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Re: Recommendations for a Linux tool-writing approach?

From: Jason Drury <druryjason () yahoo com>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 04:59:13 -0800 (PST)

You shouldn't do this in Bash. Out of Python, Ruby, and Perl which do you know best? As Jamil stated, most people do 
their GUIs via a web framework these days. If you know Python, check out Flask (simpler) or Django (more complicated, 
but also more powerful). If Ruby, check out Ruby on Rails. If Perl check out Mojolicious. Just be aware learning these 
frameworks is often just as time consuming, if not more, then learning the underlying language itself that is why I 
recommend sticking with the language you already know and not trying to learn both a web framework and the underlying 
language it is written in. It will be a significant time investment. If you want to keep it a bit simpler, you can 
write a native GUI app in Tk, all three scripting languages support it.


On Wednesday, December 4, 2013 7:54 AM, Frank Michael <frankcmichael () gmail com> wrote:
Excellent response Robin. I know you just helped me with a few ideas and I didn't even ask the question.



On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:58 AM, Robin Wood <robin () digininja org> wrote:

On 30 November 2013 13:43, Glen Roberts <glenroberts () me com> wrote:
Any recommendations for a Linux tool-writing approach? I am more of a
scripting guy than a programmer but I want to take it to the next level.

For context, I need to write a few SANS gold papers for the Masters program
and want to author some
 Linux tools related to the papers I write (subjects
to be determined). I’m looking at this as an opportunity to improve my
intermediate Linux skills while also adding some programming skills. I’m
thinking of going with straight-up bash and maybe use some Python, Ruby or
Perl but I would love to get some ideas from some of you experts before
diving in. It would be great to learn how to make a UI that can run various
back-end scripts.

I've got a bit of experience here so hope this helps....

There are a few reasons I write tools:

To automate an existing manual process - Wifi Honey came from a video
that Vivek did on SecurityTube where he talked about setting
 up a wifi
honeypot but did it all by hand. All I did here was to automate that

To improve an existing automated process - CeWL is based on a set of
one line bash scripts that I saw on PaulDotCom. I took the idea and
fleshed it out into a larger app.

New ideas - These are fairly rare but I have had a few, Pat To Pass
and PassPat were both ideas I had for ways to analyse passwords.

So I'd suggest looking around at what you and your colleagues do and
see if you can find something that can either be automated or
improved. Pick something in an area you are interested in even if you
know nothing about it. Don't pick something in an area just because
other people think it is cool, if you don't enjoy the subject you
won't do a good job on it.

The tool can be iterative in its releases, the first version may only
have fixed options and do just a single job but then you can flesh it
out in the next few versions. If you think you might do this put a bit
more effort into v1 so that it can be extended, or, make v1 just a
throw away proof of concept so you don't mind when you bin all the
code and just take the ideas into v2.

For the GUI, I'd pick an existing tool and add a GUI onto that rather
than trying to write a tool and a GUI in one. The second approach will
leave you trying to learn GUI writing stuff on top of the tool and
you'll probably do half a job of both. Pick a tool that has a bunch of
command line options and give people an easy way to select them. If
you went for nmap for example, have macro buttons so with one click
you could do "-PN -p 21,22,80,139,445". That would save a little bit
of effort on the user's part. I like it when the GUI shows what the
command line that they are going to run will be, it means I can use
the GUI to learn how to use the CLI version.

Hope that helps.


Thanks in advance for your help.

Glen Roberts, CISSP
glenroberts () me com

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