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Re: Oracle SQL Injection vulnerability

From: "Zed Qyves" <zqyves.spamtrap () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 10:32:00 +0200


first things first...
1) The SELECT query doesn't seem to be the one you are injecting since
there exist single quotes rather than not as I suspected in the
previous email. I am assuming that txtUser.Text is the value you are
2) You could be failing because the cmd.ExecuteScalar() is returning
NULL that cant be converted to CInt. However I would expect to be
getting an ASP.NET error rather than Oracle error in that situation.
3) How do you know that the previous query fires ok?
cmd.ExecuteScalar() is the actual execution of the query. do you have
any idea from the error messages as to what is cmd pointing to at this
4)For Oracle to be complaining you are most likely to be inserting
something rather than selecting. maybe there is an active sessions
table that your data is reposted  maybe some other reason... have a
look at the whole page exchange from a logon via an inline proxy. most
likely what you put as a username is stored in a session object and is
used subsequently, if you are lucky it is the cookie that it stores it
in (for pen testers laughing yes in 2007 Anno Domini cookies are still
used in web apps to make decisions)

now moving to the exploitation part... try the following replacing
USERSTABLENAME with the one you know exists...
usernamefield: ||(select max(id) from USERSTABLENAME)||
passwordfield: ||(select password from USERSTABLENAME where id=(select
max(id) from USERSTABLENAME))||


usernamefield: '||(select max(id) from USERSTABLENAME)||'
passwordfield:  '||(select password from USERSTABLENAME where
id=(select max(id) from USERSTABLENAME))||'

let us know how it goes...

In a more general note I would suggest using a valid number in
username field and injecting the password field with:
anything' or 'd'='d'--
anything' or 'd'='d


On Nov 21, 2007 3:56 AM, Attari Attari <c70n3 () yahoo co in> wrote:
Hey Zed,

You hit the bulls eye.

Now I gave 123 OR 1=1-- as the injection in username
field.. I don't get the same error on a previous line
but a new error further down the code which says:

"ORA-01722: invalid number"

Looks like the query earlier is:

txtUser.Text & "' and PASSWORD =  '"...

Now this query is fired fine. But the execution breaks
in the next line that says (yes error's are not

If CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) > 0

Suggestions what's going wrong here?

Thanks a ton guys.

 --- Zed Qyves <zqyves.spamtrap () gmail com> wrote:

Wild guess but can the username be numeric only
rather than
alphanumeric as everyone expects? People often
misconceive that the
username field as alpha while it may very well not
be ...That would
explain why you are still getting the "ORA-01756:
quoted string not
properly terminated" even when you appear to
terminating correctly.
what if you input "123 or 1=1--" (strip ") in the
username field?



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ἁλωτόν, ἐκφεύγειν δὲ
Οιδίπους Τύρρανος [110]

In this our land, so said he, those who seek  Shall
find; unsought, we
lose it utterly.
Oedipus Rex [110]


      Bring your gang together - do your thing. Go to

ἐν τῇδ᾽ ἔφασκε γῇ· τὸ δὲ ζητούμενον
ἁλωτόν, ἐκφεύγειν δὲ τἀμελούμενον.
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In this our land, so said he, those who seek  Shall find; unsought, we
lose it utterly.
Oedipus Rex [110]

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