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FC: Weekly column: I'll miss Rep. Dick Armey

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:18:36 -0500


   Perspective: Privacy advocates lose an ally
   By Declan McCullagh
   October 28, 2002, 10:00 AM PT

   WASHINGTON--I'm going to miss Dick Armey, the crusty Texas Republican
   and House majority leader who is retiring after 17 years in Congress.

   No, I won't miss his repeated attempts to outlaw electronic vice. An
   unapologetic social conservative, Armey voted to restrict online sales
   of alcohol, prohibit Internet gambling and restrict the sale of
   violent videogames to minors.

   Still, Armey emerged as one of the finest champions of privacy in
   Washington, and his departure means that the House leadership will no
   longer include anyone attuned to the perils of electronic snooping.

   As second-in-command in the GOP's congressional leadership, Armey has
   been in a perfect position to block hideous proposals while
   shepherding better ones toward floor votes.


   Unlike many of his colleagues, Armey understands a key difference
   between corporate privacy invaders and government ones: Governments
   have far more power and are far more threatening. Don't like a
   company's privacy policy? Shop somewhere else. Just try saying that to
   City Hall or the Internal Revenue Service.

   "The big difference between the private sector and the government is
   that government transactions either are, or are perceived to be,
   mandatory," Armey said. "The private sector never has the ability to
   coerce you into doing something."


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