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FC: More on Dr. Laura, the 1st Amendment, and the Internet

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 09:14:31 -0500

From: "Jeff Schult" <jeff () tftb com>
To: <declan () well com>
Subject: Re: Dr. Laura on the 1st Amendment and the Internet (she doesn't like them)
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 10:03:59 -0500
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600

Hi Declan,

I was a judge in that contest.

For my comments; a transcript of Dr. Laura's statements; AG Richard
Blumenthal's comments; the original winning essay by Sara Miller; and reader
comments, see:


Jeff Schult
Senior Developer, Web Editor, SNET Internet
jschult () snet net

Reply-To: "Leo Smith" <barter () ntplx net>
From: "Leo Smith" <barter () ntplx net>
To: <declan () well com>
Subject: Re: Dr. Laura on the 1st Amendment and the Internet (she doesn't like them)
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 09:29:47 -0800
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6700

Here's a twist...isn't StopDrLaura.com arguing against Dr. Laura's
FA Free Speech right to criticize the 14 year old for exercising her FA

Leo Smith

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 10:53:57 -0500
To: declan () well com
From: John Aravosis <john () wiredstrategies com>
Subject: BETTER VERSION - More on Dr. Laura's attack on Internet Free
  Speech/young girl

These are the original sources for the brewing controversy over Dr. Laura Schlessinger's having "savaged" (per this week's Newsweek) an 8th grader for writing an essay defending free speech on the Internet. Below you'll find the little girl's original essay (that won first place in the contest sponsored by the CT attorney general last fall), Dr. Laura's comments attacking the girl on the air by name, the CT attorney general's blistering letter to Ms. Schlessinger, and some news stories on the incident.

1. The Award-Winning Essay

Should There Be Laws Restricting What Is On The Internet?
First place: Sara Miller, Henry James School, Simsbury
Ever since the Internet became a part of everyday life for thousands of people across America, there has been huge controversy surrounding it. Whether or not there should be laws restricting the Internet is one of the main disputes. When the Communications Decency Act, a bill restricting the Internet, was passed in Congress it was taken to the Supreme Court to be tested by the law. The Supreme Court deemed the CDA unconstitutional and declared it null and void. I agree fully with the Supreme Court's decision. Restricting the Internet directly violates the First Amendment of the American citizens of the United States. The Internet is another form of freedom of speech and press and should be treated no differently then any other written material. Every adult holds his own set of moral values and should have the freedom to restrict himself and not have other's values forced upon them.....

[click the hyperlink above to see the entire essay]

2. Dr. Laura's Attack on the 8th grader and her essay (partial transcript)

Partial Transcript, Dr. Laura, Oct. 25, 1999
Transcribed from the October 25, 1999 Dr. Laura Schlessinger show. The accuracy of this transcription is not guaranteed, please refer to the original for authoritative quotes. "I'm Dr. Laura Schlessinger, and I have one question. One serious question. What in the hell is going on in Connecticut?" "This was sent to me by Lynn in Branford, Connecticut. I'm just going to read you the highlights of this news story." ....
        ....If this were my daughter, I'd probably put her up for adoption."
...."The curtailing of individual desires for the sake of others and community is what separates us from animals and evil. And poor Sara doesn't get it. So if she make her marriage vows and it's her husband's value to stay there but to have sex with everything that walks by, let's see if she thinks this philosophy works" ....HELLO, SARA! All laws are moral judgments. Like the one that says I shouldn't kidnap you.

[click the hyperlink above to see the entire transcript]

3. CT Attorney General's letter chastizing Dr. Laura's attack on the girl

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's Letter to Dr. Laura
November 3, 1999
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
c/o Premere Radio Networks
15260 Ventura Boulevard
Suite 500
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Dear Dr. Schlessinger:
I heard your recent radio broadcast excoriating Sara Miller, a 14-year old girl from Henry James Middle School in Simsbury; for her first-place essay in the Law Day Essay Contest sponsored by my office last spring. Your attack on Miss Miller and the essay contest was extraordinarily misinformed, unfair and harmful..... Quite simply, your attack on Sara Miller was appalling. Her first sentence reflected more care and insight than your entire diatribe.....

