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Ideas For Tech Segments?

From: paul at (Paul Asadoorian)
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 07:07:10 -0400

Typically things like encryption are not the failure points, yet people
have the idea that quantum encryption will revolutionize security. 

I was teaching a firewall class once and someone asked, "Once quantum
encryption becomes mainstream, will we still need firewalls?" :)

reality its very rarely the encryption that gets broken (unless
implemented horribly), instead it tends to be the handshake.

More often its the password or passphrase thats the weakest link. You
could have some seriously strong encryption, say PGP, but its all
protected by the possession of a file and a password.  Successful pen
tests are almost always hinged on the possession of credentials.

That being said, this idea is the best I've seen:
"I think the most awesome thing would be a spoof of a "Dirty Jobs"
episode where you and Larry go dumpster diving. (Bonus points for: 1.
Doing it while under the influence. 2. Dressed like hobos)" - Chris Merkel

I will dig out my hobo outfit for Larry to wear :)

All good stuff!


Paul Asadoorian
PaulDotCom Enterprises
Phone: 401.829.9552

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