagh
Joel Reidenberg on Internet borders and getting sued in other countries [econ] Declan McCullagh
Nude photos on cell phones lure cops; always encrypt everything [priv] Declan McCullagh
Little-known U.S. law penalizes fake info on domain name registrations [priv] Declan McCullagh
FBI reportedly visits Alabama activist over post to "Cannabis Culture" website Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 24 March

N.C. government workers complain about horrific, outrageous cuts in their Solitaire playing [econ] Declan McCullagh
Bloggers narrowly dodged federal crackdown this week [fs] Declan McCullagh
Ask government for public records, get sued [fs] Declan McCullagh
Replies to new national ID card argument; "omits some key facts" Declan McCullagh
John Gilmore on national ID cards and freedoms of assembly, travel [priv] Declan McCullagh
Canada edges toward DMCA; anti-circumvention rules on the prowl [ip] Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 23 March

A critical look at new bank "security breach" requirements [priv] Declan McCullagh
New national ID argument: Let's support half of one so we don't get the whole thing [priv] Declan McCullagh
FEC releases Internet rules: bloggers can relax? [fs] Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 22 March

Jon Weinberg on bloggers and I-Visa perils [fs] Declan McCullagh
Update on FEC Internet regulation: vote on Thursday [fs] Declan McCullagh

Monday, 21 March

Maine Supreme Court requires Internet provider to reveal email sender [priv] Declan McCullagh
Why bloggers don't want to be journalists: the dreaded I-Visa [fs] Declan McCullagh
Handheld license plate scanners a new fad: Brinworld is here [priv] Declan McCullagh
U.S. PIRG's Ed Mierzwinski on "model" state ID theft, privacy laws [priv] Declan McCullagh
Weekly column: Is it time for the federal e-rate program to die? [econ] Declan McCullagh
Dan Solove, Eric Grimm debate privacy laws with Cato's Jim Harper [priv] Declan McCullagh
North Carolina college censors student newspaper; request for help [fs] Declan McCullagh

Friday, 18 March

Websense on Foxnews.com blocking: blames it on the database [fs] Declan McCullagh
Don't say "blogger" to U.S. Immigration -- or else [fs] Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 17 March

Orrin Hatch's new job: Senate copyright czar [ip] Declan McCullagh
Museum Security News Net-libel case may finally be over [fs] Declan McCullagh
Anti-drug attorney's critique of police using "drug dogs" to invade privacy [priv[ Declan McCullagh
More on Sen. Stevens wanting to extend indecency rules to cable, satellite, Net [fs] Declan McCullagh
Cato's Jim Harper replies to Solove-Hoofnagle privacy regulation proposal [priv] Declan McCullagh
Computers Freedom and Privacy conference in Seattle from Apr 12-15 [priv] Declan McCullagh
Websense reportedly blocks Foxnews.com (but not CNN) as "advocacy" group [fs] Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 15 March

TSA adds teenagers to prohibited items list (satire) [priv] Declan McCullagh
Transcript of Sen. Stevens' remarks on Internet "indecency" laws [fs] Declan McCullagh
Senator wants "indecency" laws extended to broadband, VoIP [fs] Declan McCullagh

Friday, 11 March

Stanford talk on Mar. 14: customized Web sites that protect privacy [priv] Declan McCullagh
Beijing spars with Dalai Lama via email trojans [fs] Declan McCullagh
Request for critique: a 16-point plan for privacy regulation [priv] Declan McCullagh
Four critiques of FEC's forthcoming Internet regulations [fs] Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 10 March

Reason article looks at campaign finance history, warns of blog crackdown [fs] Declan McCullagh
"My life as an RIAA defendant," by Nick Mamatas [ip] Declan McCullagh
Andy Sullivan: "The Internet is Changing Everything" [ip] Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 09 March

Canadian security firms express concern about DMCA being exported up north [ip] Declan McCullagh
McCain, Feingold defend campaign finance law, tell bloggers not to worry [fs] Declan McCullagh
Reporters Without Borders says ThinkSecret should receive press protection [fs] Declan McCullagh
"Hollywood Hacking Bill" author named Dem. liaison to entertainment industry [ip] Declan McCullagh
David Brin on transparency, sousveillance and reciprocal accountability [priv] Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 08 March

Bloggers, chill out, says Democratic FEC commissioner [fs] Declan McCullagh
More on teachers being videotaped, and where to find video [fs] Declan McCullagh

Monday, 07 March

Weekly column: bloggers remain second-class citizens, legally speaking [fs] Declan McCullagh
Human rights group starts campaign to support imprisoned Iranian bloggers [fs] Declan McCullagh
XS4ALL sues Dutch government for costs of wiretapping [priv] Declan McCullagh
A correspondent's tongue-in-cheek report from Apple hearing [fs] Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 03 March

FEC Commissioner warns of coming blogging crackdown [fs] Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 02 March

Cops covertly acquired tissue of BTK suspect's relative -- from medical lab [priv] Declan McCullagh
Teacher recorded mistreating child; school bans videophones [fs] Declan McCullagh
Airport lockers, fingerprints, and privacy -- more details, questions [priv] Declan McCullagh
Get your "free" credit report, but be wary of scams [econ] Declan McCullagh
Not Free-As-In-FOIA: $203, 436 for Social Security Admin. to disgorge files [fs] Declan McCullagh
It's good to undelete: Floppy disk led to arrest in BTK killings [priv] Declan McCullagh
Replies to Ernst Zundel's deportment, some differing views [fs] Declan McCullagh

Tuesday, 01 March

Some airport lockers now require fingerprints? [priv] Declan McCullagh
More on indecency rules extended to cable, satellite, Net [fs] Declan McCullagh
Canada deports Ernst Zundel to Germany after trial with secret evidence [fs] Declan McCullagh
"Indecency" rules must apply to cable, satellite, senator insists [fs] Declan McCullagh
Reporters Without Borders condemns "repressive" nations at U.N. Net-summit [fs] Declan McCullagh
World Bank report questions size of "digital divide" [econ] Declan McCullagh
"The Concealed I" anonymity conference Mar 4-5 at Univ. of Ottawa [priv] Declan McCullagh
Indecent FCC Watch: Private Ryan, Angel, Arrested Development OK'd [fs] Declan McCullagh

Monday, 28 February

Update on John Gilmore's freedom-to-travel suit, from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [fs] Declan McCullagh
Weekly column: Proposed laws target online dating services [econ] Declan McCullagh
WashPost's page one story praises sharing music files, lawsuits to follow? [ip] Declan McCullagh
Iran jails blogger Arash Sigarchi for 14 years [fs] Declan McCullagh
Politech web site changes, RSS and Atom feeds now up-to-date Declan McCullagh
Drew Clark on "Spectrum Wars" in National Journal [econ] Declan McCullagh