[click the hyperlink above to see the entire letter]

4. News stories on the incident.

Dr. Laura Could Use A Few Facts By AMY PAGNOZZI (This column ran in The Hartford Courant on November 9, 1999) Sometimes the trailer's so good you know there's no way a movie could live up to it. Dr. Laura Schlessinger runs the biggest talk radio show in the history of the medium. She knows how to spot gold and she knows when the best doesn't get better. This time it was in the press release from the Connecticut attorney general's office naming the state's annual Law Day essay contest winners. It was all she could ask for, contained in a single paragraph from 14-year-old Sara Miller's first- prize-winning essay against censorship of the Internet. ...

[click the hyperlink above to see the entire article]

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 21:02:46 -0600
To: declan () well com
From: David McElroy <David () McElroy net>
Subject: Re: FC: Dr. Laura on the 1st Amendment and the Internet (she
 doesn't   like them)

Did I get this right? People who are trying their hardest to silence Laura
Schlessinger are taking her to task for insufficient support of a person's
right to say what he or she pleases? Are we in Orwellian territory here?

I can't stand Schlessinger. She's an arrogant, rude bigot. But the idiots
who want to shut her up -- because they don't agree with her -- are no
better. Why don't they devote their efforts to making the case for their
ideas and beliefs in the marketplace, just as the rude "doctor" is? If
right-wing groups were trying to get a company to take someone off the air
because of his political or moral agenda, these same people would be
yelling, "censorship." Why's it different when the shoe is on the other

I find both sides in this goofy debate equally reprehensible.

David McElroy

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 23:10 +0000 (GMT)
From: avedon () cix compulink co uk (Avedon Carol)
Subject: Re: FC: Dr. Laura on the 1st Amendment and the Internet (she doesn't
To: declan () well com
Cc: avedon () cix compulink co uk

In-Reply-To: < () mail well com>

Oh, c'mon!

 I think it's _wonderful_ to have a fruitcake like this on the air.
Instead of demanding she be removed, people should be demanding that a
sane person be given the air-time immediately following her show, to
review her comments.

Sounds like Dr. Loonie's ploy worked:  "So how do you like your free
speech now?"  Answer:  "Oh, no, free speech doesn't extend to _that_!"

Let her babble.  Then talk back.

Feminists Against Censorship

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 17:01:17 -0500
To: declan () well com
From: Jonathan Gewirtz <nqn () ix netcom com>
Subject: Re: FC: Dr. Laura on the 1st Amendment and the Internet (she
  doesn't  like them)

Schlessinger is ignorant about some things, knowledgeable about others, has
strong opinions with which many people disagree. So what? She does not hide
her biases or force anyone to listen. She is successful because a lot of
people agree with her. It is certainly appropriate for those who disagree to
use the many forums they dominate to persuade her followers of the errors of
their views. It is not appropriate, but is certainly ironic, that some of
those same critics use demagogic attacks and out-of-context quotes in an
attempt to deny her a forum, while ranting piously about tolerance and the
evils of censorship.

To: declan () well com
Subject: RE: Dr. Laura on the 1st Amendment and the Internet (she doesn't
        like them)
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 10:43:19 -0500


Is your reposting of this statement meant to indicate that you agree with
efforts to bully Paramount?  It seems like "tolerance" has been redefined to
mean that people are not allowed to criticize anyone who engages in any kind
of behavior that deviates from traditional norms, but people ARE allowed to
criticize anyone who holds to those norms, or advocates others holding to
those norms.

For myself, I can't listen to Dr. Laura for more than a few minutes at a
time, any more than I can listen to Howard Stern--they make me cringe.  But
I'm happy to have Dr. Laura out guarding that frontier.  If there's going to
be someone on TV telling children they shouldn't be having sex before
marriage, telling adults they shouldn't get divorced, and telling people in
general that the heterosexual lifestyle is more likely to lead to happiness
and fulfillment than the homosexual lifestyle, I don't have a problem with
that.  I suspect the real reason the gay rights groups are going after Dr.
Laura is because they don't want anyone with a public podium to talk about
"heterosexualizing" therapies available to gays.

Somehow we in this country have extended a monopoly on self-definition to
minority interest groups.  And if someone challenges the spin, i.e. the
origin of homosexual tendencies in individuals, that person is demonized.
The challenger is even demonized if he or she presents scientific data
contesting the spin, as occurred several years ago when a post-mortem survey
of male brains showed differences in heterosexuals vs. homosexuals.

Please withhold my name if you use this--I'm not interested in getting
flamed over this crap.  I don't honestly know why you posted it in the first
place, as it seems outside the scope of your normal coverage.

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