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Anti-forensic tools

From: rd at (Ralph Durkee)
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 05:31:20 -0400

Whoops, just occurred to me that previous cmd wasn't quiet right as the 
windows shell picks up dd as part of the loop and invokes it each time, 
which means the output device is closed and re-opened.  Needs to add 
some parens like so...

(for /L %I IN (1,0,2) DO @type lemonparty.jpg ) | dd if=- of=\\.\f: bs=512

Ralph Durkee wrote:
The following simple loop should do it.

for /L %I IN (1,0,2) DO @type lemonparty.jpg  | dd if=- of=\\.\f: bs=512


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